Читать книгу Иисус. Человек, ставший богом - Хосе Антонио Пагола - Страница 49
Глава 5 Воспевающий сострадание
Оглавление1. Современные исследования притчей
GOWLER, David В., What are they saying about Parables? Nueva York, Paulist Press, 2000.
WEDER, Hans, Metafore del Regno. Le parabole di Gesù: ricostruzione e interpretazione.
Brescia, Paideia, 1991, pp. 17-123.
BLOMBERG, Craig L., «The Parables of Jesús: Current Trends and Needs in Research», en Bruce CHILTON/CraigA. EVANS (eds.), Studying the Historical Jesús. Evaluations of the State of Current Research. Leiden-Boston-Colonia, Brill, 21998, pp. 231–254.
SNODGRASS, Klyne R., «From Allegorizing to Allegorizing: A History of the Interpretation of the Parables of Jesús», en Richard N. LONGENECKER (ed.), The Challenge of Jesús’ Parables. Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2000, pp. 3-29.
PARKER, Andréw, Painfully Clear. The Parables of Jesús. Sheffield, Academic Press, 1996, pp. 10-121.
2. Поэтика притчей Иисуса
ESPINEL, José Luis, La poesta de Jesús. Salamanca, San Esteban, 1986.
SCOTT, Brandon Bernard, Jesús, Symbol-Maker for the Kingdom. Filadelfia, Fortress Press, 1981.
3. Литературные особенности притчей
BOUCHER, Madeleine, The Mysterious Parable. A Literary Study. Washington, Catholic Biblical Association, 1977.
DUPONT, Jacques, Il metodo parabolico di Gesù. Brescia, Paideia, 1978.
CROSSAN, John Dominic, In Parables. The Challenge of the Historical Jesús. Sonoma, CA, Polebridge Press, 1992.
FUSCO, V., Oltre la parabola. Introduzione alle parabole di Gesù. Roma, Borla, Roma, s.f.
HARNISCH, Wolfgang, Las parabolas de Jesús. Una introduccion hermeneutica. Salamanca, Sígueme, 1989.
4. Ключевые исследования притчей Иисуса
DODD, Charles Harold, Las paräbolas del Reino. Madrid, Cristiandad, 1974.
JEREMIAS, Joachim, Las paräbolas de Jesús. Estella, Verbo Divino, 1971.
LINNEMANN, Eta, Jesús of the Parables. Introduction and Exposition. Nueva York – Evanston, Harper and Row, s.f.
VIA, Dan Otto, The Parables. Their Literary and Existencial Dimension. Filadelfia, Fortress Press, 1977.
5. Комментарии к притчам Иисуса
CERFAUX, Lucien, Mensaje de las paräbolas. Madrid, Fax, 1969.
HARRINGTON, W., II parlait en paraboles. Paris, Cerf, 1967.
CAPON, Robert Farrar, The Parables of Grace. Grand Rapids, MI, William В. Eerd-mans, 1988.
SCOTT, Brandon Bernard, Hear Then the Parable. A Commentary on the Parables of Jesús. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1990.
DONAHUE, John R, The Gospel in Parable. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1990.
LONGENECKER, Richard N. (ed.), The Challenge of Jesús’ Parables. Cambridge, Eerd-mans, 2000.
McBRIDE, Denis, Les paraboles dejusus. Paris, Eds. de P Atelier, 2001.
BATAGLIA, Oscar, Le parabole del Regno. Ricerca exegetica e pastorale. Asis, Cittadella, 21999.
ETCHELLS, Ruth, A reading of the Parables of Jesús. Londres, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1998.
SHILLINGTON, V. George (ed.), Jesús and his Parables. Interpreting the Parables of Jesús Today. Edimburgo, T.&T. Clark, 1997.
BEASLEY-MURRAY, G. R, Jesús and the Kingdom of God. Grand Rapids, MI, Eerd-mans, 1986, pp. 108–143 у 194–218.
6. Чтение притчей в определенных перспективах
HEDRICK, Charles W., Parables as Poetic Fictions. The Creative Voice of Jesús. Massachusetts, Hendrikson, 1994.
BAYLEY, Kenneth E., Poet and Peasant. Through Peasant Eyes. A Literary-Cultural Approach to the Parables in Luke. Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 1983.
HERZOG II, William R., Parables as Subversive Speech. Jesús as Pedagogue of the Oppressed. Louisville, KY, Westmister – John Knox Press, 1994.
7. Другие интересные работы
FUNK, Robert W./SCOTT, Bernard Brandon/BUTTS, James R., The Parables of Jesús. Red Letter Edition. Sonoma, CA, Polebridge Press, 1988.
STEIN, Robert H., The Method and Message of Jesús’ Teachings. Louisville, KY, Westminster – John Knox Press, 1994, pp. 7-59.
SCHWEIZER, Eduard, Jesús, paräbola de Dios. Salamanca, Sígueme, 2001, pp. 37–55.
FORD, Richard The Parables of Jesús. Recovering the Art of Listening. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1997.