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Chapter Two

Proposer’s Blog

Christmas Proposal 75: December 22nd. Ethan and Victoria’s Proposal. Location: The River Thames

Ethan and Victoria have been together for nine months and Ethan knew she was the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with from the very first moment they met. She spilt coffee over him on her first day waitressing at some posh restaurant. She maintains it was an accident, Ethan thinks it was deliberate because he was being a dick and he deserved it. She was sacked for it and Ethan immediately hired her to work for him instead. Victoria fought the attraction for a week before she gave in and slept with him. Ethan says their love was unstoppable, it careened out of control down steep tracks. He said that he had never fallen so hard, so quickly with any woman he had ever met. Within a month they had moved in together and there was never any going back after that.

Ethan and Victoria went on a lunchtime boat ride, crossing first under Tower Bridge and heading up river towards Westminster Bridge. They were accompanied by a violinist and ahead of them was another boat (with us on), sprinkling rose petals into the water.

There are several bridges between Tower Bridge and Westminster and on each bridge was a letter, slowly making up the words ‘Marry Me’.

I’d love to say Victoria was surprised but whether Ethan had somehow let something slip or she just knew that this was where their relationship had been heading all along, maybe she knew that she had been waiting for that moment with that man all her life, but she seemed to take it all very calmly. By the third letter, she was already slow dancing in his arms and by the fourth letter, the ring was already on her finger. She didn’t even see the fifth, sixth and seventh letters, or the rose petals that were thrown over the sides of the final bridge that rained down like confetti on top of them, they were too busy kissing.

They were supposed to stop at the side after Westminster Bridge and we had arranged for a meal to be brought aboard but they went straight home instead. Strange that.

Suzie was in tears again. Another resounding success.


I was busy replying to emails when Harry walked in with two plates of sausage sandwiches. He had ketchup on his lips and he bent down to give me a big ketchupy kiss. I didn’t have time to wiggle out of his way before he planted a tomato flavoured kiss on my lips.

‘You’re gross.’

‘Yep and I don’t care, you know why?’

I rubbed the ketchup off my face. ‘Enlighten me.’

‘Because the most beautiful woman in the world is in love with me. Warts and all. She loves me just the way I am. So I’m never going to change.’

‘What have I created?’

‘A monster, and there’s nothing you can do about it.’

I tucked into my lunch, starving after our little trip down the Thames. I loved Ethan and Victoria’s proposal, how matter of fact Victoria was about the whole thing. Harry’s proposal should have gone like that. We belonged together, everyone could see that. Everyone but us. But maybe we needed that journey around the world to make us stronger. What we had now was pretty damned perfect.

One Hundred Christmas Proposals: A feel-good, romantic comedy to make you smile

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