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Table of Contents

Foreword by Elizabeth F. Collins

Introduction by Lady Borton

The Vietnamese Identity


The Vietnamese Character

The Vietnamese “I” and “We”

The Vietnamese: A Warlike People?

Are There Differences in the Mentality of Northern and Southern Vietnamese?

On Naming a Child

The Traditional Village: For and Against

A Village Landscape

The Traditional Vietnamese House

The Communal House

The Head and the Heart of the Traditional Village

The Four Facets of Vietnamese Culture

The Four Facets of Vietnamese Culture

Back to the Source in Southeast Asia

In Việt Nam, Rice is the Source of Life

Myths Die Hard in Việt Nam

The Lord of the Sacred Drum Finally Regains His Artefact

The Worship of Mother Goddesses

Ancestor Worship

Village Alliances

Vietnamese Cultural Identity

A Hyphen between Two Worlds: Indian and Chinese Influences

Vietnamese Culture: Southeast Asian Roots Facing Chinese Confucianism

French Culture in Việt Nam Today

Franco-Vietnamese Karma

“Asian Values” and “Family Values”

Vietnamese Culture and Đổi Mới

Việt Nam’s Confucian Heritage

How to Translate “Văn Miếu”

Confucius Set Free

Filial Piety

Confucian Scholar-Administrators

Confucius and Machiavelli

Confucian Contempt for Commerce and Finance

Confucianism and the Vietnamese Revolution

Revolutionary Confucian Scholars

Confucian Scholars and Modernization

Buddhism in Việt Nam

The Layout of a Vietnamese Buddhist Pagoda

The Buddhist Goddess of Mercy

The Bearded Indian in Vietnamese Village Pagodas

Mount Yên Tử: The Cradle of Vietnamese Zen

Exemplary Vietnamese

The Trưng Sisters (Hai Bà Trưng)

Lady Triệu (Bà Triệu)

Lý Thường Kiệt

Chu Văn An: Spiritual Master

Trần Hưng Đạo

Nguyễn Trãi: Việt Nam’s Greatest Humanist?

Lê Lợi and Lam Kinh, Capital of an Ancient Kingdom

Quang Trung and His Unfulfilled Vision

Ngô Thì Nhậm: A Confucian Scholar’s Difficult Choice

Hoàng Diệu

Trương Vĩnh Ký: A Controversial Figure

Nguyễn Văn Vĩnh

Nguyễn Thái Học: Hero of Thổ Tang Village

Teachers at Private Schools in Huế

Nguyễn Văn Huyên: My History Teacher

Hồ Chí Minh and Western Cultural Values

Vietnamese Literature: An Expression of the Nation’s Spirit

Nguyễn Du and The Tale of Kiều: The Brigand and the Courtesan

Nguyễn Trãi: One of Our Most Famous Poets

Hồ Xuân Hương: Eroticism and Poetry

Lê Quý Đôn

Madame Thanh Quan

Nguyễn Gia Thiều: Poet of Destiny and Sorrow

Nguyễn Công Trứ: The Poet of Poverty and “The Solitary Pine”

Cao Bá Quát: Việt Nam’s Rebel Poet

Nguyễn Đình Chiểu: A Poet Blinded by Tears of Grief

Nguyễn Khuyến

Phạm Tất Đắc: His Incendiary Poem

Romantic Literary Currents in the 1930s

Tản Đà and Quang Dũng: Two Poets of the West Country

Hàn Mặc Tử: Finding Poetry in Suffering

Dương Quảng Hàm: The First Modern Literary History of Việt Nam

Women Writers Give Vietnamese Literature Some Oooh La La

Culture and the Arts

Vietnamese Lacquer: All Tradition Is Change through Acculturation

What do Vietnamese Water Puppets Say?

Ancient Graphic Arts of Việt Nam

Tradition and Revolution in Handicrafts

Ca Trù: Classical Arias—An Ancient Art Threatened with Extinction

Tuồng: Việt Nam’s Classical Opera

Chèo: Popular Opera—An Art Unique to the Red River Delta

Chèo and Cải Lương (Renovated Theater): Conversations with Tào Mạt and Bửu Tiến

“Pre-War” Romantic Music Captures the Mood of an Era

Nam Sơn: A Meeting of East and West

The Four Pillars of Vietnamese Painting

The Vietnamese Landscape and the Vietnamese Spirit

Cao Bằng: Home of the Tày

From the Bronze Age to Medieval Doctors of Humanities

The North Country (Ancient Kinh Bắc)

Hà Nội: City of the Soaring Dragon

Old Hà Nội

At the Palace of the Trịnh Lords

The Cultivated Manners of Tràng An (Hà Nội)

Tết in Old Hà Nội and Tết Couplets

The East Country (Xứ Đông)

The West Country (Xứ Đoài)

The South Country (Sơn Nam)

Đọi Tam: The Village of Drums

Tày Hamlet in Bắc Sơn District

Quảng Bình Province

Nghệ An and Hà Tĩnh

A Quick Visit to Cochin China

Caodaism and Its Beginnings in Tây Ninh Province

Poulo Condor (Côn Đảo)

Vietnamese Women and Change

Teeth Lacquering and Chewing Betel Quids

Women Conquer the World of Science

Who Designed the Áo Dài?

The Life of Single Women

Single Parenting

Vietnamese Youth and Virginity

Đổi Mới (Renovation or Renewal) and Globalization

Vietnamese Culture Facing Globalization

The Traditional Family under Fire

The Market Economy and Matrimony

Divorce as Seen in a District of Hà Nội

The Young and Our Traditions

The Cicada Generation

A Story of Tomatoes and Watercress

A Traditional Village Facing the Market Economy

A Pedicab Driver

Respect for Teachers Re-Emerges

The Fight against Corruption

Saying Hello to the Past


About the Vietnamese Language

A Chronology of Vietnamese History

Henri Oger’s Mechanics and Crafts of the Vietnamese People (1909): Sketches of Hanoians’ Vibrant Life

Oger Drawings


Viet Nam

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