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“I’m going down,” Jack said.

He had done it before, although not with favorable results.

Pulling rope off his pack, he anchored it to a nearby tree root jutting out from the mountain. Romeo shot him a look, like, Don’t go without me.

“Stay,” Jack said in case the dog got any crazy ideas and shouldered his pack, which had supplies.

Gripping the rope with gloved hands, he let himself drift so he’d land gently on the plateau, about a hundred feet down.

He wouldn’t be too late this time, wouldn’t let any harm come to the woman in the blue ski jacket.

A few moments later he landed on the small ledge.

Her back was to him and she acted as if she hadn’t heard his landing. “Miss?”

Startled, she turned suddenly, her eyes wide with fear. “Don’t hurt me!” She stepped back, precariously close to the edge.

He instinctively reached out to grab her arm.

“No, don’t!”

She stumbled backward over the edge of the cliff.

Mountain Hostage

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