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Chapter Five NEW TRICKS


My life became (more) interesting in many ways. My heart stopped stopping, but my hair and my teeth started, ...falling out.

I had developed a cardiovascular system twice that of a normal person, and now, without the extra adrenalin, I would be happily running up a flight of stairs or whatnot, and without raising my pulse rate, would completely overwhelm my leg muscles and collapse. Rather the equivalent of nitrous oxide in a V.W.

I suspect we killed off a bit too much of my "carburetor" as, in time, I had difficulty holding my head up or keeping my eyes open.

Amazingly, medical science had a pill that would SPEED UP thyroid, and it, supposedly, wouldn't even kill me!

Oh, joy!

At this point, the wreckage was becoming obvious. My joints, destroyed by decades of abuse, and no longer sustained by hyper-health, hurt continuously. But worse, my soul cried out that I was on the wrong track.

At 34, I hit my first solid wall, knowing instinctively that I had to change, or die. Desperate, with a hundred questions and no answers, a crumbling body, and a faltering spirit, I succumbed to one of my main desires, or curses, or crutches,(pick your label), ... and with the help of yet another beautiful woman, ...I "changed".

When she departed, I faced the blow with hollow reserve. Now an employee, no longer married, long distance father,I survived mainly on the ingrained concept of survival itself.

But my soul no longer screamed, it spoke rather with a quiet resolve, and my spirit no longer stumbled.

I adopted as a mantra, a passage from the icon of insight, Mr. Hall;" I've never run into things hard and unbending when I was just travelling slow."

Although my body had some catching up to do, I picked up my magical toolbox, and with some luck, some friends, and a few million calories,was able to start a mechanical repair shop.

Spiritfarmer...the other secrets

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