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The Book of Perpetual Adoration.

is in such a cold way, that it is very evident how little they are moved ; the reason is, that they do not believe ; how rare is it to meet with one who has faith !

Jesus, in the Divine Eucharist, fulfils the office of Physician; the Divine Nourishment that He gives in It, is a certain remedy for all our ills. It delivers us from all our languor, It cures all our diseases, It preserves us from all those infirmities into which we are liable to fall.

Finally, Jesus, in this Divine Sacrament, is like a Sacred Lover, to whom we can tell all our griefs, our affairs, and all our wants, whenever we like and as long as we like. How sweet it is, when we have some trouble on our mind, to do what the humble St. Francis of Assisi did ! He did not waste his time in speaking of it to creatures, but he used to go and throw himself at the Feet of his Saviour, and there pour out the grief of his heart to Him ; then he came away greatly consoled and happy. What makes us so unhappy in our troubles is, that we go and seek for consolation where it is not to be found.

See, now, what God does for your salvation : He forgets nothing. He places Himself in every kind of condition : He exercises all offices; certainly this ought to make you reflect that salvation is an affair of much greater consequence than you think.

The Book of Perpetual Adoration

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