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«Excuse me, could you tell me where I could take money out1, please?»

«No problem! It’s just around the corner. Go down the street till the traffic lights and turn left. The ATM is over there. But there is a limit as far as I know. You are not allowed to withdraw more than 300 pounds a day.»

«Thanks a lot! It’s surprising, but there is not much choice, I’m afraid.»

Good luck, guys! See ya!»

«Thanks a lot!.. (a few minutes later) Look, the ATM is out of order. We shall have to cut back our expenditure on2 entertainment.»

«Stop it! You sound like the Prime Minister. Call Jill, she might lend us a hundred for tonight, and we’ll pay her back3 tomorrow.»

«Highly unlikely. She paid our bill yesterday. It came to4 one hundred dollars, and we still owe her our share.»

«What a bummer! You are right.»

take smth out снимать ч-л. (деньги со счёта, из банкомата)

cut smth back (on) сокращать, снижать сумму

pay smth back возвращать ч-л.

come to составлять в итоге сумму для к-л.

Brush Up On Your English, фразовые глаголы, учебник. Учебник и рабочая тетрадь для годового курса изучения фразовых глаголов

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