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I am grateful to a number of people who helped to make this book a reality. Dennis Cook and Sandy Weisberg first gave me the textbook‐writing bug when they approached me to work with them on their classic applied regression book [Cook and Weisberg, 1999], and Dennis subsequently motivated me to transform my teaching class notes into my own applied regression book. People who provided data for examples used throughout the book include: Victoria Whitman for the house price examples; Wolfgang Jank for the autocorrelation example on beverage sales; Craig Allen for the case study on pharmaceutical patches; Cathy Durham for the Poisson regression example in the chapter on extensions. The multilevel and Bayesian modeling sections of the chapter on extensions are based on work by Andrew Gelman and Hal Stern. A variety of anonymous reviewers provided extremely useful feedback on the second edition of the book, as did many of my students at the University of Oregon and Statistics.com. Finally, I'd like to thank colleagues at Thompson Rivers University and the Pennsylvania State University, as well as Kathleen Santoloci and Mindy Okura‐Marszycki at Wiley.

Iain Pardoe

Applied Regression Modeling

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