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July 6

My Choice

...My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.

Psalm:84:2 (WEB)

My week started out thinking about ’flesh’ and how it’s a battle to direct my flesh in the right path!

God blessed me by reminding me of the step of faith that I took over 10 years ago and how that faith has grown. I also reflected this week on the roots of faith that my mother sewed as she taught me as a young child to pray.

I wept several times this week as I looked at the hope that I have ...that I’ve been given in Jesus Christ! Yes, I am unworthy! YES, I don’t deserve it! But God, my Father, gave His Son so that He could spend eternity with me! WOW!

I went to sleep last night thinking back how Jesus has been growing my trust in Him. He has stayed with me through some rocky paths. He has waited patiently even when I turned away in despair and frustration and, when I turned back around, He was there with open arms. That hug was great!!!

Flesh is about making choices. God offers me so much to fill my mind and heart and spirit. He gives me gifts that multiply fruit, lots and lots of fruit!!! The more I accept and use the gifts – the more the fruit increases!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23 (WEB)

Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8 (WEB)

Enough said! However, this is what I have learned this week: Whenever I allow my flesh to drag me down and focus on the world and its sorrows and ‘no answers’ or ‘poor answers’, if I will then pick my head up and look at Jesus, I have taken a step forward! Pull out God’s Word and stop to tune in to God’s voice, the voice of truth! Choose God! My next thought, my next step then comes along side of God. Then I stay on God’s true path. That is where I want to be!

Let us thank our Lord today for this great country He has blessed and continues to bless. May we turn more to Him as a nation. May we glorify Him as we reach out to others and come together in unity! Let us lift up our men and women in uniform both in the armed forces here and overseas and those who protect us across our country as police officers and fire fighters. God bless them every one! In Jesus’ name I pray...Amen.

Along Bible Paths:

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