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She was dreaming, and she fought her way through the mists of sleep at the sound of her name.

The scene merged into reality. The location was right, so was the man who stood within touching distance.

It was the circumstances that were wrong.

She moved fluidly into a sitting position. ‘Is it that late?’ She swung her legs onto the ground and rose to her feet.

He looked impressive dressed in tailored trousers, pale blue cotton shirt, tie and jacket. She kept her eyes fixed on the knot of his tie. ‘I’ll go shower and change.’

He let her go, then followed her into the house. He crossed to the kitchen, extracted a cool drink from the refrigerator and popped the can, then he prowled around the large entertainment area, too restless to stand or sit in one place for long.

There were added touches he hadn’t noticed before. Extra cushions on the chairs and sofas, prints hanging on the walls. The lines were clean and muted, but the room had a comfortable feeling; it was a place where it would be possible to relax.

Carlo checked his watch, and saw that only five minutes had passed. It would take her at least another thirty to wash and dry her hair, dress and apply make-up.

Forty-five, he accorded when she re-entered the room.

The slip dress in soft shell-pink with a chiffon overlay and a wide lace border on the hemline heightened her lightly tanned skin, emphasised her dark blonde hair, and clever use of mascara and shadow deepened the smoky grey of her eyes.

She’d twisted her hair into a knot atop her head, and teased free a tendril that curled down to the edge of her jaw.

Aysha found it easy to return his gaze with a level one of her own. Not so easy was the ability to slow the sudden hammering of her heart as she drew close.

‘Shall we leave?’ Her voice was even, composed, and at total variance to the rapid beat of her pulse.

‘Before we do, there’s something I want you to read.’ Carlo reached for the flat manila envelope resting on the nearby table and handed it to her.

The warm and wonderful girl of a week ago no longer existed. Except in an acted portrayal in the presence of others.

Alone, the spontaneity was missing from her laughter, and her eyes were solemn in their regard. Absent too was the generous warmth in her smile.

The scene he’d initiated with Nina earlier in the day had been damaging, but he didn’t give a damn. The woman’s eagerness to accept his invitation to lunch had sickened him, and he hadn’t wasted any time informing her exactly what he planned to do should she ever cause Aysha a moment’s concern.

He’d gone to extraordinary lengths in an attempt to remove Aysha’s doubts. Now he needed to tell her, show her.

‘Read it, Aysha.’

‘Can’t it wait until later?’

He thrust a hand into a trouser pocket, and felt the tension twist inside his gut ‘No.’

There was a compelling quality evident in those dark eyes, and she glimpsed the tense muscle at the edge of his jaw.

She was familiar with every one of his features. The broad cheekbones, the crease that slashed each cheek, the wide-spaced large eyes that could melt her bones from just a glance. His mouth with its sensually moulded lips was to die for, and the firm jaw-line hinted at more than just strength of character.

‘Please. Just read it.’

Aysha turned the envelope over, and her fingers sought the flap, dealt with it, then slid out the contents.

The first was a single page, sworn and signed with a name she didn’t recognise. Identification of the witness required no qualification, for Samuel Sloane’s prominence among the city’s legal fraternity was legend.

Her eyes skimmed the print, then steadied into a slower pace as she took in the sworn affidavit testifying Nina di Salvo had engaged the photographic services of William Baker with specific instructions to capture Carlo Santangelo and herself in compromising positions, previously discussed and outlined, for the agreed sum of five hundred dollars per negative.

Aysha mentally added up the photographic prints Nina had shown her, and had her own suspicions confirmed. Carlo had been the target; Nina the arrow.

Her eyes swept up to meet his. ‘I didn’t think she’d go to these lengths.’

Carlo’s eyes hardened as he thought of Nina’s vitriolic behaviour. ‘It’s doubtful she’ll bother either of us again.’ He’d personally seen to it.

‘Damage control,’ Aysha declared, and saw his eyes darken with latent anger.


It was remarkable how a single word could have more impact than a dozen or so. ‘I see.’

She was beginning to. But there was still a way to go. ‘Read the second document.’

Aysha carefully slipped the affidavit to one side. There were several pages, each one scripted in legalese phrased to confuse rather than clarify. However, there was no doubt of Carlo’s instruction.

Any assets in whatever form, inherited from either parents’ estates, were to remain solely in her name for her sole use. At such future time, Carlo Santangelo would assume financial responsibility for Benini-Santangelo.

There was only one question. ‘Why?’

‘Because I love you.’

Aysha heard the words, and her whole body froze. The stillness in the room seemed to magnify until it became a tangible entity.

Somehow she managed to dredge up her voice, only to have it emerge as a sibilant whisper. ‘If this is a trick, you can turn around and walk out of here.’

Her eyes became stricken with an emotion she couldn’t hide, and his expression softened to something she would willingly give her life for.

He caught both her hands together with one hand, then lifted the other to capture her nape.

‘I love you. Love,’ he emphasised emotively. ‘The heart and soul that is you.’ He moved his thumb against the edge of her jaw, then slowly swept it up to encompass her cheekbone. His eyes deepened, and his voice lowered to an impassioned murmur. ‘I thought the love Bianca and I shared was irreplaceable. But I was wrong.’ He lowered his forehead down to rest against hers. ‘There was you. Always you. Affection, from the moment you were born. Respect, as you grew from child to woman. Admiration, for carving out your own future.’

His hands moved to her shoulders, then curved down her back to pull her close in against him.

It would be all too easy to lean in and lift her mouth to meet his. As she had in the past. This time she wanted sanity unclouded by emotion or passion.

Aysha lifted her hands to his chest and tried to put some distance between them. Without success. ‘I can’t think when you hold me.’

Those dark eyes above her own were so deeply expressive, she thought she might drown in them.

‘Is it so important that you think?’ he queried gently, and she swallowed compulsively.

‘Yes.’ She was conscious of every breath she took, every beat of her heart.

Carlo let his hands drop, and his features took on a quizzical warmth.

What she wanted, she hardly dared hope for, and she looked at him in silence as the seconds ticked by.

His smile completely disarmed her, and warmth seeped into her veins, heating and gathering force until it ran through her body.

‘You want it all, don’t you?’

Her mouth trembled as she fought to control her emotions. She was shaking, inwardly. Very soon, she’d become a trembling mass. ‘Yes.’

Carlo pushed both hands into his trouser pockets, and she was mesmerised by his mouth, the way it curved and showed the gleam of white teeth, the sensuous quirk she longed to touch.

‘I knew marriage between us could work. We come from the same background, we move in the same social circles, and share many interests. We had the foundation of friendship and affection to build on.’

The vertical crease slashed each cheek as he smiled, and his eyes... She felt as if she could drown in their depths.

‘In the beginning I was satisfied that it was enough. I didn’t expect to have those emotions develop into something more, much more.’

She had to ask. ‘And now?’

‘I need to be part of your life, to have you need me as much as I need you. As my wife, my friend, the other half of my soul.’ He released his hands and reached out to cup her face. ‘To love you, as you deserve to be loved. With all my heart. For the rest of my life.’

Aysha felt the ache of tears, and blinked rapidly to dispel them. At that precise moment she was incapable of uttering a word.

Did she realise how transparent she was? Intimacy was a powerful weapon, persuasive, invasive, and one he could use with very little effort. It would be so easy to lower his head, pull her close and let her feel what she did to him. His hands soothing her body, the possession of his mouth on hers...

He did none of those things.


He heard the single affirmative, and every muscle, every nerve relaxed. Nothing else mattered, except their love and the life they would share together. ‘No qualifications?’

She shook her head. ‘None.’

‘So sure,’ Carlo said huskily. He reached for her, enfolding her into the strength of his body as his mouth settled over hers. Gently at first, savouring, tasting, then with a passionate fervour as she lifted her arms and linked her hands together at his nape.

Aysha felt his body tremble as she absorbed the force of his kiss and met and matched the mating dance of his tongue as it explored and ravaged sensitive tissue.

His hands shaped and soothed as they sought each pleasure spot, stroking with infinite care as the fire ignited deep within and burst into flame.

It seemed an age before he lifted his head, and she could only stand there, supported by the strength of his arms.

‘Do you trust me?’

She heard the depth in his voice, sensed his seriousness, and raised her eyes to meet his. There was no question. ‘Yes,’ she said simply.

‘Then let’s go.’


‘Such docility,’ Carlo teased gently as he brushed his lips against one temple.

Aysha placed a hand either side of his head and tilted it down as she angled her mouth into his in a kiss that was all heat and passion.

His heart thudded into a quickened beat, and she felt a thrill of exhilaration at the sense of power, the feeling of control.

Carlo broke the contact with emotive reluctance. ‘The temptation to love you now, here, is difficult to resist.’

A mischievous smile curved her mouth. ‘But you’re going to.’

His hands slid to her shoulders and he gave her a gentle shake. ‘Believe it’s merely a raincheck, cara.’ He released her and took hold of her hand.

‘Are you going to tell me where we’re going?’

‘Someplace special.’

He led her outside, then turned to the side path leading to the rear of the grounds.

‘Here?’ Aysha queried in puzzlement, as they traversed the short set of steps leading down to the gazebo adjacent the pool area.

Lights sprang to life as if by magic, illuminating the gazebo and casting a reflected glow over the newly planted garden, the beautiful free-form pool.

Her eyes widened as she saw a man and two women standing in front of a small rectangular pedestal draped with a pristine white lace-edged cloth. Two thick candles displayed a thin flicker and a vaporous plume, and there was the scent of roses, beautiful white tight-petalled buds on slender stems.


Even as she voiced the query she saw the answer in those dark eyes, eloquent with emotive passion. And love.

‘This is for us,’ he said gently, curving an arm across the back of her waist as he pulled her into the curve of his body. ‘Saturday’s production will fulfil our parents’ and the guests’ expectations.’

She was melting inside, the warmth seeping through her body like molten wax, and she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

An hour ago she’d been curled up on a soft-cushioned sofa contemplating her shredded emotions.

‘OK?’ Carlo queried gently.

Her heart kicked in at a quickened beat, and she smiled. A slow, sweet smile that mirrored her inner radiance. ‘Yes.’

Introductions complete, Aysha solemnly took her position at Carlo’s side.

If the celebrant was surprised at the bride and groom’s attire, she gave no indication of it. Her manner appeared genuine, and the words she spoke held a wealth of meaning during the short service.

Carlo slipped a diamond-encrusted ring onto her finger, and Aysha slid a curved gold band onto his, listening in a haze of emotions as they were solemnly pronounced man and wife.

She lifted her mouth to meet his, and felt the warmth, the hint of restrained passion as he savoured the sweetness and took his fill.

Oh, my, this was about as close to heaven as it was possible to get, Aysha conceded as he reluctantly loosened his hold.

The heat was there, evident in the depth of his eyes, banked down beneath the surface. Desire, and promised ecstasy.

She cast him a witching smile, glimpsed the hunger and felt anticipation arrow through her body.

There was champagne chilling in an ice bucket, and Carlo loosened the cork, then filled each flute with slightly frothy sparkling liquid

The bubbles tingled her tastebuds and teased the back of her throat as she sipped the excellent vintage.

Each minute seemed like an eternity as she conversed with the celebrant and two witnesses, and accepted the toast.

With both official and social duties completed, the celebrant graciously took her leave, together with the couple who had witnessed the marriage.

Aysha stood in the circle of Carlo’s arms, and she leaned back against him, treasuring the closeness, the sheer joy attached to the moment.

Married. She could hardly believe it. There were so many questions she needed to ask. But not yet. There would be time later to work out the answers.

For now, she wanted to savour the moment.

Carlo’s lips teased her sensitive nape, then nuzzled an earlobe. ‘You’re very quiet.’

‘I feel as if we’re alone in the universe,’ she said dreamily. Her mouth curved upwards. ‘Well, almost’ A faint laugh husked low in her throat. ‘If you block out the cityscape, the tracery of street lights, the suburban houses.’

‘I thought by now you’d have unleashed a barrage of questions,’ he said with quizzical amusement.

She felt the slide of his hand as he reached beneath her top and sought her breast. The familiar kick of sensation speared from her feminine core, and she groaned emotively as his skilled fingers worked magic with the delicate peak.

She turned in his arms and reached for him, pulling his head down to hers as she sought his mouth with her own in a kiss that wreaked havoc with her tenuous control.

Aysha was almost shaking when he gently disengaged her, and her lips felt faintly swollen, her senses completely swamped with the feel, the taste of him.

‘Let’s get out of here,’ Carlo directed huskily as he caught hold of her hand and led her towards his car.

‘Where are we going?’

‘I’ve booked us into a hotel suite for the night. Dinner at the restaurant. Champagne.’

‘Why?’ she queried simply. ‘When everything we need is right here?’

‘I want the night to be memorable.’

‘It will be.’ Without a doubt, she promised silently.

‘You don’t want the luxurious suite, a leisurely meal with champagne?’ he teased.

‘I want you. Only you,’ Aysha vowed with heartfelt sincerity. ‘Saturday we get to go through the formalities. ’ The elegant bridal gown, the limousines, the church service, the extravagant reception, she mused silently. Followed by the hotel bridal suite, and the flight out the next morning to their honeymoon destination.

A bewitching smile curved her generous mouth, and her eyes sparkled with latent humour. ‘Tonight we can please ourselves.’

Carlo pressed a light kiss to the edge of her lips. ‘Starting now?’

‘Here?’ she countered wickedly. ‘And shock the neighbours?’

He swept an arm beneath her knees and carried her into the house. He traversed the stairs without changing stride, and in the main bedroom he lowered her down to stand in front of him.

Slowly, with infinite care, he released her zip. Warm fingers slid each strap over her shoulders, then shaped the soft slip down over her hips, her thighs, to her feet. Only her briefs and bra remained, and he dispensed with those.

She ached for his touch, his possession, and she closed her eyes, then opened them again as he lightly brushed his fingers across her sensitised skin.

He followed each movement with his lips, each single touch becoming a torture until she reached for him, her fingers urgent as they released shirt buttons and tugged the expensive cotton from his muscular frame.

His eyes dilated as she undid the buckle of his belt, and he caught his breath as she worked the zip fastening.

‘Not quite in control, huh?’ she offered with a faintly wicked smile, only to gasp as his mouth sought a vulnerable hollow at the edge of her neck.

He had the touch, the skill to evoke an instant response, and she trembled as his tongue wrought renewed havoc.

His hands closed over hers, completing the task, and she clutched hold of his waist as he dispensed with the remainder of his clothes.

The scent of his skin, the slight muskiness of man intermingled with the elusive tones of soap and cologne. Tantalising, erotic, infinitely tempting, and inviting her to savour and taste.

Aysha felt sensation burgeon until it encompassed every nerve-cell. The depth, the magnitude overwhelmed her. Two souls melding, seamlessly forging a bond that could never be broken.

She lifted her arms and wound them round his neck as he lowered her down onto the bed and followed her, protecting her from the full impact of his weight.

His mouth closed over hers, devastatingly sensual, in a kiss that drugged her mind, her senses, until she hardly recognised the guttural pleas as her own.

She was on fire, the flames of desire burning deep within until there was no reason, no sensation of anything other than the man and the havoc he was causing as he led her through pleasure to ecstasy and beyond.

Now, she wanted him now. The feel of him inside her, surging again and again, deeper and deeper, until she absorbed all of him, and their rhythm became as one, in tune and in perfect accord as they soared together, clung momentarily to the sexual pinnacle, then reached the ultimate state of nirvana.

Did she say the words? She had no idea whether they found voice or not. There was only the journey, the sensation of spiralling ecstasy, the scent of sexual essence, and the damp sheen on his skin.

She was conscious of her own response, his, the shudder raking that large body as he spilled his seed, and she exulted in the moment.

The sex between them had always been good. Better than good, she accorded dimly as she clung to him. But this, this was more. Intoxicating, exquisite, wild. And there was love. That essential quality that transcended physical expertise or skill.

There was no contest, Aysha acknowledged with lazy warmth a long time later as she lay curled against a hard male body.

Neither had had the will to indulge in leisurely lovemaking the first time round. It had been hard and fast, each one of them driven by a primal urge so intense it had been electrifying, wanton, and totally impassioned.

Afterwards they had shared the Jacuzzi, then towelled dry, they’d returned to bed for a lingering aftermath of touching, tasting... a loving that had had no equal in anything they’d previously shared.

‘Are we going to tell our parents?’

Carlo brushed his chin against the top of her head. ‘Let a slight change in wording to reaffirmation of vows do it for us on the day.’

The Helen Bianchin Collection

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