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For my mom, my biggest fan, who reads every word I have written a hundred times over and loves it every single time.

To my family, my dad, my brother Lee and my sister-in-law Julie, for your support, love, encouragement and endless excitement for my stories.

To my gorgeous friends Victoria Stone, Megan Wood and Kirsty Maclennan for all your support, tweets, the endless promotion, the excitement and your love. You are truly amazing.

To Becca who read bits of this when I had my doubts and for falling in love with it.

To my best friends Gareth and Mandie, for your endless support, patience and enthusiasm.

For my twinnie, the gorgeous Aven Ellis for just being my wonderful friend, for your support and encouragement, for cheering me on and for keeping me entertained with wonderful stories and pictures of hot men. I couldn’t do this without you.

For Sharon Sant for listening to me moan and stress and panic with endless patience and for all your support and friendship.

And some other gorgeous people who have encouraged, supported, promoted, got excited or just listened; Erin McEwan, Lisa Dickenson, Jaimie Admans, Dan Thompson, Sharon Wilden, Kim Nash, Kelly Rufus, Pernille Hughes, Rosie Blake, Simona Elena, Katey Beeden, Maryline, Jo Hurst, Dawn Crooks, Jenny Marston, Laura Delve, Janet Emson, Pat Elliott, Agi, Alba, Ana, Jess Bickerton, Kate Gordon, Kiri Mills, Louise Wykes, Shaun, Stacey Hargreaves, Maggie Woodward, Trish H, Jac, Verity and Jodie.

To all those involved in the blog tour and cover reveal. To anyone who has read my book and taken the time to tell me you’ve enjoyed it or wrote a review, thank you so much.

To the wonderful supportive Carina authors, you guys are the very best.

And finally to all at Carina who have helped to bring this book to publication, my wonderful editor Lucy Gilmour, for making the book so much better, the digital team, the design team for this incredible cover and anyone else there who has helped to make this book a reality.

Thank you, I love you all.

One Hundred Christmas Proposals

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