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The Book of Perpetual Adoration.



Ego autem non contradico. — I do not resist. (Isaias 1. 5.)

Let man rebel against God, let creatures renounce the dependence they owe their Creator, let them disobey His commandments, but Jesus, for love of them, will obey all and put Himself into the power of men without resistance. As soon as the Priest has said four words, behold ! He leaves the bosom of His (Father, yet without departing from Him, to put Himself into the hands of His Priest ; placing Himself under his control without limit of time or place; for it is not God who fixes the hour to the Priest, but He comes at the time named by him with such an extraordinary punctuality, that He has never once missed doing so for ages.

The Scripture teaches us that He was obedient to the Most Holy Virgin and to her virginal Spouse, Saint Joseph ; this rejoices all holy souls and overcomes them with Divine Love. But here are other marvels in the Most Blessed Sacrament ; He obeys as many Priests as there are in the world, as many as there have been since the Law of. Grace, and as many as there will be until the end of the world. When He is beneath the consecrated sacramental species, He faithfully remains there without ever being weary : He allows His Priests to carry Him

The Book of Perpetual Adoration

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