Читать книгу Four Books, One Latino Life - Ignacio F. Rodeño Iturriaga - Страница 7
Autobiographies are life narratives. Narratives anchor identity. But, like identity, life narratives do not happen in a void. Every narrative, including those of the self, are also the product of the interaction with others. This book is no exception. Over the time it took to complete it, I have benefited from the help, time, comments, support and encouragement of many people. It is difficult to name all because memory is tricky, but the help of some individuals was particularly indulgent. Such is the case of Aitor Ibarrola Armendáriz, whose comments were instrumental throughout the development of this book. Thanks are also due to David Río Raigadas, Amaia Ibarrarán Bigalondo, María Luz Suárez Castiñeira and María Jesús Pando Canteli, who made insightful comments to an earlier version of the manuscript. This book would not be what it is without their discerning observations.
The list of friends who encouraged me throughout the writing process is as relevant as the long list of scholars who have helped me to better read the works of Richard Rodriguez. Some of these friends happen to be also scholars and critics the field.
Efraín Barradas has undoubtedly provided me with both sharp comments and unwavering support. He has heard and read most of this book with acute sensitivity and suggested many changes. I am more grateful than I can say for his insurmountable generosity, patience, and camaraderie. His affection enriches my life immeasurably. Susan Homar, Nina Scott, and José Ornelas read parts of this study in its incipient form and her comments have unquestionably improved the final version. Luis Aponte-Parés and Alberto Sandoval Sánchez took an interest in the project and guided me to valuable documents that facilitated my analysis on some of Rodriguez’s texts.
The Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida, and its Director, Philip Williams, offered me a visiting scholar position that allowed me the needed respite from teaching duties in order to write the bulk of the manuscript. Being based at the Center also allowed me the possibility of accessing the superb George A. Smathers Libraries at UF, and more specifically the Latin American Collection. Thanks are due to Paul Losch for assisting me at the Collection.
To say that one learns from his students is a major understatement. Whether at lectures, seminars, independent studies, or one-on-one conversations, discussing on autobiography and US Latina/o literatures with them at The University of Alabama has been both stimulating and beneficial for this project simply because they made me reflect on it while reading and commenting their work. I am also indebted to The Department of Modern Languages and Classics and the College of Arts and Sciences at The University of Alabama for supporting me in many ways to carry out my research.
I continue to learn much from stimulating exchanges with colleagues, both at conferences and in private. In some of those venues I have presented part of this work, and their comments have, undoubtedly, improved my project. I am also grateful to the Latino community, for allowing me to approach them and for challenging me to deepen my understanding about them.
This book owes a lot to my family, but its author is even more indebted. My father, Francisco Rodeño, has been an example of how to lead a vital existence. My mother, Irene Iturriaga, made innumerable contributions, especially in the intense final months of writing. Together they have been responsible for instilling in me a passion for knowledge while providing me with a nurturing and encouraging environment. Both my parent’s character have shaped me and by extension my project.
The rest of my family –specially my cousins, who have taken the role of siblings– has offered much needed humor and empathy. I have been fortified by their example, reassured by their encouragement, and relieved by their support. I also thank Efraín Barradas Mejías and Juanita Feliciano, or Miguel and Miguelina, whose example, affection and warmth enhance my life enormously.