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‘RISE and shine.’

Katrina heard the words, lifted her head and groaned, then rolled onto her stomach and buried her head beneath the pillow.

‘It’s the middle of the night,’ she protested in a muffled voice.

‘Nine o’clock,’ Nicos informed her with amusement. ‘You get to have breakfast in bed, then we’re driving into the Blue Mountains for a picnic.’

She wasn’t sure which surprised her the most…breakfast in bed, or— ‘A picnic?’ she queried as she removed the pillow and turned to look at him. ‘Are you mad?’ It might be spring, but it was still cool. And several degrees cooler in the mountains comprising the Great Dividing Range.

The mattress depressed as he sank into it, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, toast, and…was that bacon?

Orange juice, too. She levered her body into a sitting position and bunched a pillow behind her back.

‘This is decadent,’ Katrina began as she plucked a glass of juice from the tray and took half the contents in one long swallow. She cast him a suspicious glance. ‘What do you want?’

He swung long legs onto the bed, copied her action with the pillow, then began to do justice to a plate of eggs, bacon and toast. ‘I couldn’t prepare breakfast and serve it in bed out of the goodness of my heart?’

He had already showered and dressed, and she silently cursed him for appearing so refreshed and vital at this hour of the morning, while she felt like something the cat had dragged in. Hair a riotous tumble, naked, and needing, she admitted silently, at least another hour’s sleep.

‘No,’ Katrina declared with stunning succinctness.

‘You malign me. I remember a few occasions when I brought you breakfast in bed.’

‘Yes,’ she agreed. ‘Except you were contriving to keep me in bed, not persuade me to get out of it.’

‘I thought we could get away for the day, take in the scenery, pick up some lunch, and have a break.’

She finished the juice, and forked some bacon into her mouth. Was it possible to maintain light-hearted camaraderie? To cast aside lingering animosity and—uppermost—attempt to dismiss Georgia for a day?

‘No phones, no interruptions, no pressures,’ he continued.

‘We each have a cellphone,’ she reminded him cynically.

‘So, we have any calls go to message-bank.’

‘It’ll be cold in the mountains.’

‘I could be persuaded to change my mind if you prefer to stay in bed.’

‘A picnic sounds great,’ she capitulated with alacrity, and heard his amused chuckle.

What was the alternative? A repeat of last Sunday? Or did she contact a friend and organise time spent exploring The Rocks with its many craft shops and food stalls? Maybe arrange time on the court at a private tennis club? Or did she bury herself in work on the laptop?

There were many choices, none of which held much appeal.

Besides, an entire day spent in Nicos’s company could help put their enforced relationship in perspective.

What perspective? Katrina mentally derided as she showered, then dressed in jeans and a rib-knit top.

It was nine days since she’d moved back into his home, and already she was sharing the same room, the same bed. Despite her voiced avowal to the contrary.

So what did that say about her? That she was weak-willed and malleable? Or merely enjoying the fringe benefits of their relationship?

Neither was true, she dismissed, as she pulled on socks and slid her feet into trainers.

There was a part of her that wanted to block out the turmoil Georgia’s reappearance had caused. The woman’s timing was masterful. Contrived to destroy any chance of what she perceived could lead to a genuine reconciliation?

Was that Georgia’s aim?

Dear heaven. Was the woman desperate enough to resort to deliberate subterfuge?

Katrina didn’t like the way various scenarios were swirling through her brain, and she resolutely put them on hold as she slung a sweater over her shoulders and knotted the sleeves together in front.

She intended to seize the day, and enjoy it as best she could…without introspection or censure.

Nicos took the Great Western Highway to Katoomba, passing through various small towns which often seemed to merge. There they picked up filled rolls, fruit, bottled water, and drove on through precipitous valleys, taking a turn-off leading to a picturesque waterfall where they stopped to have lunch.

Nicos took a rug from the car and spread it on the grassy verge. They sank down comfortably, and began eating in companionable silence.

It was cool, much cooler than Sydney, the peace and tranquillity a direct contrast to city living. It was possible to almost hear the silence beyond the soft rush of water spilling down the rock face.

The isolation was complete, and it wasn’t difficult to imagine another time when life was reduced to carving out an existence, rising with the dawn to take from the day as much as humanly possible.

The evolution of man had advanced into the twenty-first century, but the beauty of nature abounded, often stark, frequently simple…a pertinent reminder of a primitive power.

Katrina finished her ham and salad roll, and bit into an apple.

‘Thanks,’ she said quietly.

‘For bringing you here?’

‘Yes.’ She could feel the tension of the past few weeks begin to ease, and a sense of peace invade her being. The city seemed far distant, as did the stress of everyday living, Enrique’s demands…Georgia. Even her aggression with Nicos temporarily ceased to exist.

He capped his bottled water, and stretched out. His jeans were a soft denim that moulded his legs and clung lovingly to his hips. A thick sweater covered his polo shirt, accentuating his breadth of shoulder, the depth of his chest.

Katrina finished her apple, then rose to her feet, only to have Nicos capture her hand.

‘There’s no rush.’ He tugged her down beside him. ‘Rest for a while.’

She was tired, and perhaps if she closed her eyes for half an hour…

‘Time to leave. It’s going to rain very soon.’

She opened her eyes, saw the overcast sky, registered the rug draped over her incumbent form, and stood to her feet. ‘What time is it?’

Much later than she thought. She’d slept for more than an hour.

A light, misty rain could be seen shrouding the ranges, and soon after Nicos set the car in motion rain began splattering the windscreen. The green foliage took on a dark blueish-green tinge, and once they’d traversed the mountain and reached the valley below the mist cleared and there was sunshine.

For some reason Katrina felt reluctant to have the day end and return home.

‘How do you feel about strolling round The Rocks and eating pizza alfresco?’ he asked.

She turned towards him as they entered the city fringes. ‘Done,’ she agreed with an impish smile.

It became a pleasurable few hours as they examined the many craft and novelty shops, the restaurants and outdoor cafés abounding at the popular Rocks area, topped by the best pizza she’d ever tasted washed down with a glass of wine and followed by strong, sweet black coffee.

There was a sense of anticipation, an expectancy of how the evening would end as Nicos garaged the car, and Katrina entered the house at his side, then ascended the stairs to their room.

By tacit agreement they showered together, taking their time then, both towelled dry, Nicos led her to the bed, tumbling her down onto it with him. A husky chuckle emerged from his throat as she rolled on top of him.

Tonight was his, to pleasure and gift him the ultimate in sensual arousal. His skin tasted of soap and male muskiness as she trailed her lips from the edge of his mouth down the column of his neck, laving each nipple before travelling low…to tantalise the most vulnerable part of his anatomy with her lips, tracing his shaft with the tip of her tongue, and rendering a trail of soft kisses from groin to its acutely sensitive tip.

Nicos’s groan urged her on to take an even greater liberty, and she embarked on a sensual tasting that drove him almost to the edge of control.

Then it was she who cried out as he returned the favour, lingering until she went wild and begged his possession.

Long afterwards they lay together, limbs tangled, her head pillowed against the curve of his shoulder as he buried his lips in her hair.

It was late morning before Katrina checked her voice-mail for messages: Siobhan, suggesting lunch one day through the week; Enrique, demanding she return his call urgently, followed by a second call with a similar request; Harry, who waxed eloquently about soft furnishings and request he discuss them with her over lunch the next day; and messages from two friends suggesting lunch.

She returned each of them, then got on with the day. Allocating, delegating, deferring, with an efficiency that had earned Kevin’s respect. Estimates had been faxed through regarding her plans for the Melbourne site, and she tended to those, checking details and figures with close scrutiny.

For once she managed to leave the office at five, although there appeared little advantage as she sat stationary in stalled traffic, a delay which meant she didn’t reach Point Piper until almost six.

Consequently there wasn’t time for the leisurely shower she’d planned, and choosing something to wear to dinner and the ballet didn’t permit much deliberation.

A bias-cut gown in three layered lengths of red, cyclamen and pink…colours which should have been at variance with her auburn hair, but contrarily complimented it.

Make-up complete, she caught up an evening purse and emerged to find Nicos waiting for her, looking his attractive best in a dark evening suit, white shirt and black bow tie.

The mere sight of him sent a jolt of sensual electricity through her body, and his slow smile made her ache for his touch.

Dinner was a hurried meal eaten at a Double Bay restaurant, and they waived a starter, settled on a main course, and declined dessert in order to reach the theatre before the first act began.

Swan Lake was a graceful, classical style, the music hauntingly beautiful as the dancers completed their practised moves to a level of breathtaking perfection.

One act followed another, each performed with superb artistry, and Katrina experienced a sense of disappointment when the curtain came down at the close of the final act.

Clearing the theatre and reaching their car took a while, and afterwards Nicos drove to Double Bay where they lingered over lattes and watched the social set at play.

Katrina mused that she and Nicos had sat at this particular sidewalk café during their brief courtship, and after their marriage.

It had been a favoured way to end an evening out. Almost as if they were deliberately lengthening the anticipation of what was to come. All it used to take was a look, Nicos would settle the bill, and together they’d stroll hand-in-hand to the car. Lovemaking had been a delight, for their shared intimacy had been borne out of love, rarely lust…although she’d exulted in the occasions Nicos had barely held onto control.

‘Pleasant thoughts?’

Nicos’s voice intruded, and she cast him a solemn glance. ‘Varied,’ she responded succinctly, and watched the edges of his mouth curve into a warm smile.

‘Shall we leave?’

It was close to midnight when they arrived home, and Katrina made little protest as Nicos undressed her, then took her into his arms.

Their lovemaking was slow, almost gentle, and afterwards she curled in against him and slept until morning.

Nicos had already left when Katrina woke, and she showered, dressed, then ate a light breakfast before driving into the city office of Macbride.

She booted up the computer and got to work, frowning with vexation as the phone provided a constant interruption to the data she was intent on checking.

Consequently when it rang again she automatically reached for the receiver and intoned her usual businesslike greeting.

‘We should do lunch.’

Katrina heard the words, recognised her stepbrother’s voice, and cut straight to the chase. ‘There would be no point in it,’ she refuted evenly. ‘Besides, I have an appointment to lunch with a colleague.’ A slight stretch of the truth, and one Harry would adore.

‘I have some interesting information regarding Nicos,’ Enrique revealed.

‘Which you’ll divulge for a price?’

‘You know me well.’

Too well. ‘If I wanted an account of Nicos’s movements, I’d hire a private detective.’

‘Why hire a professional when you have me, darling,’ he responded smoothly.

‘Goodbye, Enrique,’ she concluded with resignation.

‘Nicos is in Brisbane with Georgia.’

Did a heart stop beating, then race into overdrive? She was willing to swear hers did. Nicos had said nothing at breakfast about flying interstate. Nor had he intimated he’d be late home for dinner.

‘Ring his office, if you don’t believe me.’

‘I don’t have time for this.’

‘But you’re curious.’

Curious was too tame for what she was feeling right now. Angry came close.

‘You have my cellphone number,’ Enrique taunted.

She ended the call, and endeavoured to focus her attention on a compilation of figures on the computer screen.

It didn’t work. Her concentration was shot, and after making a third mistake she pressed the save key and dialled Nicos’s private line, only to hear a recorded message refer the caller to his cellphone.

Which could, Katrina rationalised, simply mean that he was in an important meeting or out of the office.

With an effort she returned her attention to the work at hand, only to redial the number half an hour later and receive the same response.

Dammit, this was ridiculous. Phone him, then get on with the day!

Nicos answered on the second ring, and his caller ID negated the need for verbal identification.

‘Katrina. Something wrong?’

Considering she never rang him, it was a reasonable assumption.

‘Enrique is negotiating information,’ she said without preamble.

‘And you opted to go straight to the source.’

His voice was a cynical drawl that sent a shivery sensation slithering the length of her spine.


‘I took the late morning flight to Brisbane with my lawyer to personally expedite certain legal matters.’

Her stomach tightened painfully. ‘With Georgia.’ She didn’t even voice it as a query.


Had she expected him to lie to her? ‘Thank you for the clarification,’ she said with icy politeness, and cut the connection.

Seconds later the phone rang, and she refused to answer.

With cold-hearted determination she finished the day’s work, cleared her desk, caught up her laptop, and left the office ahead of her usual time, amazed that she felt so calm.

Katrina took her car up to street level, then headed towards Double Bay and checked into the Ritz-Carlton hotel.

One night alone wouldn’t contravene the terms of Kevin’s will, she concluded as she glanced around the luxuriously fitted suite. There was everything at her fingertips. She could work from her laptop, order in a meal, and screen any incoming calls on her cellphone.

There was a certain pleasure in calculating the time it would take Nicos to arrive home and discover her absence. How long before he made the first call? Seven o’clock?

Fifteen minutes past, Katrina saw with a degree of satisfaction. She’d changed out of her clothes, phoned her mother, taken a shower, donned the hotel’s courtesy bathrobe, and had eaten a light meal delivered by room service.

She ignored the insistent peal before the call switched to message-bank. His voice when she played it back was curt and controlled.

Half an hour later he called again, and this time there was a degree of anger evident.

By now he would have rung her apartment, and probably Siobhan, who on strict instructions from her daughter, would deny any knowledge of Katrina’s whereabouts.

At what point would he give up?

Not easily, she determined, as she checked the digital screen on her cellphone before taking a call from her mother.

‘Darling,’ Siobhan chided gently. ‘This is most unwise of you.’

‘A temporary lack in wisdom isn’t that big a deal,’ Katrina assured her, and heard her mother’s sigh.

‘Nicos doesn’t know where you are, and you’re not answering your phone.’ There was a brief pause. ‘At least let him know you’re safe.’

Siobhan had a point. ‘If he rings again,’ she agreed in capitulation.

‘He isn’t a man with whom any sensible woman plays games,’ her mother warned.

‘I’m not feeling particularly sensible right now.’

‘Take care, Katrina.’

As an exit line it held connotations she didn’t want to examine, and for the first time in several hours she felt the first prickle of unease.

Something that seemed to magnify when her cellphone pealed fifteen minutes later.


She activated the call, and forced her voice to remain cool, steady, as she relayed, ‘I’m fine. I’ll be home tomorrow night.’ And cut the connection.

When it rang again, she didn’t answer.

She attempted work on her laptop, then gave it up after a frustrating half hour, opting instead to check the television programs.

Choosing an in-house movie, she adjusted the pillows and slid into bed.

The stark realism of the action theme suited her mood, and superb acting added another dimension, capturing her attention almost to the exclusion of all else.

The sudden double knock on the door startled her, and she banked down a momentary stab of fear.

Then common sense overrode apprehension. This was a first-class hotel with tight security.

The assurance didn’t do much for her composure, and she crossed to the door, checked the safety latch was in place, and demanded identification.

‘Room service, ma’am.’

Katrina opened the door a crack to see a uniformed waiter bearing a tray. ‘I didn’t order anything.’

‘As you didn’t use the dining room this evening, ma’am, complimentary evening tea is provided.’

She welcomed the service. ‘Just a moment.’ It only took seconds to release the latch, then pull open the door.

Big mistake. Nicos materialised behind the waiter, looming like a dark angel bent on castigation.

It was too late to slam the door. One glance at Nicos’s expression was enough to realise he wouldn’t allow something as simple as a locked door stand in his way. He’d bribed the hotel staff to organise a waiter to deliver tea. To have a porter, or even the hotel manager, request entry for one valid reason or another wouldn’t present much of a problem.

The waiter, undoubtedly au fait with almost any situation, didn’t so much as blink as he entered the suite and placed the tray on a table before retreating with decorous speed.

Katrina waited until the door closed behind him before turning towards Nicos.

‘What in hell do you think you’re doing here?’

Her face was scrubbed free of make-up, her hair a mass of curls tumbling to her shoulders, and her eyes were sparking green fury.

The complimentary towelling robe was too big, too long, and looked incongruous on her slender, petite frame.

Given another occasion, he might have been amused. Now, he was treading a fine line between anger and rage.

He advanced into the room, and stood regarding her with ruthless appraisal. ‘I might ask you the same question.’

His voice was quiet, controlled, and much too dangerous for her peace of mind.

‘I wanted a night alone,’ Katrina qualified.

‘Let’s take this home, shall we?’

‘I’m not going anywhere.’

Nicos didn’t move, but she felt his presence had suddenly become an ominous threat.

‘We can do this in a civilised manner. Or I can carry you kicking and screaming down to the car.’

Her hands closed into fists. ‘You wouldn’t dare.’

‘Try me.’

‘I’ll call hotel security.’

He indicated the phone resting on the bedside pedestal. ‘Go ahead.’


‘Five minutes, Katrina. Change into your clothes or remain as you are. The choice is yours.’


‘It’s not open to negotiation.’

She swore, and saw one eyebrow lift as speculative amusement temporarily overrode anger.

‘Four and a half minutes…and counting,’ he relayed coolly.

He could count as much as he wanted, but she had no intention of moving an inch.

They faced each other, like two opposing warriors bent on conquest. Who would win was a foregone conclusion. He had the height and the strength to overcome her with minimum effort.

Which he did, when the time was up. Gathering up her laptop and bag, he collected her business suit, shoes, and flimsy underwear in one hand, then he hauled her over one shoulder as if she weighed little more than a child.

It didn’t prevent her from balling her fists against his back, nor attempting to kick any part of his anatomy where she could connect.

‘You fiend! Put me down!’

He turned towards the door, and she hit him again for good measure. ‘If you dare to walk out of here like this, I’ll kill you,’ Katrina vented furiously.

‘You had your chance to leave with dignity.’

Dear heaven. ‘Nicos—’

Except it was too late.

Please God, don’t let anyone be in the corridor, or the lift.

The corridor was empty, but the lift was not.

‘Oh, my,’ a feminine voice said quietly, while the man at her side spared a faint chuckle.

‘He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing,’ Katrina accused vehemently, landing a hard fist against Nicos’s ribs for good measure.

Was there no end to her humiliation?

‘Some wolf. Some fantasy.’

Did she detect envy in the woman’s tone?

The lift slid to a gentle halt, and Katrina was carried unceremoniously to where Nicos had parked the Mercedes.

‘I have my own car.’

‘You imagine I’ll let you drive it?’ He released the alarm and opened the passenger door. ‘I’ll arrange to have it picked up in the morning.’

‘I’ll need it to go to work.’

He tossed her clothes onto the back seat along with her bag, then placed the laptop on the floor before sliding her down onto the cushioned leather.

‘So, I’ll drive you.’ He released the seat belt and leaned over her to clip it in place. Then he closed the door and crossed round to slip in behind the wheel.

‘You’re the most arrogant, impossible man I’ve ever met!’

He fired the engine, then speared her a dark glance. ‘Save the name-calling until we get home and I can deal with it.’

Katrina retreated into silence, and didn’t offer a word when Nicos drew the car to a halt in the garage.

With considerable dignity she exited the front seat, collected her gear, and strode into the house ahead of him.

Savoir-faire was difficult, given the towelling bathrobe’s hem trailed the floor, the folded-back sleeves had long become unfolded and hung down past her fingertips, and the cross-over front edges were in danger of parting. As to the waist tie…forget it!

She discarded the laptop on one of the wall tables in the lobby, aware Nicos was right behind her.

‘Let’s take it in the lounge, shall we?’

Katrina halted mid-step, and turned to face him. ‘What’s wrong with right here?’ She dropped her bag, placed her clothes down beside it, then tugged the edges of the robe into place, and fastened the tie belt.

She resembled a belligerent child playing dressing up, he mused, fighting a need to verbally flay her for giving him a few of the worst hours in his life.

‘Suppose you explain why you hung up on me, refused to take my calls, didn’t bother leaving a message, weren’t home, and left me to conduct a wild-goose chase in order to track you down?’

A hand lifted and she began counting off each query in turn with an angry indignance that grew by the second.

‘It should be self-explanatory! You declined to tell me you were flying to Brisbane, presumably with the express purpose of seeing Georgia and your son.’ Her eyes glittered with fury. ‘I had to be informed of it by Enrique…a fact you confirmed. How do you think I felt?’

‘So you decided to run away.’

‘I did not run away!’

‘What else would you call booking into a hotel and leaving me no word of where you were?’

‘Dammit, I was so angry, I wanted to hit you!’ she cried, wanting to rail her fists against him. For hurting her afresh.

‘If you’d taken one of my calls—’

‘You could have explained?’


Her chin tilted. ‘Told me what you thought I wanted to hear?’

‘The truth.’

‘Which is?’

‘Months of legal dialogue are about to reach a conclusion.’ His eyes darkened measurably. ‘Georgia won a reprieve during her pregnancy against DNA testing to prove paternity. With the birth, that reprieve has been negated.’ Frustration became evident, and he banked it down. ‘There was a delay in the results being given to my legal representative. Today’s meeting between both lawyers was an effort to expedite the release of that information.’ He waited a beat. ‘I went along in the hope of adding some weight to legal argument.’

‘And were you successful?’

‘It may take a few more days.’

‘At the time you asked me to believe Georgia was a psychotic whose jealousy got so out of hand she became pregnant by someone else and named you as the father in a deliberate attempt to break up our marriage,’ Katrina relayed, vividly recalling the photos, dates, that Georgia had presented as proof of her affair with Nicos. ‘I didn’t buy that story at the time…’ she took a deep breath and let it out slowly ‘…any more than I buy it now.’

‘Your trust in me is heart-warming.’

All the anger and pain rose to the surface. ‘Damn you, Nicos. She was your mistress for more than a year!’

‘A relationship that was over long before I met you.’ He paused, his gaze lancing hers. ‘If, as she claims, she was the love of my life…why did I marry you?’

‘My prospective inheritance?’

His eyes darkened with glittering rage, and for one brief second she thought he might strike her. A muscle tensed at the edge of his jaw as he sought control.

‘Get out of my sight before I do something regrettable,’ Nicos demanded in a tight bitter voice that caused her stomach to knot with apprehension.

For a heart-stopping second she hesitated, and he ground out, ‘Go. Or, by the living God, you’ll wish you’d never been born.’

Katrina remained where she was. It was a matter of strength. Hers. Mentally, emotionally. And she refused to slink away from him in fear.

‘Fool,’ he said with chilling softness.

In one swift movement he lifted her over one shoulder and strode upstairs. Restrained violence emanated from his taut frame, and his hands were hard on her soft flesh as he released her unceremoniously down onto the large bed they shared.

He discarded his jacket, tore off his tie, and she watched in mesmerised fascination as his shoes and trousers followed. Then his shirt, and lastly his briefs.

A naked, gloriously aroused male, slim-hipped, superb musculature, he resembled a powerful force as he followed her down onto the bed.

His hands reached for her robe and dragged the edges apart, then he lowered his head and feasted on her breasts in a manner that caused her to whimper as he crossed the line between pleasure and pain.

There were no preliminaries as he took her in one powerful thrust, and she cried out as he plunged deep, then withdrew to plunge even deeper. Repeating the action again and again.

This…this was an annihilation, a primitive, no-holds-barred mating that spared no thought to seduction or pleasure. Only the need to slake a raw, barbarous hunger.

He roused in her a matching anger, and she reared up and sank her teeth into the muscle surrounding one male nipple…and heard his husky growl: his revenge was merciless, and she was repaying it in kind.

It was her only victory as he straddled her and pushed her arms above her head. Helpless, powerless, she tossed her head from side to side as he held her captive and branded her his own.

With each grazing bite, her muscles tightened around him, the spasms increasing in intensity until they merged as one.

It was more than she could bear, and she began to plead, then beg, willing him to stop. He did, emptying himself into her in a shuddering climax, then in one fluid movement he rolled onto his back, taking her with him.

She wanted to disengage and scramble to the outer edge of the bed, except he pulled her down against him and held her close.

His breathing was equally rapid as her own, and she lay still, her eyes closed against the sight of him, her mind blanking out the ravaged, almost savage, sex.

Nicos held her throughout the night, and when she thought he slept she slowly shifted her body, only to have him anchor her in close against him.

The Helen Bianchin Collection

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