Читать книгу The Coffee Lovers - Ilinda Markov - Страница 2


Espresso Coffee Lovers

A shot of golden crema and velvety texture in a small porcelain cup, hot water has been forced under pressure through ground coffee

SHE thinks of the coffee cup as a cave of bliss and is ready to be your kitchen goddess, fulfil her fantasies to make love on the kitchen table, hold her hand in public, she dies to show that she has swept you off your feet, wrap her shoulders with your jacket, she’d love to suck on your warmth’s leftovers, anemophobic, she has a fear of windy weather.

HE thinks coffee is the modern day ayahuasca, the shaman drink from the Amazon jungle, inducing visions for unanswered questions; handsome, wears an amulet of his animal spirit, loves street dogs and shelters them, a born flirt, he carries a bag of lies that he makes full use of, yet he tries to hide his venustraphobia, fear of beautiful women.

Cappuccino Coffee Lovers

An espresso shot, hot milk, milk froth, topped with chocolate powder

SHE thinks, it’s white blood and feels like a vampire, intelligent, prone to depression, easily finds short cuts between hell and paradise, persistent in her nagging-niggling way, until achieving her nightmare/dream to make you happy, her fantasies are to make love inside a hammock that sways like a pendulum, thus avoiding the gravity she fears, called barophobia.

HE is the indulging type, takes things slowly and in full, a bit egoistical, a bit lazy perhaps, won’t push limits, boundaries, self-confident, usually in a good mood, pleasure is essential for him, appreciates comfort, decoration means much to him; advises on your make-up: never use black mascara; he has melanophobia, fear of the colour black.

From Coffee Lovers’ Portraits by Arnya Stefan

The Coffee Lovers

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