Читать книгу Quick Flora Mallorca - Horst Mehlhorn - Страница 9



Alternate (9):arranged in two rows but not opposite
Anther:part of the stamen that contains the pollen
Basal (22):arising from the base of the stem
Bracteole (32):small and often scale-like leaf just beneath a compound flowerhead
Bracts (29):small and often scale-like leaf just beneath a flower
Bulbil:small bulb arising in the axis of an inflorescence or leaf
Calyx (27):the group of sepals as a whole
Catkin:spike-like inflorescence
Cordate:heart-shaped at the base
Epicalyx:calyx-like structure outside but close to the calyx
Fruit:ripe seeds and structure surrounding them
Involucre (29):bracts forming a calyx-like structure below an inflorescence of Compositae
Head:compact cluster of flowers
Keel (28):lower part of a legume flower
Latex:milky juice
Ligule:small scale on the surface of a leaf/flower
Lip (35):the lower or upper lobe of an irregular flower
Mucronate:with a short narrow extension at the tip
Node:a point on the stem where one or more leaves arise
Ob-:the other way up from normal
Oblong:a flat shape, middle part more or less parallel-sided
Opposite (23):leaves arising at the same level on opposite sides of the stem
Ovate:more or less egg-shaped
Ovary:female reproductive organ
Obovate:inverted egg-shaped (broadest above the middle)
Papillae:small nipple-like projections
Parasite:plant which derives its food from other living plants to which it is attached
Perennial:plant living for more than two years
Petal:colourful part of the flower
Pinnate (20):a leaf composed of more than 3 leaflets
Pinnatifid:leaves with multiple lobes where the lobes are still connected to each other
Perianth:flower as a whole including both sepals and petals
Petiole:stalk of leaves
Procumbent:a plant lying close to the surface on the ground
Raceme:unbranched inflorescence in which the flowers are born on stalks
Sepal (27):outer part of a flower, often green and leaf-like
Sessile:without a stalk
Siliqua (33):narrow cylindrical pod with a ratio of length to width greater than 3: 1
Silicula (34):pod with a ratio of length to width smaller than 3: 1
Spike (1):inflorescence with sessile flowers
Stamen (27):male reproductive organ within a flower
Standard (28):upper part of a legume flower
Stigma (27):receptive surface of the flower to which the pollen adhere
Stipule (25):scale-like or leaf-like appendage on the leaf stalk
Style (27):part of the flower that connects the ovary with the stigma
Tomentose:densely covered in soft hairs
Umbel (30-32):inflorescence in which the flower stalks all arise from the top of the main stem
Whorled (21):more than two leaves arising from the same level
Wing (28):lateral part of a legume flower
Winged:membraneous extension of a stem or stalk
Quick Flora Mallorca

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