Читать книгу Beekeeping For Dummies - Howland Blackiston - Страница 92

Speak to your landlord about roof rights


See if you can get access to your building’s rooftop and obtain permission to place a hive or two on the roof. Rooftop hives are wonderful in that they are out of sight to most residents, thus reducing neighborhood fear and lessening the chance of vandalism.

Although a roof is a great location for urban beehives, there are safety issues to take into consideration.

 Consider carefully a roof if you have to go up a fire escape, climb a tall ladder, or use a rooftop hatch. In all of these situations, it might be difficult (and dangerous) to attempt to remove full and heavy honey supers from the roof area. If it is tough to get yourself up and down, imagine doing so with heavy, sticky equipment and bees buzzing all around you.

 Don’t place your hive too close to the edge of the roof. If you end up with a bee up your pant leg and you lose your balance, no amount of arm flapping will help you fly safely to the ground.

 Secure all the parts of the hive using crank straps (heavy-duty cargo straps with a ratchet locking mechanism). Strong gusts of wind can send hive parts flying wildly off the roof and onto pedestrians below.

Never place a beehive on a fire escape. Never. It’s illegal, and it’s dangerous.

Beekeeping For Dummies

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