Читать книгу Cat in My Pocket Embroidery - Hiroko Kubota - Страница 14



Before you start on the projects, there are a few more things you need to know, including what to do before you start stitching, how to keep your work neat and tidy, and how to look after it once your creation is complete.


I began embroidering cats to adorn the shirts I made for my son, so the tailoring came before the embroidery. It is very difficult to embroider on to store-bought clothing, so the only solution is to make your own. Tailoring your own shirts means you can choose where you want your cat to be, and you can adapt your designs for your chosen embroidery—for example, you might wrinkle the edge of a pocket to make it look like your cat is climbing out.

Cut out all the pattern elements as you usually would, then decide where to position your cat.

Cat in My Pocket Embroidery

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