Читать книгу Defenseless America - Hudson Maxim - Страница 5



Table of Contents

Portrait of Author Frontispiece
The Vast Territory that Our Inflated Monroe Doctrine Obligates Us to Defend 60
The Heart of America 76
Relative Numerical Strength of Field Artillery 104
Portrait of General Leonard Wood, U. S. A. 114
Number of Officers and Enlisted Men of U. S. Regular Army 118
Strength of Regular Armies on Peace Footing 125
Portrait of Admiral Austin M. Knight, U. S. N. 150
Strategic Spheres of Vital Importance in the Pacific 160
Battleship Strength of the Nations 168
How New York Could Be Bombarded from a Position off Rockaway Beach Beyond the Range of Our Forts 188
Opposing Fleets in Action 196
Some Annual United States Expenditures 226
Enormous Resources of the Warring Nations 232
Casualties of Peace and War Compared 296
Defenseless America

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