Читать книгу Brush Up On Your English, фразовые глаголы, учебник. Учебник и рабочая тетрадь для годового курса изучения фразовых глаголов - Игорь Николаевич Евтишенков - Страница 28
Оглавление1. EXPRESSIONS
1. Wow! You look great! – Ух ты! Классно выглядишь!
2. Amazing! It’s so beautiful! – Обалдеть! Так красиво!
3. Oh my God! I forgot my keys again – О боже! Я снова забыла ключи.
4. Shut up! You are driving me crazy! – Заткнись! Ты бесишь меня!
5. Holy Christ! He cheated on me! – Чёрт побери! Он изменял мне!
6. Just imagine! Five bucks, it’s dirt cheap. – Ты только представь! Пять баксов – это же даром!
7. Awesome! It’s clearance sale – Потрясно! Это же полная распродажа.
8. You won’t believe it! He proposed to me! – Ты не поверишь! Он сделал мне предложение!
Julie’s birthday was coming and Bill offered to throw a party at a small hotel. He knew what to do, as he’d organized one the year before.
«Ladies and Gentlemen – instead of buying unwanted gifts, would you mind chipping in? We won’t trouble your parents,» he asked. Julie liked the idea, but she was worried about the money.
«Are you sure they will all club together? Renting a hotel hall is not cheap. How much was it for your birthday last year?» she asked. Bill had barely answered when the door opened and little Reece turned up. There was silence in the room.
«Don’t be a chicken! I won’t give you away to our parents. But I want a piece of the action, as mother says’, demanded Reece and held out his piggybank.
«Oh, it’s very you, Reece’, sighed Julie, but Bill was more optimistic:
«Well done, boy! You are in!» he said and patted the little one’s head.
· A PIECE OF THE ACTION / быть в доле, поучаствовать в деле
Pupil, «Sir, I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions.
Teacher, «Fine. No problem. Fire away!»1
Girl, «I am afraid of failing Maths tomorrow and feel so awful at the moment.
Her roommate, «Oh, lighten up2, will you! You’ll just bring everyone down!»
She, «Joanna wants you to talk to her on the phone.»
He, «Joanna? On the phone? Hang on/Hold on!3 Who’s Joanna? Is she someone I know?»
Boy, «I feel like killing Jim! He set me up4!»
His father, «Steady on!5 I know he acted stupidly, but he was annoyed and in reality, he’s not a bad person.»
Son, «I’ve got a problem at school. Will you promise to take it easy on me?»
His father, «Come on! Spit it out!6 What awful things have you done again?»
Student, «I tried my best to find the book, but failed. It was not available in our e-library either.»
Teacher (smiling), «Come off it!7 If you’d tried, you could have just opened your lecture notes and looked at the links I referred you to.»
1 fire away! – Валяй, говори! / (Ну) давай! / Выкладывай!
2 lighten up! – Не парься! / Да ладно тебе! / Хватит уже!
3 hang on/hold on! – Постой / Подожди!
4 set smb up – Подставить к-л.
5 steady on! – Не торопись! / Подожди! / Не спеши с выводами!
6 spit it out! – Давай, выкладывай! / Говори! / Давай, говори, не стесняйся!
7 come off it! – Да ну! / Правда, что ли? / Хватит врать! / Прекрати!
When he started up the engine, she nervously said:
«Step on it!8 We’re late’. Just a few meters walk away, an elderly couple were crossing the road at the traffic lights.
«Watch out!9» he answered pointing ahead through the windshield. «The traffic lights are against us. All I need is to lose my license now’.
As the green light showed, she demanded again:
«Damn it!10 Go on!11Hurry up!12 We’ve not got all day! If we are late, I’ll die. I can’t wait’.
«Just belt up13, will you!» he shouted and revved up the engine. When the well-known huge logotype showed up at the end of the street, she bit her lip trembling with impatience:
«Come on!14 Come on!» and jumped out of the car as it drew up to the kerb in front of the luxury glass doors.
«Take your time!15 Mind out!16 Watch your step!17 Oh, please, go easy on them!18» he was begging, trying to keep up with her.
«Come along!19» she said over her shoulder while walking. «Excuse me, where is the make-up department?» she asked the first shop assistant she ran into. «I heard that there’s a Christmas sale.»
«Oh, I’m sorry, ma’am, there must be some mistake,» the girl replied. «We have no make-up department. This is a computer electronics store. We sell mobile phones, tablet PCs and other IT gadgets’.
«Oh my God! What a bummer!» Jennifer said… «Forget it!20 Let it go. Thank you for your help!» she turned round to her husband who shook his head and sighed.
«Calm down!21 Take it easy!22 Better luck next time, I hope’, he said and wandered slowly past.
8 step on it! – поднажми! / жми на газ!
9 watch out! – осторожно!
10 damn it! – чёрт побери!
11 go on! – давай, вперёд!
12 hurry up! – поторопись!
13 just belt up – заткнись!
14 come on! – давай же!
15 take your time! – не спеши!
16 mind out! – осторожно!
17 watch your step! – смотри под ноги!
18 go easy on them! – полегче с ними!
19 come along! – догоняй!
20 forget it! – забудь!
21 calm down! – успокойся!
22 take it easy! – не расстраивайся!
«I want to take part in the final heat. It’ll be a real challenge to me.»
«Don’t worry!23 You’re at your best! Hang in there!24»
«You’ve run the first half. You’re doing very well! Keep it up25!»
23 don’t worry! – Не волнуйся! / Не беспокойся!
24 hang in there! – Держись там!
25 keep it up! – Так держать!
«Hey! Look out!26 The steps are crumbling and rotten. You’d be better off not going upstairs!»
«Oh my god! It hurts!27 You were right! I seem to have twisted my ankle. I can barely walk on it!»
«You, dimwit! Bite the bullet!28 I’m not carrying you.»
«I saw a bike by the fence. Maybe I could take it and ride off?»
«Sure, go ahead!29»
26 look out! – осторожно! / внимательно! / смотри!
27 it hurts! – (как) больно!
28 bite the bullet! – терпи! / держись!
29 go ahead! – давай! / вперёд/ делай!
«All they concentrate on in the day-centre, is saying «Eat up!’30 or «Drink up!’31 or «What am I going to do with the leftovers?» Nightmare. «Mustn’t grumble!32 Get it out of your head!’33 The nanny is awful, but the autumn is awesome. Lighten up!»
«I can’t. It’s terrible. When I sneeze, no one says «Bless you!34» I heard her complaining yesterday «They pissed me off!35» She called us «Old farts.»
«That’s what we are, old chap. Never mind!36 The worst is yet to come. So take your pills and a well-earned rest. Unlike me, at least you can walk out of here. Enjoy yourself37!
30 eat up! – доедай
31 drink up! – допивай
32 mustn’t grumble! – скулить не надо
33 get it out of your head! – не бери в голову
34 bless you! – будьте здоровы
35 piss smb off – достать/ доставать / надоедать к-л.
36 never mind! – ничего страшного!
37 enjoy yourself! – наслаждайся!
Singer: «Take it away38, maestro! One, two, three!»
A pianist starts playing. As the song comes to the chorus, the singer encourages the audience: «Come on everyone – sing together39!
38 take it away! – начинаем! / поехали!
39 sing together! – подпеваем! / хором! / все вместе!
Mother: Sonny, where are my keys?
Her son: Search me!40 I’m going out now.
Mother: Wait!41 Have you done your homework for tomorrow?
Her son: You’re like a broken record42. Quit nagging me!43 I’ll do it later. Get over it!44
Mother: You, stupid kid! I’ll sort you out45 when you get back!
40 search me! – откуда я знаю?
41 wait! – стой! / подожди!
42 a broken record – опять одно и то же! / опять за старое!
43 quit nagging me! – хватит ко мне приставать!
44 get over it! – забудь! / «забей!»
45 sort smb out – разобраться с к-л. / показать к-л. ч-л.
Brian: It’s already April. Roll on46 July! Can’t wait for it to get here. We are going to spend our holiday on Bali.
Jennifer: Dream on!47 It costs a fortune. Where will you get that kind of money?
Brian: You’ve got to be joking? I work hard and save every month.
Jennifer: Really? That’s laugh!48 A dollar a month? Your paintings don’t pay the bills. Talent never pays the bills. It’s me who does! So grow up!49 Straighten up and fly right!50 You are not a student anymore. Find a better job and start earning some money.
Brian: Hold on!51 I could borrow it from the Stevensons…
Jennifer: Cut it out!52 You are talking crap. Who’ll pay it back then? My mother was right – you’re nothing, but a lazy bastard and I shouldn’t have married you.
Brian: Cut it out, will you! You and your mother are always having a go at me and my patience is wearing thin.
Jennifer: Bollocks! Don’t tell me I’ve insulted you? Go on! Don’t tell me you’re insulted.
Brian: Shut up! I’m off to paint another picture. Leave me alone!
Jennifer: Thick as two short planks. Don’t worry, genius, I’ll leave you in peace. After all, someone’s got to do the shopping and cooking, haven’t they?
46 roll on (July)! – скорей бы уже (июль)! / когда же наступит (июль)?
47 dream on! – мечтай! / размечтался!
48 that’s laugh! – не смеши (меня)!
49 grow up! – подрасти! / пора взрослеть!
50 straighten up and fly right – возьмись за ум!
51 hold on! – ну-ка подожди! / сейчас, подожди! / секундочку!
52 cut it out! – да брось ты уже! / хватит уже! / прекрати!
Boy: Give me the lolly pop! I want it!
Girl: It’s mine! Don’t touch it!54 Get off!55
Boy: Easy, easy! You might rip my t-shirt.
Girl: Hands off!56
Teacher: Hey, kids! Keep it down!57
I can’t hear what the bus driver’s saying.
Boy: Did you hear her? Shut up!58
Girl: You, loony, belt up59 and push off!60 It’s my candy!
Teacher: Calm down61, kids! We are getting on the bus. Come along!62
54 don’t touch it! – не трогай!
55 get off! – отстань!
56 hands off! – убери (прочь)!
57 keep it down! – хватит орать! / заткнитесь!
58 shut up! – заткнись!
59 belt up! – захлопнись! / закройся!
60 push off! – отвали! / вали отсюда!
61 calm down! – успокойся!
62 come along! – не отставайте! / идём все вместе!
Вспомните несколько фразовых глаголов и приведите их синонимы из заимствованных слов.
Пример: To bring up – to educate
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