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About This Book


This book began as a compilation of previously written material. I have written several essays that I published on the web, both on my Energion.com Webzine and on my blogs. Biblical inspiration, the gift of prophecy, God speaking to people, and people claiming that God told them certain things very often will become part of the discussions when I’m teaching in person. A number of readers of the internet material have suggested I get it in print, as they find reading 50-60 pages at a time on screen difficult. Those who attend my classes often ask me for something they can read for more information on what I teach about inspiration. Thus far I’ve referred them to URLs, often an unsatisfactory option.

My original plan was to collect the essays, write a couple of connecting or explanatory notes, add topical and scripture indexes, and publish. Ah, that was wishful thinking! I may be the boss but I’m an incredibly cruel and evil boss. Thus when I looked at the collected essays I said to myself, “This won’t do at all. Get thee to work!” (Note that the archaic language is not an indication of divine inspiration.)

The backbone of the book is my essay Inspiration, Biblical Authority, and Inerrancy, which you can check out on the web at http://rpp.energion.com/inspired.shtml. It has been edited and scattered throughout the book where it logically fits in. The illustrations have also been redone by Jason Neufeld (jasonneufelddesign.com). Added to this is material on the modern gift of prophecy, and practical considerations for handling the situation when someone claims divine authority for their words. You’ll find almost all the remaining material in this book by checking out the Biblical Inspiration category on both my Threads from Henry's Web blog (http://www.energionpubs.com/wordpress) and my Participatory Bible Study Blog (http://www.deepbiblestudy.net).

I would like to acknowledge a number of teachers who saw me through my own struggles with Biblical inspiration.

 My uncle Pastor Don F. Neufeld who got me started studying Greek

 Prof. J. Paul Grove, at Walla Walla College who worked with me through the servant passages of Isaiah

 Dr. Alden Thompson at Walla Walla College who saw me through Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament history

 Dr. Malcolm Maxwell, Walla Walla College, who challenged my theology and exegesis at all times

 Prof. Lucille Knapp, Walla Walla College, who taught me to see the human side while also teaching me Greek grammar

 Dr. Leona Glidden Running, Andrews University, my graduate advisor who taught me about the importance of empowering women in the church while also teaching me Middle Egyptian and Akkadian

 Dr. Larry Geraty, Andrews University, who encouraged me to think about publishing. It took around 25 years, but I eventually headed that way!

 Laney Beard, who read parts of this book and made suggestions that helped me to clarify it.

 My wife Jody, who listened to numerous selections, helped me with wording, and who is also patient enough to live with someone who is obsessively editing a manuscript!

All errors, weaknesses, and heresies are, of course, totally my own. I do not in any way intend to suggest that these wonderful people would necessarily endorse my conclusions.

I hope and pray that this collection helps you in your own efforts to hear God speak to you.

When People Speak for God

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