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Mr. Scudamore’s Standards of Service

Mr. Scudamore submitted several other arguments in support of the statement that private enterprise had failed to provide the public with sufficient telegraphic facilities. He submitted a list of 486 English and Welsh towns, ranging in population from 2,000 to 200,000, and stated in each case whether or not the town was a telegraph station; and if it was one, whether the telegraph office was, or was not, within the town limits. Mr. Scudamore summarized the facts elucidated, with the statement that 30 per cent. of the 486 towns were well served; that 40 per cent. were indifferently served; that 12 per cent. were badly served; that 18 per cent. were not served at all; and that the towns not served at all had an aggregate population of more than 500,000.24

Mr. Scudamore did not define his standards of good service, indifferent service, bad service, and absence of service; but examination of his data shows that his standards were so rigorous that the state of affairs revealed in his summary was by no means so bad as might appear at first sight. Mr. Scudamore took as the standard of good service, the presence of a telegraph office within the town limits. He characterized as indifferent the service of 98 towns in which the telegraph office was within one-quarter of a mile of the Post Office, though outside of the town limits; as well as the service of 88 towns in which the telegraph office was within one-half a mile of the Post Office, though outside of the town limits. He called the service bad in the case of 38 towns in which the telegraph office was within three-quarters of a mile of the Post Office; as well as in the case of 22 towns in which the telegraph office was one mile from the Post Office. He said there was no service whenever the distance of the telegraph office from the Post Office exceeded one mile. In this connection it should be added that the telegraph lines followed the railway; and that in consequence of the prejudice against railway companies in the early days, very many cities and towns refused to allow the railway to enter the city or town limits.

Mr. Scudamore’s data showed that there had been in 1865 not less than 96 towns in which the distance between the Post Office and the nearest telegraph office exceeded one mile. In a foot-note, in the appendix, Mr. Scudamore stated that in 1868, not less than 25 of the 96 towns had been given a railway telegraph office; but no mention of that fact did he make in the main body of the report, the only part of the document likely to be read even by the comparatively small number of the Members of Parliament who took the trouble to read the document at all. As for the writers of the newspaper press, and the general public, they accepted without exception the statement that in 1868 not less than 18 per cent. of the towns in question, with an aggregate population of over 500,000, had no telegraphic service. As a matter of fact the statement applied only to 14.6 per cent. of the towns, with an aggregate population of 388,000;25 and many of the towns that still were without service in 1868 would not have been in that condition, had not the agitation for the nationalization of the telegraphs arrested the investment of capital in telegraphs in the years 1865 to 1868.

Mr. Scudamore also submitted a table giving the total number of places with money order issuing Post Offices in England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland; and stated what number of those places had respectively perfect telegraph accommodation, imperfect telegraphic accommodation, and no telegraphic accommodation.26 Mr. Scudamore contended that the public interest demanded that each one of those places should have at least one telegraph office, that office to be located as near the centre of population as was the Post Office. He submitted no argument in support of that proposition. But Parliament and the public accepted the proposition with avidity, since Mr. Scudamore promised that the extension required to give such a service would not cost more than $1,000,000, about 1/11 or 1/12 of the total sum invested by the several telegraph companies. Mr. Scudamore also promised that, after the service had been thus extended, the total operating expenses of the State telegraphs would be less than 45 per cent. of the gross receipts; that the State telegraphs would at least pay their way, and that they probably would yield a handsome profit. But when Mr. Scudamore came to extend the State telegraphs, he spent upon extensions, not $1,000,000, but about $8,500,000, and when the State came to operate the telegraphs, the operating expenses quickly ran up to 87 per cent. of the gross receipts in three years, 1874 to 1876. These errors of Mr. Scudamore justify the statement that he made no case whatever against the system of laissez-faire, or private ownership, on the ground of the extent of the facilities offered to the public, under the system of private ownership. For obviously it was one thing to condemn the telegraph companies for not building certain extensions, those extensions being estimated to cost only $1,000,000, and a different thing altogether to condemn the telegraph companies for refusing to build out of hand extensions that would cost $8,500,000 and would be relatively unremunerative, if not absolutely unprofitable.

Tariffs and Growth of Traffic

It remains to consider whether the facts as to the charges made by the telegraph companies for the transmission of messages, and the facts as to the rate of increase in the number of messages transmitted, supported Mr. Scudamore’s contention that the system of private ownership of the telegraphs had failed to conserve and promote the public interest.

In 1851, the Electric and International Telegraph Company carried 99,216 messages, receiving on an average $2.41 per message. In 1856, the year in which the Scotch Chambers of Commerce began the agitation for nationalization, the company carried 812,323 messages, receiving on an average $0.99 per message. In 1865, the year in which the telegraph companies abolished the rate of 24 cents, irrespective of distance, that had been in force between the leading cities, and the Chambers of Commerce increased the agitation for purchase by the State, the Electric and International carried 2,971,084 messages, receiving on an average $0.49 a message. In the period from 1851 to 1867, the messages carried by the company increased on an average by 28.76 per cent. a year; the average receipts per message decreased on an average by 7.58 per cent. a year; and the gross receipts of the company increased on an average by 13.61 per cent. a year.

In the period 1855 to 1866, the messages carried annually by the British and Irish Magnetic Company grew from 264,727 to 1,520,640, an average annual growth of 17.58 per cent. At the same time the average receipts per message fell from $0.96 in 1855, to $0.48 in 1866.

In the period from 1855 to 1866, the number of messages carried annually by all of the telegraph companies of the United Kingdom increased from 1,017,529, to 5,781,989, an average annual increase of 16.36 per cent.

In the same period, from 1855 to 1866, the telegrams sent in Switzerland increased on an average by 13.14 per cent. each year; those sent in Belgium increased on an average by 31.45 per cent.; and those sent in France increased on an average by 25.40 per cent. When one takes into consideration that in Belgium, in 1867, only 38 per cent. of the messages transmitted related to stock exchange and commercial business, and that in France in the same year only 48 per cent. of the messages sent related to industrial, commercial, and stock exchange transactions, there is nothing in the comparison between the rate of growth in the United Kingdom on the one hand, and in the countries of Continental Europe on the other hand, to indicate that the use of the telegraphs for the purposes of trade and industry was held back in the United Kingdom by excessive charges or by lack of telegraphic facilities. So far as the United Kingdom lagged behind, it did so because the public had not learned to use the telegraphs freely for the transmission of personal and family news. And when, in 1875, under State owned telegraphs, the public of the United Kingdom had learned to use the telegraphs as freely as the public of Continental Europe used them, Mr. W. Stanley Jevons, the eminent British political economist, in the course of a review of the price paid for this free use of the telegraphs, said: “A large part of the increased traffic on the Government wires consists of complimentary messages, or other trifling matters, which we can have no sufficient motive for promoting. Men have been known to telegraph for a clean pocket handkerchief”—Mr. Jevons, in 1866 to 1869, had been an ardent advocate of nationalizing the telegraphs.27

Mr. Scudamore in 1866 to 1869 caused many people to believe that the United Kingdom was woefully behind the continental countries in the use of the telegraphs. He did so by publishing a table which showed that in 1866 there had been sent: in Belgium, 1 telegram to every 37 letters carried by the Post Office; in Switzerland, 1 telegram to every 69 letters; and in the United Kingdom, 1 telegram to every 121 letters. That table, however, really proved nothing; for in 1866, there were carried: in Belgium, 5 letters for every inhabitant; in Switzerland, 10 letters; and in the United Kingdom, 25 letters. Had the people of Belgium and Switzerland written as many letters proportionately as the people of the United Kingdom, the table prepared by Mr. Scudamore would have read: Belgium, 1 telegram for every 185 letters; Switzerland, 1 telegram for every 172 letters; and the United Kingdom, 1 telegram for every 121 letters.

Mr. Scudamore could, however, have prepared a table showing that the people of Switzerland and Belgium used the telegraph more freely than did the people of the United Kingdom, but not so much more freely as to call for so drastic a remedy in the United Kingdom as the nationalization of the telegraphs. The table in question would have shown that in 1866, there was transmitted: in Switzerland, 1 telegram to every 3.75 inhabitants; in Belgium, 1 telegram to every 4.25 inhabitants; and in the United Kingdom, 1 telegram to every 5.3 inhabitants. The table in question would also have indicated the necessity of care in the use of the several kinds of statistics just put before the reader. The table placed Switzerland in advance of Belgium, while the other sets of statistics had placed Belgium in advance of Switzerland.

Alleged Wastefulness of Competition

Mr. Scudamore’s concluding argument was that little or no relief from the evils from which the public was suffering could be expected “so long as the working of the telegraphs was conducted by commercial companies striving chiefly to earn a dividend, and engaged in wasteful competition.” In support of the charge of wasteful competition he stated “that many large districts are provided with duplicate and triplicate lines, worked by different companies, but taking much the same course and serving precisely the same places; and that these duplicate or triplicate lines and duplicate or triplicate offices only divide the business without materially increasing the accommodation of the districts or towns which they serve.” But when Mr. Scudamore sought to substantiate this charge of waste arising out of competition, he could do no more than state that not less than 2,000 miles of line in a total of 16,066 miles were redundant, and that perhaps 300 to 350 offices in a total of 2,040 offices were redundant.

The evidence presented by Mr. Scudamore failed to reveal a situation that called for so drastic a remedy as the nationalization of the telegraphs. It revealed no evils or shortcomings that it was unreasonable to expect would be sufficiently mitigated, if not entirely removed, by the measures proposed by the telegraph companies.

Mr. Robert Grimston, Chairman of the Electric and International Telegraph Company, stated that the telegraph companies long since would have asked Parliament to permit them to consolidate, had there been the least likelihood of Parliament granting the request. Consolidation would have made the resulting amalgamated company so strong that the company would have been justified in adopting a bolder policy in the matter of extending the telegraph lines to places remote from the railways. No single company could afford to assume too large a burden of lines that would begin as “suckers” rather than “feeders.” A company with a large burden of that kind would be in a precarious position, because any of the other existing companies, or some new company, might take advantage of the situation and cut heavily into that part of the company’s business that was carried on between the large cities and was bearing the burden of the non-paying extensions. But if the existing companies were to consolidate, the resulting company would become so strong that it need not fear such competition from any company newly to be organized. That there was much strength in that argument appears from the fact that, in 1869, Mr. Scudamore as well as the Government adopted it in support of the request that the State be given the monopoly of the business of transmitting messages by electricity. Mr. Scudamore argued that since the State was going to assume the burden of building and operating a large number of unprofitable, or relatively unprofitable, extensions, it should not be exposed to the possibility of competition from companies organized for the purpose of tapping the profitable traffic between the large cities, “the very cream of the business.” Mr. Scudamore added that he had been told that a company was on the verge of being organized for the purpose of competing for the business between the large towns as soon as the properties of the existing companies should have been transferred to the State.28

The Companies’ Proposal

The telegraph companies proposed to give the public substantial safeguards against the possibility of being exploited by the proposed amalgamated company. They proposed that Parliament should fix maximum charges for the transmission of messages, in conjunction with a limit on dividends that might be exceeded only on condition that the existing charges on messages be reduced by a stated amount every time that the dividend be raised a stated amount beyond the limit fixed. The companies proposed also that shares to be issued in the future should be sold at public auction, and that any premiums realized from such sales should be invested in the plant with the condition that they should not be entitled to any dividend. Provisions such as these, at the time, were in force in the case of certain gas companies and water companies. They have for years past been incorporated in all gas company charters; and they have worked well. There was no reason, in 1866 to 1869, why the proposals of the telegraph companies should not be accepted; that is, no reason from the view-point of the man who hesitated to exchange the evils and shortcomings incident to private ownership for the evils and shortcomings incident to public ownership.


17 The Edinburgh Review, July, 1870.

18 Annales télégraphiques, 1860, p. 547.

The company obtained a concession covering the whole of Belgium. In September, 1846, it opened a line between Brussels and Antwerpen. The tariff charged was low, but the line was so unprofitable that, in 1847, the company declined to build from Brussels to Quiévrain, where connection was to be made with a proposed French telegraph line.

19 Journal of Statistical Society, March, 1881.

20 Statistical Journal, September, 1876, and current issues of The Economist (London).

21 Journal of the Statistical Society, September, 1872.

22 Miscellaneous Statistics for the United Kingdom, 1868–9, and Parliamentary Paper, No. 416, Session 1867–68.

Length of electric telegraphs belonging to railway companies and telegraph companies respectively.

In placing the total mileage of telegraph line at 16,066, in 1865, Mr. Scudamore excluded the mileage of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company.

Railway Companies: 1865 1866 1867 1868
Lancashire & Yorkshire Not stated 430 432
London, Brighton & South Coast 241 266 284 284
London, Chatham & Dover 134 134 134 140
South Eastern Railway 324 333 351 351
Other Railway Companies Not stated 3,665
Total returned 699 733 1,199 4,872
Electric Telegraph Companies:
Electric & International 9,306 9,740 10,007 10,007
British & Irish Magnetic 4,401 4,464 4,696 4,696
The United Kingdom 1,672 1,676 1,692 1,692
The London District 123 150 150 163
So. Western of Ireland Not stated 85
Total of Companies 15,502 16,030 16,545 16,643
Grand Total returned 16,201 16,763 17,744 21,515

23 In the Fortnightly Review, December, 1875, Mr. W. S. Jevons, the eminent British statistician and economist, stated that the telegraph mileage was 24,000 miles. This statement is accepted in the absence of any official information. From 1870 to 1895 neither the Reports of the Postmaster General, nor the Statistical Abstracts, nor the Board of Trade Returns stated the mileage of telegraph lines; only the total mileage of telegraph wires was published.

24 Mr. Scudamore’s percentage figures, in some instances, were only roughly correct.


Distance of the Telegraph Station from the Post Office, miles Number of Towns Range of Population Aggregate Population
1.25 7 2,000 to 16,000 43,000
1.50 7 2,000 to 65,000 84,000
1.75 2 2,000 to 4,000 6,000
2.00 6 2,000 to 15,000 23,000
2.50 3 3,000 to 5,000 11,000
3.00 6 2,000 to 8,000 23,000
3.25 1 4,000 4,000
3.50 4 2,000 to 4,000 11,000
3.75 1 3,000 3,000
4.00 3 4,000 12,000
4.50 2 3,000 6,000
4.75 2 3,000 to 5,000 8,000
5.00 7 2,000 to 37,000 62,000
5.50 1 5,000 5,000
6.00 4 2,000 to 4,000 12,000
6.75 1 4,000 4,000
7.00 5 4,000 to 7,000 27,000
9.00 2 3,000 to 6,000 9,000
9.25 1 3,000 3,000
10.00 2 3,000 to 6,000 9,000
12.50 1 14,000 14,000
14.00 1 4,000 4,000
17.75 1 3,000 3,000
? 1 2,000 2,000
71 388,000


England and Wales Scotland Ireland
Number of places having Post Offices that issued money orders 2,056 385 509
Number of such places having: Perfect telegraph accommodation 648 91 109
Imperfect accommodation 567 92 33
No accommodation 850 196 367

27 The Fortnightly Review, December, 1875; and Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society, 1866–67.

28 Report from the Select Committee on the Telegraphic Bill, 1869: q. 321 to 329. In 1868, Mr. Scudamore and the Government had said that the State ought not to be given the monopoly of the telegraph business. Special Report from the Select Committee on the Telegraphs Bill, 1868; q. 124 and following, 319 and 320, and 2,464 and following.

The British State Telegraphs

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