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You have the highly sensitive nature of the Seahorse that is both intuitive and adaptable to change. You also have a basic duality of character that shows an artistic temperament, which can become surprisingly pragmatic or realistic. This side of your nature has greater depth and strength like all Water signs, whose surface emotions can appear to others as weaknesses, especially to people who think you are a soft touch. They have wrongly assumed that what they see is what you are, when in fact you have the ability to create a powerful illusion – which is really an inbuilt survival instinct like all sea creatures dodging larger predators. There are, however, occasions when you can become hooked by being too gullible or trusting and some people will take advantage of your kindness and willingness to help. This can be particularly disastrous in money matters.

You have the ability to constantly renew yourself by creating new images and the druids believed that people born at this time of year were related to their ancient gods, who were a race of enchanters and highly skilled in all the arts and sciences – particularly in the arts. Some of you may be haunted by past ghosts or painful experiences because you are inclined to push such things below the surface. This can make you something of a recluse or give you a liking for solitude. But you will always emerge after periods of reflection much stronger and able to refocus on your direction in life.

Many of you have a deep spiritual faith that may not be linked to orthodox religions, but it helps to guide you through any oppressive life experiences. There is also a powerful inclination to step back from face-to-face confrontations and find an alternative route. It has been said of Pisceans that they are born with a desire to see the good in all humanity, but they will also experience at first hand the bad or corrupt influences, which can shatter their illusions and pollute their sensitive nature. If this is the case, for some, it will encourage a form of escapism which can lead to alcohol or drug abuse. Water signs generally need to be very careful in the amount of alcohol they consume because it can open up a dimension of the Neptunian world called Chaos, which says it all.

Ash signs and Pisceans come in all shapes and sizes, and most will have exceptionally expressive and beautiful eyes like the large translucent eyes of the Seahorse that appear to change colour with the light. They are also inclined to look after their feet because it is a part of their body that can suffer from walking on land. According to Celtic mythology you are really mermaids and mermen who have only recently shed your tails in terms of human evolution.

You should be naturally attracted to the sea and maritime careers, but your compassionate nature may also draw you into the medical or caring professions – perhaps as a ship’s doctor or nurse? Your ability for creative imagery suggests professional hypnotists, photographers and illusionists. The artistic side of your nature can be well directed in acting, painting, dancing, music and writing poetry. For those of you who are more spiritually inclined, a religious vocation may beckon.

Some famous people born under your sign are Michelangelo, Chopin, Rudolf Nureyev and Elizabeth Taylor. Though all of these people may have inherited exceptional talents, they also perfected their artistic skills to the highest levels. This character feature is found in the Piscean polarity sign of Virgo and the Hazel Tree sign, the opposite sign of the Ash. This will be fully interpreted under ‘polarity signs’ further on. Elizabeth Taylor epitomizes all the glamorous qualities of this sign as well as the vulnerabilities and highly sensitive nature. Her eyes are said to be exquisitely beautiful and enchanting and, though she projects a fragile femininity, she is equally famous for her amazing toughness in surviving a series of life-threatening and mysterious illnesses. Her compassionate concern and resolute campaigning for AIDS victims at a time when few celebrities or politicians cared to become involved, reveals the highest form of humanity. Water signs generally are very prone to mysterious illnesses and often suffer adverse reactions to antibiotics or prescribed drugs of any kind.

Another highly motivated and compassionate Ash individual was Albert Einstein, the noted German physicist and Nobel Prize winner, who formulated the theory of relativity known as Einstein’s Law. This was a brilliant scientific discovery, but he famously declared that the solution came to him in a dream. He was also noted for his work for world peace and was a pragmatist, a dreamer and a great humanitarian. The druids believed that people born at this time of the year had powerful memories of previous lives and knowledge from a golden age when civilization had discovered the secrets of universal truths.

Some of you may have a fear of the sea or travelling over water. If this is the case you may be trying to shut out past memories that you find disturbing and it can also be linked to problems in personal relationships. All Water signs have a high emotional level, but some are better than others at keeping their feet firmly planted on the ground. The sign of the Ash Tree symbolized by the Seahorse is part land creature and part fish. The symbolism is more mysterious than the Piscean symbol of Two Fishes that remain in the water. Coming ashore is a way of saying that you have decided to hang up your flippers and face up to the reality of life with all its challenges and setbacks. The mythical Seahorse was equally at home on land and sea, while too many Pisceans choose to escape back into the watery realm when the going gets tough. Which one are you?

Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life

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