Читать книгу Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life - Helena Paterson - Страница 46



In a Greek creation myth, Uranus was a sky god said to have been created by Gaia, who represented Mother Earth. In the beginning of this creation myth, however, Earth did not exist; it was a shapeless mass ruled by Chaos and his wife Nyx or Night. These two primitive divinities in time were dethroned by their two children Aether (light) and Hemera (day). They decided to create a world of great beauty and summoned their child, Eros (love), and between them they created Pontus (sea) and Gaia (Earth). There are several versions of this creation myth, but Gaia and Uranus eventually reigned supreme until their children, the Titans, displaced them.

These constant displacements symbolize the changing social structures of the Greeks and new ideas that meant new gods. In early times all ancient people applied their own expression of feelings or fear to the name of a god, and Uranus as a god of the sky, with its ever-changing aspects, came to denote fickle actions and inconsistent behaviour. But through his mythical genealogy Uranus was more than just a sky god, he had inherited the elements of Chaos as well as light and darkness. The Uranus myth also has a feminine counterpart, a daughter of Zeus called Urania, one of the nine sister goddesses associated with astronomy, mathematical instruments and a love of exact sciences. She also represents a time when the arts and sciences were not seen as separate or competing schools of thought. You may therefore be equally drawn to the arts, if the symbolic influences of Urania are active in your life.

Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life

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