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There wasn’t much in life that scared Michael.

All right, he wasn’t overly fond of heights. But although he always avoided the window seats in planes, he dealt with the fear and never let on that he was bothered.

But at this moment, he didn’t know how to hide his fear, much less deal with it. Cara collapsed in his arms and it was a thousand times worse than any height he’d ever experienced.

He eased her down on the ground without releasing his hold on her.

“Call an ambulance,” he barked.

Marstel was on his mobile before he even finished the sentence.

Satisfied help was on the way, he focused all his attention on Cara. Her eyes fluttered and then opened.

He inhaled deeply and finally felt as if he could breathe again.

“Cara,” he whispered.

“What happened?” she said, trying to sit up.

“Stay still. You collapsed. Marstel is calling for an ambulance.”

“No. I don’t need an ambulance, I’m fine. It was just a long flight. I’m sure that’s all.”

“If your collapse was due to just a long flight, I suspect more of the people on the plane would have collapsed. But as far as I can tell, yours is the only body on the floor. You need to see a doctor.”

“I don’t,” she said, sitting up, even though he tried to keep her down. “Let go.”

“Cara, you’re seeing the doctor.”

She struggled to her feet, looked a bit unsteady for a moment, then stood firm and glared at him. “I won’t.”

Michael stood as well and faced her.

This Cara, spitting mad and glaring at him, didn’t quite match the mental image of the sweet woman who’d spent one passionate night in his arms. It was clear Michael had things to learn about Cara.

“You will see the doctor,” he said just as firmly. It was a tone he rarely used, but it had always produced the desired result, in the past.

Obviously, not this time.

Cara crossed her arms over her chest and said, “Listen, Your Highness, just because you’re a prince, doesn’t mean I’m going to play the loyal subject. I’m not seeing a doctor.”

She glanced past him and noticed Marstel, phone still in hand. “Call off the ambulance, I won’t get in it. They’d be wasting a trip, and it could endanger someone who really needs help.”

Marstel looked from Cara to Michael, who just shrugged. “Fine, call it off. I’ll have Dr. Stevens meet us at home.”

Cara shot him a small, brittle smile. “I hope you’re having him meet you for tea, because he’s not touching me.”

She whirled around and started down the hall toward baggage claim.

“Are you always so stubborn and argumentative?” Michael asked, easily matching her pace.

Her expression softened. “Believe it or not, no. I’m generally quiet and easygoing.”

“So, it’s only me who is blessed with seeing this side of you?” He shot her a grin.

She shrugged. “Guess so.”

She wore a small smile, though he could see her struggle against it.

It wasn’t much of a smile, just a brief upturn of her lips, but it was a start. A quick reminder of the woman he’d known.

“Lucky me,” he said in a teasing voice.

“Why are you following me?”

“I’m your ride home, remember?” he said. “You have decided to come home, right? I mean, you don’t want to let your friends down, do you?”

The smile was gone now along with his gentle cara mia. The real Cara Phillips was back and said, “I am going to the castle, but only because I love Parker and Shey. But I’m not going with you. I’ll take a taxi.”

“There you go, being argumentative again.”

“I wouldn’t have to be argumentative if you weren’t annoying.”

“And I wouldn’t seem nearly so annoying if you weren’t so stubborn and argumentative.”

“I guess we have a stalemate,” Cara said.

“So, why don’t you simply get in my car and let me take you home?”

“If I do, will you leave me alone once we get there?”

“I can’t promise that, but I will promise to give you some time to settle in before I start annoying you again.”

She sighed. “Fine.”

“Then come with me. Marstel will arrange to have your luggage delivered.”


Looking more like a woman on her way to the gallows than a woman who’d just found out she was being pursued by a prince, Cara came along quietly, but the petite brunette’s flashing green eyes seemed to radiate all the words she was holding back. They were seething just beneath the surface, ready to explode at any moment.

He smiled and admitted to himself, he liked that she wasn’t intimidated by him.

Too many of the women he’d dated had either been awed by his position, or had sought him out hoping to capitalize on it. That one night with Cara he’d known that she’d seen him…just Michael, not the prince. She didn’t look overly awed by the fact he was royal. And she certainly didn’t seem intent on capitalizing on it.

As-a-matter-of-fact, she was put out by it.

“Come with me, sweetheart,” he said, taking her arm, feeling as if everything in his life were suddenly on track.

She jerked her arm away, sent him a scathing look, then followed him as he made his way toward the car.

Michael wasn’t sure if round one of their first fight was a win, a loss or a draw, but he was looking forward to seeing what happened in round two.

Cara glanced at the man standing next to her in the hallway of the castle. Parker’s home was as grand and wonderful as she’d pictured it. Unfortunately, some of her pleasure at arriving was diminished given the company she was keeping.

To think, she’d had fantasies for the last three months about finding her Mike. Fantasies where she’d run into him on Perry Square. Just bump into him. He’d look at her and whisper, cara mia and pull her into his arms. He’d profess his undying love and apologize for leaving her that morning. She of course would forgive him and when she told him about the baby he’d cry with happiness. A manly sort of crying. Really only a tear or two in his eyes as he professed to love her and their child forever.

She’d never have that particular fantasy again.

Now all she wanted to do was get some distance from Mike…Michael. The prince. Maybe once she got out of his vicinity she’d be able to think again.

She scanned the grand entryway. Her whole apartment would fit in it. Parker’s and Shey’s as well.

She’d been so excited to be visiting a castle, staying in one. And the impressive gray structure had barely blipped on the radar of her thoughts. All she could do was wonder what on earth she was going to do.

Her fantasy lover hadn’t deserted her. He claimed he’d been looking for her.

Her Prince Charming was a prince.

And she was carrying his child.

She had to tell him. She knew that much. But not quite yet.


As soon as she figured out just what she was going to do.

Maybe she’d better wait until she was back in the States to tell him. Maybe he’d want to keep the baby. After all, the child growing in her womb was his heir.

What were the laws regarding parental rights in Eliason? And did a prince have to follow them?

She didn’t know.

Cara had thought being a single mother was as complicated as her life could get.

She was wrong.

“Cara Phillips, may I present my mother, Her Royal Majesty—”

“Cut it out, Michael,” his mother said sternly.

Michael and Parker’s mother didn’t look queenly at the moment. As a matter of fact, she was wearing a battered pair of jeans and a Mercyhurst sweatshirt.

“Cara, dear, I’ve heard so much about you. Call me Anna.” She enveloped Cara in a hug. “I’ve so longed to meet you. You’ve been such a good friend to my Parker.”

“Your Majesty—”

The queen cleared her throat.

“Anna,” Cara corrected herself with a sheepish smile. “I’m the lucky one. Parker’s the best.”

“Is she truly happy with her private investigator?” the queen asked with a motherly concern.

“Yes, I believe she is. When Parker and Jace look at each other, you can see…” She stopped. She wasn’t sure how to put it without seeming like a hopeless romantic.

“You can see the love?” the queen asked.

“Yes.” Cara couldn’t resist a small sigh.

“That’s all I ever wanted for her. That she’d find a place to belong and someone to belong with.” The queen looked toward a dark-haired man in crisply creased Dockers and a dark blue polo shirt striding toward her. “There’s nothing more important.”

“Is this her?” the man asked.

“Yes. Paul, this is Parker’s friend, Cara. She’ll be working with Michael and me on the wedding details.”


The king.

Darn. Cara wished she’d asked Parker the proper protocol. Should she bow, curtsy?

She was saved trying to figure it out when the man thrust his hand in her direction. “Cara, we’ve heard so much about you from our wayward, stubborn daughter.”

Cara shook his hand and smiled. “And I’ve heard a lot about you.”

He chuckled. “I imagine you have.”

From what she’d heard from Parker over the years, she knew any stubbornness Parker possessed was genetic, inherited from her father.

“Now, Cara, let’s get you settled and then I’ll show you what I’ve already accomplished,” the queen said. “Michael’s been my errand boy, and we’ve really made some progress. We’ll—”

“I think,” Michael said, interrupting his mother, “that it would be better for Cara to take a rest rather than jumping into work. She passed out at the airport.”

“What?” the queen and king said in unison.

“I’ve sent for the doctor,” Michael assured them.

Cara caught the look of triumph he shot her. The ha-ha-I-won-this-battle sort of look.

“It was simply a long flight,” she said. “I don’t need a doctor. I don’t need to rest. I just want to get down to the details.”

The queen shook her head. “Oh, no. Not until you’ve been checked out. What would Parker say if she arrived and found you ill?”


“Don’t argue,” the king instructed. “My daughter would blame me if something happened to you, and I can get in more than enough trouble with her without your assistance. So, you’ll see the doctor and get his clearance before you lift a finger or look at one wedding plan.”

“Really, I’m fine,” Cara protested, though no one seemed to notice.

“Dr. Stevens will be the judge of that. Now, come with me, dear. We’ll get you settled,” the queen said, putting an arm over her shoulder and leading her down the hall.

Michael, the big tattletale, smirked at her as they walked past him, as if he’d gotten one over on her.

Cara had the overwhelming urge to stick her tongue out, but she resisted. She was a grown-up, after all.

She’d see their doctor. He’d give her a clean bill of health, of course, then she’d get on with planning the wedding of the century, then go home to Perry Square.

Parker’s mother led her through a maze of halls and up a set of stairs.

“I may need a map,” Cara murmured.

The queen laughed. “I felt the same way when Paul first brought me here, but you’ll get the hang of it soon enough.”

She stopped in front of a door. “This will be your room.” She opened the door with a flourish.

“Oh, my.” Cara tried to take it all in.

It was the room every little girl dreamed of. A room fit for a princess.

A canopy bed, a huge bay window, complete with window seat…and a wall full of bookshelves. For a lifelong bookworm who owned a bookstore, it was the perfect room.

She just stood in the doorway and took it all in.

“Parker suggested you might enjoy this room the most,” the queen said.

“It’s lovely.”

“Your luggage has already been sent up.” She gestured to Cara’s suitcases that were sitting next to the bed. “I can help you unpack, or send someone to help you if you prefer.”

“No, really, I’m fine, no matter what Michael says.” Some of her pleasure over the room faded as she remembered the total mess she’d gotten herself into.

“If you’re fine it won’t hurt to let the doctor take a look, will it?” the queen asked gently. “It will ease my mind.”

Cara admitted defeat. She could fight Michael, but not his mother.

“I’ll see him,” she said. “But only if we can get to work after he laughs at all your worries and assures you I’m fine.”

“You’ve got a deal,” the queen said with a smile. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed my daughter and hope you’ll fill me in on her life and about this man she’s so taken with.”

“I’ll tell you what I can,” Cara promised. “You’re going to love Jace, I promise. When you see them together, it’s so obvious that they’re right for each other. It sort of shimmers there for anyone to see. She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her.”

The queen smiled. “Her happiness is all I ever wanted. Now, go rest and I’ll send the doctor up as soon as he arrives.” She left and closed the door softly.

Cara took in the room.

It was beautiful. She walked up to the shelves and admired the books. Leather-bound volumes that begged to be held and admired for the sheer beauty of their construction, as well as their content.

Normally Cara wouldn’t be able to wait to get her hands on them. But right now she had too much on her mind to enjoy them. She sat down gingerly on the bed. It was warm and inviting. Too inviting to resist. She lay back and closed her eyes.

How on earth had she gotten here? The small-town daughter of two academics was now in a castle, surrounded by luxury.

A castle that was the family home of her own child’s father.

A loud knock on her door awoke Cara with a start.

She had a momentary attack of where-the-heck-am-I? before she remembered she was in Eliason to plan Shey’s and Parker’s weddings.

And that she had found Michael, or rather, he had found her.

Someone knocked on her door again.

She sat up, smoothed her hair as best she could and said, “Come in.”

A man with beachboy-blond hair that looked as if it could use a cut, bright blue eyes and a ready smile rolled a very sporty wheelchair into the room.

“Cara Phillips?” he asked.


“I’m Dr. Stevens. Tommy Stevens.” He wheeled right up to her bed and extended his hand.

Cara took it and shook. He had a firm grip.

“Nice to meet you,” she said. “And I’ll apologize up front for the inconvenience. I’m absolutely fine, Doctor.”

“Call me Tommy. And I’m sure you’re right, but why don’t you let me do a brief check just to put your hosts’ collective minds at rest. Additionally, you’re doing me a favor. I love having a reason to make a house call to the castle. They always offer me something to eat on my way out, and if you’ve ever eaten hospital food, you’d know what a perk having access to the royal kitchen is. Marta, the cook, has a crush on me, and spoils me with treats.”

Despite her annoyance at being forced to see a doctor, Cara couldn’t help but laugh. “So, basically you work for food?”

He grinned. “Exactly. And you wouldn’t want to deprive me, would you?”

“No,” she assured him. “You don’t work exclusively for the family?”

“No. They’re a very healthy bunch. I have a private practice. I make house calls because it’s easier than having their security clear my office for a visit. So, now that I’ve charmed you with my winsome bedside manner, do you think I could convince you to have a seat over here, please.”

Giving in to the inevitable, Cara sat in the chair next to the bed, which placed her eye to eye with the doctor.

Not sure how intensive his exam would be, Cara had a sudden worry and asked, “Before we start, I need to know that patient-physician privilege works the same here as it does in the States? I mean, you can’t go divulging my health concerns without my permission, right?”

Tommy smiled reassuringly. “Yes, we do have the same rules here. I won’t say a word about you or your health without your permission. So, I take it that you have a condition I should know about?”

“Yes,” she said, hesitating, not sure how to say it. She hadn’t told anyone yet, not even Parker and Shey. She wanted them both to enjoy their weddings without worrying about her. And she knew they’d worry a lot.

“Well, you see, I’m pretty sure I know why I fainted, and it really isn’t anything to worry about. I’ve had periods of light-headedness the past few months, and I think this one was worse simply because of the length of the flight.”

He waited, not pushing or prodding, just waited for her to finish.

Cara had always trusted her gut feelings. She’d trusted them when she’d met Parker and Shey. She’d trusted them when they’d decided to open Titles and Monarch’s, their bookstore and coffeehouse respectively, after graduation. She’d trusted her feelings the night she’d met Michael.

And she realized she liked this doctor and once again relied on her gut feeling. “I’m pregnant.”

Tommy Stevens didn’t even blink an eye with surprise. “About how far along?”

“Three months. I saw my physician before I left Erie and she said there was no reason I couldn’t make the trip. She put me on a prenatal vitamin and I promised to see her again as soon as I get home next month.”

“Well, that could explain things, but I’d rather take your pulse, blood pressure and such, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t,” Cara said, realizing that having some assurance that everything was all right would be a relief. “Whatever you think is best. But I’d prefer that no one knows about the pregnancy. I haven’t even told the father yet. And I didn’t want to take anything away from the wedding.”

“Mum’s the word,” he said, actually making the motion of twisting a key over his lips, then tossing it over his shoulder.

Cara laughed. “Thanks so much.”

As the doctor opened his bag and took out a stethoscope, he said, “Did you ever hear the one about the doctor and the porcupine…”

Michael stood outside Cara’s room his hand poised to knock, when a loud peel of laughter rang out. There was a murmur of voices, then more laughter.

He knew his mother wasn’t in the room with Cara. He’d just talked to her and she’d said the doctor had arrived.

Cara was laughing with the doctor.

Michael didn’t like it.

The doctor was supposed to be checking her over, not doing a stand-up routine.

Michael had imagined finding her. The slow smile he’d witnessed their one night together would again light her face and she’d welcome him with open arms. Instead, the woman laughing so easily next door with the doctor had been distant and wary when he’d found her at the airport.

Dating women had never proven to be much of a problem. Finding the right woman had been next to impossible.

Other than a short stint at a university in the States, where he’d got a taste for what Parker had had, Michael spent his adult life dating as a prince. His title was the first thing women knew about him. He frequently felt like more of a trophy than a person. Something they could show off to their friends. But Cara had only seen him as Mike, and he knew in his heart of hearts she’d felt something that night, just as he had.

Cara had wanted just plain old Mike King. Not Michael Dillonetti, future king of Eliason.

He’d never before felt anything like his reaction to her. There had been an instant connection. He wanted a chance to allow it to grow. He wanted to get to know more about her, and to share himself with her. He wanted Cara to continue seeing him, not the prince.

Parker had chosen a different way of life than what she’d been born to. As the heir to the throne, Michael didn’t have that luxury. As much as he had grand plans for his country—increasing tourism and technology being two of his highest priorities—he had much smaller personal goals. Someone to love, who would love him in return—him, not his title nor his wealth. A relationship like the one his parents had. A family.

They seemed like small goals—ones most people had. But for him they had seemed out of reach until he met Cara Phillips.

The low murmurs in the room were punctuated by another burst of laughter.

He knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Cara called out.

Michael walked into the room and was unprepared for the emotion that poleaxed him as he spotted Dr. Stevens and Cara sitting together.

Cara’s smile died immediately when she saw who had entered.

“What do you want?” she asked, no smile or sign of greeting.

“I just came up to check on you.”

Her eyes darted toward the doctor then back to him. “I’m fine.”

“Dr. Stevens?” he asked, not quite believing her.

The doctor shot Cara a strange look, then turned to Michael. “She’s absolutely fine, but I’m running a few tests just to be sure.”

“What kind of tests?”

Cara thrust out her arm and he noticed the smiley-face bandage in the crook of her arm. “He drew some blood and is going to test for anemia. That could explain my light-headedness.”

There was something the two of them weren’t telling him. Michael could sense it.

“What else?”

“Nothing else,” Cara said. “Now that you’ve satisfied your curiosity, if you don’t mind…”

She left the sentence hanging, an obvious invitation to leave her room.

“I don’t mind at all,” he said, taking a seat in the armchair. “Thank you for coming over so soon, Dr. Stevens.”

The doctor took the hint and packed his bag. Before he left, he took a card from his pocket and handed it to Cara. “If you need anything, have any problems at all, call me. The top number is my office, the bottom number is a private line. Call anytime of day or night.”

“Thank you, Tommy.”

“It was my pleasure,” he assured her, then gave Michael a quick nod and left the room.

“It was my pleasure,” Michael mocked.

“You’re the one that forced me to see him,” she said. “I enjoyed meeting Tommy.”

“That’s another thing. Tommy. Not even Tom. I’ve known the man for at least five years and have always called him Dr. Stevens. You’ve known him half an hour and he’s Tommy. What was going on between the two of you?”

“I was assured that doctor-patient privilege is the same here in Eliason as it in the U.S., so I guess that makes what was going on between the two of us my business, doesn’t it?”

“I’m concerned, Cara.” Michael knew that was an understatement. Concerned didn’t even begin to define the heart-stopping fear he’d felt when she’d fainted. And though she seemed fine, the fear hadn’t abated much.

Her look softened a little and for a moment he thought she was going to be reasonable. Instead, she said, “Don’t be concerned. You heard the doctor, I’m fine.”

“I don’t think he’d be doing more tests if he was one hundred percent sure of your fineness.”

“He’s just being cautious. I think it must be a trait of your country.”

“And you say you’ve met my sister, Parker?” he teased. “If caution is a national trait, it’s one that totally passed her by.”

Cara laughed, much to Michael’s delight.

“Maybe it’s a trait that’s connected to the Y chromosome?” she asked.

“Maybe. But you’ll have to admit that the night we met neither of us was particularly cautious.”

Some emotion he couldn’t quite identify passed over her face as she slowly nodded.

“I guess you could say that.”

“About that night, I’d like to—”

She sprang from the chair. “Sorry, Michael. No time to reminisce. I’ve got a clean bill of health and need to find your mother and talk about the wedding. Two ceremonies in one and only a month to plan them. I’ve got lots and lots of work to do.”

“We’re going to have to talk about that night.”

“I don’t see why. It was just a night. A passing fling. A one-night stand. There’s nothing to talk about or analyze. It was over almost before it started. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to freshen up before the meeting with your mother.”

This time Michael took the hint and stood.

Cara looked pale and a bit shaky and he didn’t want to upset her more than he suspected she already was.

“Fine, I’ll let it go for now. But you’re here for a whole month, cara mia. You won’t be able to run from that night forever.”

“I’m not running. I’m simply stating the truth. I’d prefer keeping my visit to your country on a completely professional level, if you don’t mind.”

“Ah, cara mia, I do indeed mind.” He took her hand and before she could pull it away, he planted a light kiss on it. “I’ll see you tonight at dinner.”

He left her standing in the middle of the room looking a bit shell-shocked, and still far too pale for his peace of mind.

He knew there was more to the tests Dr. Stevens—Tommy—was running. He hurried to try and catch the good doctor before he left.

Michael wanted answers and he wanted them now.

Once Upon a King

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