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Ed and I set up the water conservation client with coffee and presented our campaign overview. One hour later we waved him off at the door. Once the lift doors closed, Ed and I looked at each other and grinned.

'Love your work,' Ed said.

'Love your work too, babe,' I fired back. We had just scored another six-month contract launching the same project into another region. It was time to invoice! Of course the downside was that we would be busy again, but better that than sitting around wondering if we should start marketing ourselves.

I left Ed to continue on the Memories of Summer campaign and sent Dom a text. He had been full of bravado that morning as I had known he would be. He was trying to re-establish his confidence and control after last night's performance. I tapped out a message: Have you booked a trailer for the move this weekend? Love Jx.

He wanted confirmation and I wanted him to have it. I was nervous about him moving in but I was also secretly excited. It would be great to come home to Dom at the end of the day.

I checked the office answering machine. There was a message from Melanie boasting she had information to share. I called Ren first. He was either a perfect gentleman or he had short term memory loss and had forgotten about Mel. We agreed to meet at the café near where his car was blown up. I rang Melanie.

'What took you so long to call me back?' she exploded.

'Work. You know how it is. Got to eat, pay the rent, keep Atlas in the lifestyle he's accustomed to. How did it go?'

'Good, really good,' Mel said in a slow drawl.

'That's great! So, will you see him again?'

'What? No, I don't mean it went well with Ren. He's okay, a bit slow, but all right if you don't have to talk too much. I meant my sleuthing went well. I think I may be good at this. When you're ready to take on a partner…'

That was the second offer I'd had in so many days. I'd barely had enough clients to call myself a private investigator!

'I'll bear it in mind,' I promised her. 'So, spill it!'

'Well for starters, he collects cars. He has several Mercedes, a Harley and a Ducati motorcycle. He also has this amazing collection of vinyl records and baseball memorabilia. Plus movie posters, many of them autographed.'

'Oh,' I said.

'What? Isn't that what you wanted to know?' Melanie sounded disappointed.

'Yes, but it's kind of useless information. I was hoping he collected something sinister, or priceless. Something that might encourage someone to blow him up. You know, like Picasso paintings or rare weapons.'

'Oh. Well, sorry. Anyway, I didn't notice anyone following us or anyone wanting to thump him. But we met so many people! Everyone knows him and they all seemed to like him. I think he's generous letting Vince stay with him, especially since he didn't have a kind word to say about Vince's girlfriend.'


'Well almost. He said he thought she was too good for Vince but then called her a ball-breaking tart. Lovely! But he wants her to take Vince back so he'll move out.'

'You did really well, Mel, thanks.'

'But nothing you can use?'

'It's all useable because it goes towards character.'

'Well that's a good thing!' Melanie sounded brighter.

'It is. Thanks Mel. I'm off to meet Ren now, so I'll catch you later for a drink?'

'Excellent. Text me.'

We hung up. I was getting apprehensive about investigating further. I needed to find who rang Ren just before the car went up, then confiscate his phone. And I needed a bomb expert!


Ren dropped into the seat opposite me right on time. He was wearing his usual uniform. I still wore my suit from that morning's meeting. We were pretty mismatched. After we ordered, I gave him a brief update on whom I had spoken to and where I was going with his case. It was brief.

'How are you coping with Vince living with you?' I cut to the chase.

He shrugged.


'Do you think Vince will get back with his ex?'

'Hope not,' he said.


He thought about it.

'Well it would be good because then he'd move out.'

'Just before your car exploded, you answered a phone call. Do you remember?'

'Yeah, that's right,' he recalled.

'Do you remember who it was calling you?'

'No, I couldn't hear anyone on the line, so I told them to hold on. I went outside and boom! The car blew up.'

'Before you answered, did you look at the screen to see who was calling?'

He thought about it.

'I usually do, but I can't remember. Why?' Renzo asked.

'I'm trying to work out how the bomb was detonated.' I relayed Officer Abingdon's suggestions. 'So I really need to take your phone and have it checked.'

A look of dread appeared on his face. He stared at his phone like it was going to explode at any minute.

'You could keep the sim card, I guess, if you can't part with your phone number. But it's probably best you didn't open it at all.'

'It's all yours, I'm not touching it.' He edged it towards me. 'I've been using it all week!'

'It may not be the phone. I'm just covering all bases.'

'How will you find out?'

'A bomb expert.' I picked up the phone and Ren sighed.

'When will I get it back? But I don't want it unless it's safe to use.'

'Don't worry. I'll have it checked and get it back to you ASAP. Is this your only phone?'

'Yeah. But maybe I should get another.'

'You may not need to. Just give me a day. Divert the calls to your landline.' I gave the phone back to him and watched as Ren set up the diversion.

We finished our coffees and I asked random questions about his soccer team and friends. According to him, nothing unusual had happened since his car was bombed. I made some mental notes and tried to keep the meeting brief.

'I need you to put some thought into who might have called you that morning,' I said. 'I know you said it was a bad line but did you hear anything at all?'

'Nothing,' Ren answered. 'I told them to hang on until I got out of the café.'

'May I?' I opened his phone.

Ren nodded, sitting back away from me.

I pressed the buttons on his phone with a bit of trepidation and went back through his calls. I looked for the date and time.

'You only received two calls that Sunday between 10 and 11 am. They were within seconds of each other. Do you remember talking with anyone?' I looked up at him.

'No.' I heard him catch his breath. 'Who were they from?'

'One blocked and one from Vince.'

Death By Sugar

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