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3rd letter

Monday, Jan. 26, 1924

[correctly: 1925]

Hello, old boy,

So my anxieties about your athletic activities were not so baseless after all. You can well imagine that I was very frightened and upset by the report of your accident. I wired Dedet immediately to find out if it was anything serious enough to require my being there, but happily I have just received a quite reassuring telegram from him. But I do ask you to keep me current on this. I feel badly for you, old boy, that you have had such a mishap, and I very much hope that the episode will all be over soon. You comported yourself bravely, better than when you had the accident with your toe, which is good news despite the accident itself.

Tomorrow I will write more about the other things in your letter. Meanwhile, please send updates daily.

I wish you a speedy recovery, P.

ACCIDENT: The athletic requirements of the school were demanding, and accidents did occur. The details of this one are unknown.

Lost Son

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