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We have been blessed by a state of grace. This book is a journey that represents over one hundred years of marriage, and (none of your business) years of living. It has brought us to innumerable moments of insight and wisdom, and has rewarded us with countless friendships, along with being trusted with experiences of people who have walked the difficult road that we have walked. We respect—and within these pages—pay honor to you all.

In the most personal sense . . .

HELEN R. MYERS: After over fifty books, I’ve tried to keep up with my gratitude to those who have enriched my life and made my professional world so much easier to navigate. Since this unasked for fork in the road, I’d especially like to salute intrepid Leslie King for her diligent and resourceful handling of my online presence through the years. I treasure you and your friendship. And for being there 24/7 to dog sit, lend an ear, help me move, etc., since life turned upside down, special love to Dolores and “Dead Eye” James Dugger.

MADELEINE JUNE FOSTER: For four years, I have travelled a different and new road in life, navigating a journey I couldn’t have managed without the support of my dear family and many friends. I can never name all of the ways you have helped me, but I pray that you grasp my sincere thanks and love. To my children and grandchildren—Kim and Bruce Gatlin, Jeff and Kristi Foster, Tucker, Caleb, Tyler, Madilynn, and Zachary—thank you all for the love and for holding my hand along this path that we’ve taken together.

MARY GAIL REED: I would like to thank my children: Robin and Steven Simmons, Laura and Clint Calvert, Keely and Bryan Sheets, and Michael and Meredith Reed. And I cannot forgo citing my sweet grandchildren: Blakeley and Brooks Briscoe, Sarah Grace Simmons, Evagail, Morris, and Reed Calvert, Thomas, Brylan, and Keegan Sheets, and Emmersyn and Easton Reed. You have not only been my ballast, you have been beyond encouraging. Know that you fill my heart with joy and laughter. I love you all so much.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,

what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what

you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body,

more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not

sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father

feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

—Matthew 6:25-26


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