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“I fled Liberia during the fracas of the April 6, 1996 warring fictions conflict in Monrovia because, in my mind, it was one of the most fearful moments of the Liberian Civil War. I have mentally overcome the occurrences of this episode, but I find it difficult to ignore or dismiss the memories of the journey on the Bulk Challenge.

Fleeing the danger ashore, the journey to safety became a nightmare at sea that threatened the survival of evacuees. Nights of torrential rainfall flooded and worsened the condition of the already ill-fated vessel. Fear of disaster heightened with every new day that we were rejected by neighboring countries. But as fearful and uncertain as the entire journey was, our faith in God to see us through increased even more – day after day.

This Book captures the shared experiences of real people including me, whose lives have forever been imparted by that frightful journey. Ezax is an excellent communicator and a master recorder of chronological events. It is a good read with real life lessons recommended for all ages. He has captured the experiences of this voyage like none other could, and I hope you will find the story as intriguing as it is to me.”

LT Solomon O. Lloyd, CHC, USN. US Marine Corps/California, USA

The Bulk Challenge Experience

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