Читать книгу Hurricane Island - Henry Brereton Marriott Watson - Страница 6
The Conference in the Cabin
ОглавлениеWe opened the captain's door without knocking, but he was awake at once, and turned on the electric light.
"What is this, gentlemen? Is it a raree show?" he inquired in his particular voice.
"It is some information Dr. Phillimore has to impart, sir," said Legrand.
Day's eyes narrowed. "Oh, I see Dr. Phillimore is taking part in some more theatricals," he said grimly. "And his costume seems suited to them."
"I beg your pardon, sir," said I hotly. "If you would only listen instead of passing judgment we might get on."
"I'm learning a lot this voyage," said Day with a sneer; "pray proceed."
Again I told my story. Day got up in his pyjamas, an insignificant figure of a man without his important uniform. He might have been merely a member of Parliament, or a minor poet. But he had, with all his defects, the courage of his position and responsibilities.
"This is a matter I feel unequal to alone. It has gone on too long," he said sharply. "It is time I knew where I stand." He left the cabin abruptly, and returned in a few minutes.
"I have taken the liberty of inviting Mr. Morland's attendance," he said, "and have sent for Sir John Barraclough and Mr. Holgate. I will know once for all where I stand."
"I beg you not Mr. Holgate, captain," said I.
"And why not Mr. Holgate, sir?" he asked peremptorily. "Here is a report of conspiracy and mutiny you bring me, and I will have my officers in attendance to weigh it."
"You will remember my former charge, Captain Day?" I said.
"Well, sir?" he answered.
"If my report to-night is correct, as I have a witness to prove, does it not shed some light on my former charge against Mr. Holgate? And is it, therefore, desirable that he should be here?"
Day considered, and then he looked me up and down.
"If I were a doctor, Dr. Phillimore," he observed with sarcasm, "I should advise you to change your clothes."
"Oh, there is a more important matter than clothes," I replied angrily, "or should I be here? Is it for fun, do you suppose?"
He turned from me without saying anything, but my words had their effect, for when the door opened and Holgate's face appeared Day said civilly enough, "I am sorry to have disturbed you unnecessarily, Mr. Holgate, but I find I shall not need you at present."
The third officer's big face moved slowly on his bull neck and his eyes met mine.
"Very well, sir," said he calmly, and there was nothing legible in his gaze. It was blank and insignificant, destitute even of curiosity.
Barraclough arrived immediately afterwards, and on his heels—Mr. Morland, dressed as when he walked the hurricane deck daily, his somewhat dull face owning and manifesting a certain dignity.
"I have asked you here, Mr. Morland," said Day at once, "because of certain rumours and mysteries and alleged discoveries which are in circulation. It is an untimely hour, but that is not my fault. Dr. Phillimore has brought me a story, which, if he is correct, is of vital importance to us. I should be glad, therefore, if you would answer a question. Are you Prince Frederic of Hochburg?"
Mr. Morland's eyes lighted up. "I have employed you, sir," he began, "to work this ship–"
"Pardon me, it is necessary," said Day with extreme politeness. "I hear a tale of conspiracy to rob my employer, who sails with me and whom I know as Mr. Morland, but who is stated to be Prince Frederic of Hochburg. I am justified, therefore, in asking if Mr. Morland is Prince Frederic; and if he has the money on board which the tale alleges. According to that answer must I shape my conduct."
Mr. Morland drew himself up. "It is reasonable," he said, as if reflecting. "Yes, I am Frederic of Hochburg."
Day's fingers trembled. "And the money?" he asked in a hard voice.
"There is some money on board," said the Prince, looking round on our faces, and now I was surprised that I had not identified long since that guttural German accent. "But I should wish to know what this scene means, sir?" he said in a haughty voice.
Day waved his hand at me.
"I have learned to-night," said I, "by an accident, that there is a plot among the crew to seize the ship and its contents before reaching Buenos Ayres."
For the third time I then told my story, to which my sodden garments were a genuine witness. The Prince listened to me with a frown.
"I do not understand," said he. "I was led to believe that I was chartering a good vessel with a good captain and a crew for my cruise. I do not understand this."
"Nor I," said Day, with a shrug of his shoulders. "I am not responsible for the crew. It was arranged by your agents, Mr. Morland."
"Ah!" said the Prince shortly, and then, "But you tell me they have turned out to be pirates. This is ridiculous."
"I must refer you to Dr. Phillimore, sir," said Day curtly. "As for me, if I had known what I know now, you would have sailed under another captain. I am too old for mysteries."
Ignoring this, if he listened to it, the Prince turned on me.
"Where is your evidence of this?" he asked, and his eyes fell on Ellison, who was plainly uncomfortable.
"Ah! did what the doctor says happen?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then we must send for this man Adams," concluded his Royal Highness. "Let him be brought."
I had in my hand during all this time the bar of iron which McCrae had brought. I gave it to Barraclough.
"If you are going," said I, "take this. It may be needed."
He looked at me with a lift of his eyebrows.
"All serene," said he with a smile. "This seems a pretty show altogether. Come, quartermaster."
Legrand went back to his bridge with a revolver in his pocket, and I was left with Mr. Morland and the captain. The former scrutinised me closely and deliberately, without regard to my feelings, while Day feigned to be busy at his table.
"I stay here, sir," said I to the Prince with emphasis, "because I seem in a manner to be a prisoner on trial. I have called my evidence, and it will be forthcoming presently. But I must say," I added bitterly, "that I resent the way in which my testimony has been received, and at Buenos Ayres, if we ever reach that port, I shall beg to be relieved of my duties and have my contract cancelled."
"If Mr.—Mr. Morland does not object certainly I shall not, Dr. Phillimore," said Day drily.
"Oh, come, captain," said I impatiently; "we are in a peril together and you stand on ceremonies."
"That has yet to be proved," he said.
Even as he spoke a noise announced the return of the party, and Sir John Barraclough entered.
"Your man's missing," said he.
Day uttered an exclamation, and the Prince's frown deepened.
"There's no one in the cabin," said Barraclough.
At that instant a knock fell on the door. "Is the doctor here?" said a voice which I recognised at once. Barraclough opened the door and Holgate stood on the threshold.
"It has been reported to me as I came on duty," he said, "that Adams is missing, doctor. It seems a bad case. He was delirious, and two of the men say they heard a plunge. The port-hole is open."