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Baba grandmother, older woman
blat influence, connections, networking
blini pancake
borsch beet soup
da yes
defitstny deficit goods
doróga road, path, way
do svidaniya till we meet again
górod city, town
gospodin lord, master; gentleman; equivalent to Sir or Mr.
knout heavy whip
lyuks luxury
nichevo nothing; don’t let it bother you
nyet no
po blay by connections (i.e. networking)
po dusham heart-to-heart
pojalsta please
póle field, ground
sabaka dog
spasibo thank you
spekulyanty speculators
stukachi informer
ti mne i ya tebe you for me and me for you
vzyatka “the take”
zakurski hors d’oeuvres
Final Stand

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