Читать книгу Уголовное право США: успехи и проблемы реформирования - И. Д. Козочкин - Страница 1



Foreign Legislation

I. D. Kozochkin



Saint Petersburg

R. Aslanov Publishing House

“Yuridichesky Center Press”


Редакционная коллегия серии «Законодательство зарубежных стран»

А. И. Бойцов (отв. ред.), Н. И. Мацнев (отв. ред.), Б. В. Волженкин, Т. А. Алексеева, А. И. Коробеев, А. А. Эксархопуло, Ю. В. Голик, И. М. Рагимов, В. Я. Таций, А. И. Лукашов, И. В. Миронова, Е. Р. Шубина, Д. Леонарди, Х. Шпаманн


Отдел уголовного законодательства и судоустройства зарубежных государств Института законодательства и сравнительного правоведения при Правительстве РФ

А. И. Рарог, доктор юридических наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки РФ

Editorial Board of the Series of “Foreign Legislation”

A. I. Boitsov (managing editor), N. I. Matsnev (managing editor), B. V. Volzhenkin, T. A. Alexeeva, A. I. Korobeev, A. A. Eksarkhopoulo, Yu. V. Golik, I. M. Raguimov, V. Y. Tatsy, A. I. Lukashov, I. V. Mironova, E. R. Shubina, Danilo A. Leonardi, Holger Spamann


The Department of Criminal Legislation and Judicature of Foreign States of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Jurisprudence attached to the Government of the RF

Doctor of Law, professor, Honored Worker of Science of the RF A. I. Rarog

The work shows the present state of criminal law of the USA on the basis of the analysis of the current American legislation, the doctrine and materials of court practice. Consideration of principal institutions of its General and Special parts gives an idea of the character of the reform of criminal legislation that started in the second half of the XX century with the adoption of the Model Criminal Code of the USA.

The book is addressed to professors, post-graduate students and undergraduates of law schools, researchers who are specializing in the sphere of criminal law of the USA, practical workers as well as to everybody who is interested in criminal law of foreign countries.

© I. D. Kozochkin, 2007

© R. Aslanov Publishing House “Yuridichesky Center Press”, 2007

Уголовное право США: успехи и проблемы реформирования

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