Читать книгу All sciences. №5, 2023. International Scientific Journal - Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev - Страница 6



UDC 004.896

Karimov Boxodir Xoshimovich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Technological Education" of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University
Qo’chqorov Ahliddin Mirzohidovich

Lecturer of "Technological Education" of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University

Ferghana State University, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

Annotation. The performance of a large number of various types of work and operations today is also reduced to the possibility of moving it and making movement. Of course, there are other types of robots that perform their functions in the same location, however, a large number of robots use different ways of movement, which is described in this paper.

Keywords: robot, movement, methods of movement, provision of various kinds of services, demonstration, electric energy.

Аннотация. Выполнение большого количества самой различного типа работ и операций в сегодняшний день сводиться также и к возможности его перемещение и совершения движения. Разумеется, существуют прочие типы роботов, исполняющие свои функции и в одном местоположении, однако, большое количество роботов используют именно различные способы передвижения, что описано в настоящей работе.

Ключевые слова: робот, движение, способы передвижения, оказание различного рода услуг, демонстрация, электрическая энергия.

The very concept of "robot" was created quite early, back in 1920, by the Czech writer Karel Chapek and his brother Josef for Mr. Chapek's science fiction play "R. U. R.", which was staged in 1921, after which it enjoyed success and then became popular. The same terms as "robotics" or more precisely "robotics" were more popularized by the famous writer Isaac Asimov in the science fiction story "Liar" of 1941.

To date, there are a huge number of very different robots, however, the problem of performing human-like movement among most of them on two or more limbs remains and therefore wheeled or tracked robots remain the most common among them, while four-wheeled ones are most often used, but of course there are robots that use more of them, or less, in favor of simplifying the design. A striking example of this is two-wheeled robots using gyroscopic systems for their precise retention and maintaining balance, using the dynamics of an inverse pendulum.

A more popular example of such a device is the segway, which, for comparison, was used as a transport platform in the Robonaut robot developed by NASA. It may seem surprising, but there are also unicycle-like robots that hold the alignment, but they are extremely rare. More actively, ballbots are used instead of them, which are already used, as can be seen from the name of the sphere, driven by several electric motor systems with general control of their retention and balance. Another interesting solution may be such a sharobot, the control system and other details, together with the brain system of which is not taken outside the robot body itself, but is located exactly inside it. Robots developed by the Swiss Higher Technical School, Tohoku Gakuin University and others have become popular.

There are, of course, types that use a larger number of wheels or a tracked type of movement, while such robots have the ability to move in a variety of surfaces, most often uneven, which allows the ability to move the wheel restraint systems along various axes. This design is also called "omnidirectional wheels".

When the technology of using wheels and tracks was described, it is also worth describing the way of movement on the limbs, or more precisely, walking robots, publications about which began in the 1970s and 1980s, although mentions of such devices and machines were still in the myths of Ancient Greece, where it was about the servants of the god Hephaestus, which he created and he gave reason, and popularization was already in subsequent science fiction novels by famous writers.

Of course, numerous motor gears operate at the same time, and no matter how surprising it is, such structures are easier to design, besides, they can use more limbs, as mentioned, or use only hands while walking, and hands and feet when running. However, the biggest problem among the creation of such robots is their poor retention and the ability to keep balance, like the human body.

And although research in this area is still ongoing, there are a huge number of different ways to solve these problems. An example of these technologies is the method of using a servo drive and a hydromechanical drive, ZMP technology and others. If walking itself is difficult for robots, using more complex movements for them may seem absurd, but surprisingly, there are only jumping robots that perfectly cope directly with this function. And of course, methods for adaptive algorithms for maintaining equilibrium are more progressive, of which there are not only a huge number, but during real testing, you may have to create completely new, previously non-existent algorithms.

Other, more exotic, but no less interesting methods for moving robots include flying robots, an example of which can be given at least UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), crawling robots that already imitate the way snakes, worms, slugs move, there are also robots moving on vertical surfaces, like geckos with a way of holding them on glass surface, or swim freely like fish, jellyfish and other inhabitants of marine flora and fauna.

As you can see, drawing conclusions, humanity, following the path of improving robotic devices, has already been able to find opportunities for imitation of such devices to a variety of living organisms, without excluding the person himself. But do not forget that this is just the beginning and there is even a lot to be done ahead, for example, to better adapt to full-fledged walking, find more favorable solutions, and further develop such technology even further, achieving even greater results.

All sciences. №5, 2023. International Scientific Journal

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