1. Roseland
2. The Slaughterer
3. Post-graduate Studies
4. The Moguls of Death
5. Konspiratsia
6. Death Warrant
7. The Wizard of Ice
8. The Beautiful Lure
9. A Labour of Love
10. The Fuse Burns
PART TWO The Execution
11. The Soft Life
12. A Piece of Cake
13. ‘BEA Takes You There ...’
14. Darko Kerim
15. Background to a Spy
16. The Tunnel of Rats
17. Killing Time
18. Strong Sensations
19. The Mouth of Marilyn Monroe
20. Black on Pink
21. Orient Express
22. Out of Turkey
23. Out of Greece
24. Out of Danger
25. A Tie with a Windsor Knot
26. The Killing Bottle
27. Ten Pints of Blood
28. La Tricoteuse