Читать книгу The Andreou Marriage Arrangement - HELEN BIANCHIN, Helen Bianchin - Страница 2
‘Yes or no, Alesha.’ His expression was unreadable, his eyes dark and unwavering as they regarded her.
ОглавлениеIt had to be yes. ‘I have no choice but to agree, subject to certain conditions.’
There was a strength apparent in her demeanour, a determination he could only admire, given she’d taken a king-hit about the true state of her father’s corporation.
‘Name them.’ His voice held a silkiness she chose to ignore.
‘I retain my position in Karsouli.’
Loukas inclined his head in agreement. ‘Naturally.’
Now for the cruncher. ‘A separate suite of rooms in whatever home we share.’
His gaze narrowed. ‘Your reason being…?’
‘A personal preference.’
He regarded her in silence for several timeless seconds. ‘The same bedroom, separate beds.’ He waited a beat. ‘Until you feel comfortable sharing mine.’