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This story is indeed a work of fiction and for anything I have got wrong regarding forensics or police it is entirely my doing and I have to admit I have used my creative license to sometimes bend the truth a little. I would also like to state for the record that this book was plotted and my first draft written before I even applied to work for Cumbria Constabulary and therefore any similarities between my characters and colleagues are entirely by coincidence. None of the characters are based on any of the police officers or staff that I work with. On the other hand, however, I’m open to suggestions for my next book!

I would like to say a huge thank you to the Romantic Novelists Association and their New Writers Scheme. To Jan Jones for setting up a meeting with my editor, the lovely Anna Baggaley. To Anna for taking a chance and believing in me. To the wonderful team at HQ Digital for everything. To the amazing Jayne Jakeman, who runs our local writing group and has spent so much time nurturing and showing me the error of my ways, and, of course, my amazing Roose Writers who are such a talented, supportive bunch: Joan, Cathy, Anne, Pip, Luke, Jaz and Eddie your turn next. And not forgetting Claire at Roose library for the support and supply of coffee. I would also like to thank my writing friend Bernadette O’Dwyer for all her wonderful support and, of course, my fellow blog members at TheWriteRomantics, you are all amazing.

A huge thank you goes to my friend John for allowing me to pick his brains concerning anything and everything. Caroline Kendall for being my very first reader and not telling me to find another hobby. My friends, colleagues and fellow PCSOs, especially Sam, Tracy, Tina and the late Cathy, who I miss so much, for their endless inspiration and laughter. Liz Gaskell for her graphic explanation of a post mortem. My brother Mark, his wife Christine and family for buying the most amazing house which inspired this book: I’m really sorry and I hope I haven’t put you off living there.

Last but not least my mam and dad for always being there, my husband Steve for his support and belief in me, and my children Jessica, Joshua, Jerusha, Jaimea and Jeorgia for putting up with the microwave meals and unwashed towels – your mum loves you – really xx

The Ghost House

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