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What does minimalism actually mean?


Defining the concept of minimalism is quite simple: you manage to get by with little. The idea behind it is simple: Instead of wanting to own many things and a lot of money, one devotes oneself to a simpler lifestyle in which one owns little and lives with little. Those who live in a minimalist way have few, but essential things. The term "minimalism" generally refers to everything imaginable, free of unnecessary additives and reduced to the essential. This tendency to focus only on the essential can be applied to many different areas of life.

For example, one finds minimalist features in individuals and groups of people who practice asceticism. Most people think of monks from Buddhist temples who have separated from all their own possessions and live according to the strict rules of repentance. It is said that these people have found a special inner balance, live in harmony with themselves, others and nature and are particularly satisfied.

We are interested in this so-called "inner balance". But don't worry: if you want to live a minimalist life, you don't have to convert to a monk right away. We will refer to the basic concepts of minimalism and then apply them to our modern everyday life. In this guide, we show you how to find yourself - in your own personal way. Because to live minimalistically does not mean to live with nothing, but to reduce one's environment to the essentials. Together, we will consider what things you really need in your life, what makes your life easier or could make it easier, and what habits and objects stress you unnecessarily.

Your Minimalist Lifestyle Guide

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