Читать книгу City Traffic - Iesha Renee - Страница 3

Chapter 3


It was exciting to fantasize about the money I’d be making. All I wanted from this was to get back on my feet. If there was a sexy adventure to be had as well then I’d just try to make that the fun part. I went back to McDonald’s without a penny to buy anything and no idea how to make a quick buck. I quickly snuck my laptop into the bathroom and settled into a stall. I felt like I couldn't risk sitting at a table and getting kicked out before I finished my stripper research. The first thing I did was look up stripper videos on youtube. I did my best to practice the moves in the mirror above the sink. When someone else walked in I was quick to either return to the stall or pretend to wash my hands. I spent two hours dancing in the mirror and on the wall trying to will my ass into gel-o. Eventually I got tired of embarrassing myself in front of myself and gave up. Returning to the stall

I settled on the toilet and decided reading might give me more insight into the life of a stripper. Twerking and grinding alone was really hard and the pole was intimidating. The thing that really scared me was the video I found on Facebook. It was a girl who’d overdosed. They were in what looked like backstage. It was scary because instead of calling an ambulance to help her, the people in the video were surrounding her, laughing at the poor girl. Someone called her a “druggie hoe” before someone else off camera shouted out “Die slut!” However shocking the video was in the foreground; in the background, there was money on virtually every surface. Spilling out of large black trash bags, Pilled on the dressing table. Pooled on the floor around the girl foaming at the mouth. It was hard to feel discourage at the same time as dreaming of what I could do with that kind of money. Even if I only made half of what I seen on every other night or so, it would still be better than starving and living in my car. Looking at the clock I realized I’d held myself in the restroom for five hours. To my utter surprise I was not reported to the manager. I decided not to push my luck. I closed my laptop and left the stall. Exiting the restroom was tricky because I had to avoid being seen by any staff member. I slid out the door with my back pressed against the wall and my laptop pressed to my chest. Quickly and almost stealthy I tipped toed around the corner and out of the double door entrance. The less I’m seen by anyone the easier it is to stay hours at a time in the restroom or a back corner near a wall socket.

That night as I tried to sleep pulled over on the greyhound curb. I was too anxious about the morning to actually dose off. Once again I had an exciting job prospect. This time there was no way I would except no for an answer. If My dancing wasn't good enough I’d run the bottles or fry up the hot wings, or even sweep the floor. Plan E I was preparing to use my feminine powers of persuasion to do what I had to do. Staying another night in the streets was not an option. The fact that I hadn't been towed so far was a blessing in its self. It was only a matter of time before I would have to sell my car for cash. I would have some serious facts to face at that point. I put all of the sad possibilities out of my head to focus on getting the job. I finally fell asleep picturing how I wanted my body to move.

The next day when it was time to show up to the hidden hotel strip club. I debated what to do in my car for ten minuets before deciding to stay out of sight until I saw Rebecca. Although she said she’d be there at noon, she didn't show up until fifteen minuets before two. She pulled up in a white SUV. Her windows were rolled up and tinted but the bass from the music shook the car with loud vibrations. She got out of the car and I quickly grabbed my backpack from the front seat and raced to catch her at the door. “Hey Rebecca it’s me Chloe.” I called as I ran up behind her. She turned around and greeted me with a smile. “Hey you actually made it. I didn’t think you were serious.” She said.

“Yeah I got here right before twelve. I’ve been watching that back door and not a single person has come in or out.”

“Oh right, my bad. We open at two on Tuesdays. Must’ve slipped my mind.” She looked around the parking lot. There was an empty row of parking spaces behind a line of orange traffic cones; separating valet parking from the back door parking. “Looks like I’m the first one here today.” She pulled out a lanyard of keys and opened the heavy green door to the strip club.

She walked in and I followed closely behind in the pitch black dark. A couple feet through the door she switched on the lights. Row by row the florescent tubes hanging from the ceiling hummed on. Like a moth to a flame my eyes were drawn to the stage. Gleaming in the light, the pole looked ten times taller and a hell of a lot more intimidating up close. “What type of dance experience you got?” Rebecca asked as she leaped on the stage. “Come on up. I’ll let you get used to the pole before Freddy gets here.” I assumed Freddy was her cousin. I was grateful for the chance to touch the pole before I got judged on it. “I don’t really have any experience. The closest to stripping I’ve ever come is changing into my bikini at the pool.”

“It’s not all about stripping.” She said. “It’s a dance performance. It’s about showmanship.” She got on the pole and spun around before she jumped and did a backflip. “Show me whatcha got.” She said after she stuck the landing.

I got behind the pole and tried to do the same little spin that she did. Grabbing the pole above my head I did one half spin. It wasn't as slippery as I imagined. I tried to do another spin. This time as I spun I wrapped my leg around the bottom of the pole. I let go and tried it again with the other hand spinning the opposite way. “This is actually kind of fun. Can you show me something I can learn really fast to help me get the job?” I asked. “Can you do a split?” She replied.


“Can you twerk?”

“I can try.”

“Alright just use these three moves in any combination with grinding and twerking.” She hopped up on the pole and I took out my phone to play some music. After a brief moment of panic over what kind of music I should strip to; I decided to play my workout tracks. It was mostly Rihanna, J-lo and Kanye but I had a few trap songs on there too. The music started and she kicked out her leg and swung around the pole. She planted her feet spread apart and dipped slow and low with her thighs spread wide open. She stood up with a body roll and flipped her hair down then back up. She stood with the pole down the center of her body and held her breast on either side. Swaying her body and grinding on the pole with her boobs in her hand. “This is something I like to do when I need a few beats to rest.” She said. “Even if you aren't dancing or doing pole tricks, you want to make the men wish they were this pole.”

She turned around and put the pole between her ass cheeks. She bent over and shook it from to side to side. Her cheeks were clapping on the pole. “The hornier men get. The more money they want to give you.” She said.

“That’s basic biology.” I replied with a laugh. She did a wide squat and started twerking on the pole. Her ass cheeks were moving separately. As if they each had a mind of their own. Still on the pole she bent her elbows over her knees and started twerking faster. Then she dropped to the floor into a split. She stopped to make sexy faces to the imaginary crowd like she was on a shoot for Hustler or only fans. She rolled backward with her legs still in a perfect split. She started a slow sexy crawl forward and flipped her hair around before finishing with another sexy pose. She got up a little winded. She was panting a little when she started talking. “Just pretend you are dancing alone in the mirror when you are on stage, but dance like you are dancing for the man of your dreams when you in the champagne rooms.” She put her hands on top of her head to take a few more breaths. That’s something I’d always notice athletes do when they need to catch their breath too. I’d never seen dancing like that it was so different I’m not even sure I’d call it dancing if it weren't for the music playing on my phone. That’s not to say she didn't look good doing it.

“That was really… something.” I said failing to find the right words. “I mean I’ve seen pole tricks and dancing before but being this close to it make it real. Like, I’m actually here doing this right now. I can’t believe I’m actually here right now considering this. I mean I’m more than considering it. I think I actually want it.” Even though I felt this was happening way too fast. I flashed back to when Ashton invited me to his college friend’s birthday party where someone hired a stripper. All she did was play music and dance with everyone while she took of her clothes a little at a time for a couple songs. On the last song she did a lap dance for the birthday boy then collected her fee. Plus she got the money on the dance floor and left with a bunch of money so the choice was really making its self.

“Thanks again for hooking me up like this. I really appreciate it. I just wish I could thank you better.”

“Don’t even trip. Like I told you I’m glad to be adding a little more flava to this place. Oh did I mention the club charges thirty dollars a night to dance?”

“No, I guess you forgot that part too.”

“I’m also charging you twenty percent of your total nightly earnings for a month. It’s my finders fee.”

“Well damn, do I get paid?” I said, annoyed at how I still couldn’t walk away. She reached out to grab my hand. “Don’t worry it never stops raining here.” She sounded reassuring and sarcastic. “So is there anything else you want to know before Cisco gets here?” She was still holding my hand and I was starting to pick up a vibe. “Well it’s a lot more on the line than I thought so I’m going to need all the help. If I have to make money for you, you should spend more than ten minuets trying to teach me. I don't know the first thing about giving a lap dance.”

“You’re right, you do need a lot of practice. We can do a privet tutorial at my place later if you want to. When it comes to a lap dance.” She took my hand. “Come here.” She said, leading me to a table and sat me in a chair. “When it comes to giving a lap dance keep it slow and sexy. She went behind me and reached around to run her hand down the front of my body. Her breast were pressed against my neck and back. The skin on her cleavage was warm soft and smooth. She even smelled sexy. She whispered in my ear. “You are always in control.” Her body heat was warming me and her touch sent tingles through my body like an electric wave. She was radiating sex and it was bringing back some old curiosities. I was getting turned on when she danced in front of me. She put her hands on each of my shoulders. It looked like she was about to lean in for a kiss. Or something even sexier no doubt but she was interrupted.

A door slammed on the other side of the room. A tall slim figure ascended a ramp leading to the stage.

“Sup girl what you doing here so early, who’s this?” He asked waving a hand in my direction.

“Hey Cisco, she's here for a try out. I told her she could dance for you.”

“Oh yeah boss? He asked with a raised eyebrow. How you gon’ volunteer my time? I don’t work for you nigga.” Cisco didn’t wait for a reply. He walked around Rebecca and made his way to me. Still standing on the stage playing with the pole. I quickly did my best to get into character. I did a slow dip with my legs open, arms ups and my back against the pole while licking my lips and holding his eye contact.

“Aye you kinda cute, show me what else you got” He said with a mischievous grin. I could already tell he was childish. I gave him a peep show anyway. At that moment I wanted to impress him, but not just that. I wanted him to want me. I wanted to force him to suppress a primal urge to ravish me. In that moment I wanted it all. It was suddenly about money and glory. In that moment some switch got flipped and I didn’t know who I was anymore. Because of that, I could be anyone. So I became who I needed to be, Cherry. A sex on a stick, get it how I live vixen. After I danced for Cisco he told me to start the same night. I spent the whole day watching everyone from the kitchen to the dressing room. There were ten other dancers. All different shades of white. All small and smaller asses. Even the boobs were small or fake. It looked like someone pulled those girls out of a forever 21 stripper stage-wear magazine. All night there were always a few girls on laps or dancing on tables while the others were go-go dancing with the poles. I sat back in somewhat of a daze and somewhat on ten. About an hour before my stage time I headed back to the dressing room to get ready for my shift. I remember walking past a door that wasn't fully closed. With just a quick glance I saw into the room. There were four men sitting at a table counting money. A fifth guy walked over to the door and closed it as I was walking by. I thought it was a little odd to have a money room in a strip club. My first thought was drugs. They were running dope out of the club. I couldn’t afford morals at the time and I have to admit it was a little liberating to not care.

City Traffic

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