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Aime looked at the selcouth young woman lying under the dome and strangely, the things Serapis had said, were no longer meaningless blabber, which was how it had seemed just a moment ago. A strange tremble had gotten into her, something which was even frighteningly bothering and at the same time, draw the whole attention towards the body lying in the distance. “I can’t keep you in the same room for long, even the dome of light of the Flower of Life is not protective enough. You are not actually dead as her. Even though your body would like back its flame of life. But if this happened, even the smallest of hopes to destroy them would be gone. Them we all die. Even her.” The woman pointed her hand with a gentle gesture towards the one lying underneath the dome. “And you. Your world right now. They will come through the gates and finish what they started by destroying the great state of Mu. Earth will become another one of their slave colonies, upon whose pain and fear to parasitise.” The other ways gentle and ethereal seeming woman was shaken by some wave of pain or anger.

“Who is coming? Who are you talking about?” Aime wanted to stay longer in the same room as the beautiful creature underneath the dome, but the woman pulled her by the hand, and the wall behind them closed. “The Brotherhood of Darkness. The ones who have tried to take over the world three times already. The first time they destroyed the first civilisation far in the north, which in your legends is called Hyperborea. This brought along an eternal winter upon Earth, which lasted for thousands of years and ended with the first planetary cycle in the history of Earth. Negativity fell on people and connected them with the matter once and for all. During that period, the Masters, the Children of Light, shaped their own bodies of energy. In the human sense, they were immortal. In reality, their bodies were situated on the astral level, which was on an even higher and finer vibe than ours. You do know that all bodies, even the one you have now, vibrate on a specific frequency. The higher the frequency, the finer the matter it creates. Both the Children of Light and I and are completely material, only our bodies are located on a different frequency than the ones you perceive as the physical world. That is why, in your natural world, you do not experience us as something physical. Even the Brotherhood of Darkness is material, only their vibration is very low compared to ours. However, still astral and imperceptible by the senses connected to your physical body. You can experience higher or lower creations of other vibes through their impact on your life. By wishing some influences on their lives, people might try to connect to either the Brotherhood of Darkness or us. Without knowing that there are no actions without consequences. Who you contact, their influence on Earth you enlarge.” Serapis eyes turned dark as she herself was saddened by this.

“You mean to tell me that people did not evolve from apes, or not even aliens, as some people think, but creatures from another frequency?” Aime asked the question which had been bothering her. “Some people of your time really want to think that you come from some kind of space aliens,” Serapis smirkingly answered. “In actuality, we all come from the space, just these aliens did not come here in an iron spaceship as many people like to imagine. The Children of Light came here to turn humans into humans, since they were able to move freely in between planets and stars with their awareness, handling the laws of nature and being able to change them in the way necessary, through their will.

On the white wall in front of Aime, again appeared pictures of Earth covered with big ferns, where dinosaurs were walking, and very tall creatures, with even bluer complexion than the woman standing in front of her, on Buddhist stupas with their narrow eyes and odd nose regions. "Their culture wasn't, as I told you, material in your sense of the word. This is why you have found virtually no artefacts from their time. After the first time darkness tried to take over, the Children of Light created a place for themselves deep inside Earth’s core, in the vibration loop, which we call the Halls of Amenti. The legends of your world have made them the hidden cities of Shambala and Agharta. From there, they gave their knowledge on to the next race, which was us," the woman continued while fast forwarding through the picture. On the wall appeared pictures of twirling discs rushing through the sky and explosions, which seemed like nuclear blasts that made the Earth convulse. “The second time, a confrontation known as the War of the Gods in your legends, destroyed a whole planet, on the orbit of which, in your current system, is located an asteroid belt composed of its pieces. One of these pieces found its way to Earth and another one to Moon, the pieces of which in turn crushed the whole civilisation. The home of our race was destroyed, called Mu or Lemuria in your legends. This shift in the whole solar system strongly changed the vibration frequency of the Earth and we, who had once lived on earth as people do, were forced to change dimensions. Our knowledge remained, and with our help, the third race created a civilisation, the debacle of which you are currently witnessing. You know it as the Atlantis debacle. Although we are still on Earth, we exist in a different frequency, and the more the power of the Brotherhood of Darkness sets itself on Earth, the less opportunity we have to come and help our former home planet from them.” Another picture emerged in front of Aime’s eyes of a mighty storm, which was beating enormous waves over beautiful buildings with white pillars. The girl flinched. These were the buildings from her dreams!

It appeared as if the picture had rewinded itself and these same buildings were now standing strong and glistening. “Over various generations, the people of Atlantis followed the rules and thought the balance of everything to be important. They thought the development of characteristics which create harmony to be significantly more important than the momentary well-being of a person. That is why they carried the burden of their riches and assets with ease, and it did not lead to the loss of their self-awareness or get their minds poisoned by the abundant resources. However, when the divine consciousness started to fade in them and the human aspects gained power over them, their sense of abstemiousness was lost. Downwards, towards darkness, the thoughts of Atlantis were headed,” a deep voice appeared from somewhere. Aime realised that it was not echoing in the room, but in her mind, as if some was dubbing the three-dimensional hologram clips on the wall, with a deep male voice. “From Agwanti, the abyss of isolation, the Inhabitant raised, speaking the words, the name of Essence, calling the power. Deep in the heart of Earth, the forces complied, changing and shifting the balance of creations for the wholeness to recover. Great waters were unleashed over Earth, drowning and pushing, changing the balance of Earth, until only the White Temple had remained, standing strong on a big mountain in the island of Ugarit. Some descendants of the Children of Light have survived there, the survival of the Earth was in their hands. The Virgin of Light must save the people of Earth, she, who holds the key to keep, close, and open the Gates of Atlantis.”

Aime saw how she was running through the marvellous rooms while pressing something vital against her chest. She had found it! Water was hurling all around her, but behind there was not merely water. It was large, dark and swallowing her orgone with every centimetre it came closer. Aime, or rather the tall and beautiful young lady with a bluish skin in the image, knew that if her orgone is not enough, the Dark Prince of Arulu can open the gates of the hidden world and will rule over everything…

“Time is that force which keeps events apart and in their rightful places. Time does not change, only you move in time which is constantly in the present,” the low voice of unknown origin for Aime, said again. “Time does not change, rather everything changes in time. Yet you are the same in all of the times that exist.”

“We have very little time,” the woman repeated while controlling the panoramic picture before Aime. “What you just saw was the last thing she remembers. Before I sent her life flame into you. For you to be born, we had to quickly find someone who was, in the right time frame, carrying the genes admissible for the frequencies that are attributed to our spirits. There is no time to explain this to you any further. You will get your answers once you find the tablets of Djehurty. If you don’t find the tablets and can’t stop the headway of the Power of Darkness with the help of Sharuri, the answers are no longer of use either. The kingdom of Atlantis will perish, and there are only a few moments left in our time until this happens. In your world, it means a month, 33 days to be exact. Time is different in different frequencies.”

The Gates of Atlantis

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