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A Time-tour of History


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The original blurb for A MILLION YEARS TO CONQUER: "Get ready to embark on the most amazing excursion of all time! A thrill-a-minute journey that begins ten thousand centuries ago and rockets you into the wonderland of tomorrow. You'll witness mighty empires like forgotten Atlantis crumble to dust as Ardath, the searcher from the stars, prepares for the conquest of the future in—A MILLION YEARS TO CONQUER."

It's interesting to compare this novel with the author's more recent WELL OF THE WORLDS. A MILLION YEARS TO CONQUER is the Kuttner of more than a decade ago—a decade during which science fiction tossed away its short pants and began to behave like an adult. Kuttner's own development has been particularly impressive; yet A MILLION YEARS TO CONQUER is colorful, imaginative, exciting—displaying in full force the power and originality which were then, and are now, Kuttner's personal trademark.

The Editor

Through eons of Time came Ardath of Kyria, mobilizing the brains of Mankind for the creation of a new civilization

Ardath opened his eyes, trying to remember why a blinding pain should be throbbing within his skull. Above him was a twisted girder of yellow metal, and beyond that, the inner wall of the space ship. What had happened?

It seemed scarcely a moment ago that the craft had been filled with a confusion of shouted orders, quickly moving men, and the shriek of cleft atmosphere as the ship drove down. Then had come the shock of landing—blackness. And now?

Painfully Ardath dragged his slight, fragile body erect. All around him were ruin and confusion. Corpses lay sprawled and limp, the bodies of those who had not survived the terrible concussion. Strange men, slim and delicate, their skins had been darkly tanned by the long voyage across space. Ardath started hopefully when he saw that one of the bodies moved slightly and moaned.

Theron! Theron, the commander—highest in rank and wisdom—had survived. A wave of gratitude swept through Ardath. He was not alone on this new, unknown world, as he had feared. Swiftly he found stimulants and bent over the reviving man.

Theron's beardless gray face contorted. His pallid blue eyes opened. He drew a lean hand over his bald head as he whispered:


A rocking shudder shook the ship, then suddenly died.

"Who else is alive?" Theron asked with painful effort.

"I don't know, Theron," Ardath replied softly.

"Find out."

Ardath searched the huge golden ship. He came back with despair on his drawn, harrowed features.

"You and I are the only ones left alive, Theron."

The commander gnawed at his lips.

"So. And I am dying." He smiled resignedly at Ardath's sudden protest. "It's true, Ardath. You do not realize how old I am. For years we have gone through space, and you are the youngest of us. Unshield a port. Let me see where we are."

"The third planet of this System," Ardath said.

He pressed a button that swung back a shutter from a nearby port in the golden wall. They saw nothing but darkness at first. Then their eyes became accustomed to the gloom.

The ship lay beached on a dim shore. Blackly ominous the strange world loomed through the gray murk of vague light that filtered through the cloudy sky. A slow drizzle of rain was falling.

"Test the atmosphere," Theron commanded.

Ardath obeyed. Spectroscopic analysis, made from outer space, had indicated that the air here was breathable. The chemical test confirmed this. At Theron's request, Ardath opened a spacelock.

Air with a queerly choking sulphurous odor surged in. The two men coughed rackingly, until eventually they became accustomed to it.

"Carry me out," the commander said quietly. His glance met and locked with Ardath's as the younger man hesitated. "I shall die soon," he insisted gently. "But first I must—I must know that I have reached my goal."

Silently Ardath lifted the slight figure in his arms. He splashed through the warm waves and gently laid Theron down on the barren beach. The Sun, hidden behind a cloud blanket, was rising in the first dawn Ardath had ever seen.

A gray sky and sea, a dark shore—those were all he actually saw. Under Ardath's feet he felt the world shudder with the volcanic fires of creation. Rain and tide had not yet eroded the rocks into sand and soil. No vegetation grew anywhere. He did not know whether the land was an island or a continent. It rose abruptly from the beach and mounted to towering crags against the inland skyline.

Theron sighed. His thin fingers groped blindly over the rocky surface on which he lay.

"You are space-born, Ardath," he said painfully. "You cannot quite realize that only on a planet can a man find a home. But I am afraid—" His voice died away. Then it rose again, strengthened. "I am dying, but there is something I must tell you first. Listen, Ardath. You never knew your mother planet, Kyria. It is light-years away from this world. Or it was. Centuries ago, we discovered that Kyria was doomed. A wandering planetoid came so close that it would inevitably collide with us and destroy our civilization utterly. Kyria was a lovely world, Ardath."

"I know," Ardath breathed. "I have seen the films in our records."

"You have seen our great cities, and the green forests and fields—" An agonizing cough rocked the dying commander. He went on hastily, "We fled. A selected group of us made this space home. But of hundreds of planets that we found, none was suitable. None would sustain human life. This, the third planet of this yellow Sun, is our last hope. Our fuel is almost gone. It is your duty, Ardath, to see that the civilization of Kyria does not perish."

"But this is a dead world," the younger man protested.

"It is a young world," Theron corrected.

He paused, and his hand lifted, pointing. Ardath stared at the slow, sullen tide that rippled drearily toward them. The gloomy wash of water receded. And there on the rocky slope lay something that made him nod understandingly.

It was not large. A greasy, shining blob of slime, featureless and repulsive, it was unmistakably alive, undeniably sentient!

The shimmering globule of protoplasm was drawn back with the next wave. When Ardath's eyes met Theron's, the dying man smiled triumphantly.

"Life! There's Sun here, Ardath, beyond the clouds—a Sun that sends forth energy, cosmic rays, the rays of evolution. Immeasurable ages will pass before human beings exist here, but exist they will! Our study of countless other planets enables us to predict the course of evolution here. From the uni-cellular creatures will come sea-beings with vertebrae, then amphibiae, and true reptiles. Then warm-blooded beasts will evolve from the flying reptiles and the dinosaurs. Finally there will be apelike men, who will yield the planet to—true men!"

"But it will take millennia!"

"You must remain here," Theron stated. "You, who survived the voyage from Kyria. You must wait, Ardath, even a million years if it is necessary. Our stasis ray kept us in suspended animation while we came across space. Take the ship beyond the atmosphere. Adjust it to a regular orbit, like a second satellite around this world. Set the controls so you will awaken eventually, and be able to investigate the evolutionary progress of this planet. You will wait a long time, I admit. But finally you will find men."

"Men like us?"

Theron shook his head regretfully.

"No. Super-mentality is a matter of eugenically controlled breeding, Occasionally a mental giant will be born, but not often. On Kyria we bred and mated these mental giants, till eventually their progeny peopled the planet. You must do the same with this world."

"I will," Ardath consented. "But how—"

"Go through the ages. Do not stop till you find one of these mental giants. He will be easily recognized for, almost from infancy, he will be far in advance of his contemporaries. He will withdraw from them, turning to the pursuit of wisdom. He will be responsible for many of the great inventions of his time. Take this man—or woman, perhaps—and go on into time, until you have found a mental giant of the opposite sex.

"You could never mate with a female of this world, Ardath. Since you are from another System, it would be biologically impossible. The union would be sterile. This is your duty—find a super-mentality, take him from his own time-sector, and find a mate for him in the more distant future. From that union will arise a race of giants equal to the Kyrians. In a sense, you will have been their foster-father."

Theron sighed, turned his head till his cheek lay against the bare rock of the shore.

"May the great Architect guide you, Ardath," he said softly.

Abruptly his head slumped, and Theron was dead.

The gray waves whispered a requiem. Ardath stood silent, looking down at the worn, tired face, now relaxed in death.

He was alone, infinitely far from the nearest human being.

Then another feeling came, making him realize that he was no longer a homeless wanderer of space.

Never in his life had Ardath stood on a world's surface. The others had told him of Kyria, and on the pictorial library screens he had seen views of green and sunset lands that were agonizingly beautiful. Inevitably Ardath had come to fear the black immensity of the starlit void, to hate its cold, eternal changelessness. He had dreamed of walking on grassy, rolling plains.

That would come, for he knew Theron had been right. Cycads and ferns would grow where Ardath now stood. Amphibiae would come out of the waters and evolve, slowly of course, but with inexorable certainty. He could afford to wait.

First, though, he needed power. The great atomic engine of the ship was useless, exhausted.

Atomic power resembled dynamite in that it needed some outside source of energy to get it started. Dynamite required a percussion cap. The engine of the golden ship needed power. Solar energy? Lenses were required. Besides, the cloud blanket was an insurmountable handicap, filtering out most of the necessary rays. Coal? It would not exist here for ages.

A tremble shook the ground, and Ardath nodded thoughtfully. There was power below the power of seething lava, enormous pressures, and heat that could melt solid rock. Could it be harnessed?

Steam—a geyser! That would provide the necessary energy to start the atomic motor. After that, anything would be possible.

With a single regretful glance at the dead Theron, Ardath set out to explore the savage new world.

For two days and nights he hunted, growing haggard and weary. At last he found an area of lava streams, shuddering rock, and geysers. Steam feathered up into the humid air, and to the north a red glow brightened the gray sky.

Ardath stood for a while, watching. His quest was ended. Long weeks of arduous work still lay ahead, but now he had no doubt of ultimate success. The steam demons would set the atomic motor into operation. After that, he could rip ores from the ground and find chemicals. But after that?

The ship must be made spaceworthy again, though not for another long voyage. Such a course would be fruitless. Of all the planets the Kyrians had visited, only this world was capable of supporting life.

As yet, mere cells of blind, insensate protoplasm swarmed in the sullen seas, but those cells would develop. Evolution would work upon them. Perhaps in a million years human beings, intelligent creatures, would walk this world. Then, one day, a super-mentality would be born, and Ardath would find that kindred mind. He would take that mental giant into the future, in search of a suitable mate. After dozens of generations there would arise a civilization that would rival that of Kyria—his home planet now utterly destroyed without trace.

Time passed as Adath worked. He blasted out a grave for Theron on the shore where the old Kyrian had died. He repaired the golden craft. Tirelessly he toiled.

Five months later, the repaired space ship rose, carrying its single passenger. Through the atmosphere it fled. It settled into an orbit, became a second, infinitesimal moon revolving around the mother planet.

Within it, Ardath's robot machinery began to operate. A ray beamed out, touching and bathing the man's form, which was stretched on a low couch.

Slowly consciousness left Ardath. The atomic structure of his body was subtly altered. Electrons slowed in their orbits. Since they emitted no quanta, Ardath's energy was frozen in the utter motionlessness of stairs. Neither alive nor dead, he slept.

The ray clicked off. When Ardath wakened, he would see a different world, older and stronger. Perhaps it would even be peopled by intelligent beings.

Silently the space ship swept on. Far beneath it a planet shuddered in the Titanic grip of dying fires. The rains poured down, eroding, endless. The tides flowed and ebbed. Always the cloud veil shrouded the world that was to be called Earth. Amid the shattering thunder of deluges, new lands rose and continents were formed.

Life, blind, hungry and groping, crawled up on the beaches, where it basked for a time in the dim sunlight.

A Million Years to Conquer

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