Читать книгу The Viva Mayr Diet - Helena Frith Powell - Страница 44

Don’t forget your fibre


Fibre is an essential part of your diet, as it acts like a broom in the digestive system, clearing out the debris and moving the food along. Better digestion can prevent putrificaction in the gut, and it can also ensure that toxins don’t hang around for ages, where they can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestines. What’s more, fibre ensures that digestion occurs at the right speed, giving the body time to absorb the nutrients from our food. Where do you find fibre? In whole, fresh foods, such as vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Nuts and seeds will provide you with some fibre as well. You’ll be getting plenty on the Viva Mayr Diet.

Many of us do not get enough fibre in our diets because we choose refined foods over the wholegrain alternatives. White bread and pasta, for example, will contain very little fibre, whereas wholegrain bread has lots. White bread is what Dr Stossier calls ‘empty food’, devoid or low in nutrients and not much use to our bodies.

‘It is insane that people will eat white bread and then take a fibre supplement,’ he says, getting almost angry. I am really beginning to see why he is nicknamed the ‘friendly werewolf’. He definitely has a wolf-like quality. I am thankful it’s not a full moon as he continues his tirade. ‘Why not just eat some brown bread and get the job done?’

Furthermore, make sure you choose wholemeal cereals, wholemeal noodles and pasta, muesli, oats and so forth, whenever possible.

The Viva Mayr Diet

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