Читать книгу CoronaGate - Horst Karbaum - Страница 4



Dear reader,

about a week ago I had a crazy idea and I had to start writing it down. Now it is already 60 pages and if it continues like this, I can publish soon, I had written on March 13. Now it is finished!

That day I saw a video on youtube about the Corona virus. My mouth remained open with astonishment. Already in 1981 Dean Koontz published a book "The Eyes of Darkness", which played with the idea that a virus was made by humans and released in Wuhan. Honestly, I knew nothing about it until that day.

But there is one thing Koontz certainly did not foresee, and that's what I'm bringing into play now.

Namely, that there are two ways to make the motto "America first!" come true. Let me describe the second.

As always, everything is fictitious and I don't believe that what I have written has any relation to reality, or does it?

Dortmund, Friday, March 30, 2020

Horst Karbaum


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