Читать книгу Luke's Ride - Helen DePrima - Страница 3
ОглавлениеLuke let out a soft wolf whistle.
“Dang, girl! Why do you keep that handsome mane bundled up like an old-maid schoolmarm?”
Katie tried to gather her hair back into some order and finally settled for pulling it to hang through the back of the cap.
“My husband didn’t like me to wear it loose,” she replied. “Too casual, he said. He wanted me to cut it to look more polished.” Reflexively she rubbed the third finger on her left hand.
“Your husband sounds like a damn fool. Sorry, but that’s how it looks to me. I’m glad you stood your ground.”
“Me, too, not that it matters now.”
“Sure it does—it matters to you.” He studied her. “So...you ran away from home?”