Читать книгу Risk Management for Islamic Banks - Imam Wahyudi - Страница 7
ОглавлениеAlhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘alamiin, all praises belong only to Allah Ta'ala. With His blessings and favors, this book can be finished.
It is true what is advised by Imam Muhammad bin Idris asy-Syafii al-Quraisy rahimahullahu Ta'ala:
O my brother … knowledge is not gained unless through six things that I will tell in detail: intelligence, passion, earnestness, sufficiency (of capital), befriend (study from) a teacher, and it requires a long time (patience).
The same can be said of the construction of this book. Without passion, earnestness, and patience, it would not have been possible for us to finish it. This book is the result of further research on our first book, Manajemen Risiko Bank Islam [Risk Management in Islamic Bank], which uses cases in the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. The first research was done with the funding and data support related to the real practises of Bank Mu'amalat Indonesian and Muamalat Institute. For that, we express our gratitude – “jazakumullahu khairan” (may Allah reward you all with kindness) – to Bank Muamalat Indonesia dan Muamalat Institute, especially for Mr. Andi Bukhari, Ms. Etien Syafitri and Mr. Yudi Susworo. We also do not forget to express our thanks to our colleagues, Mr. Ardiansyah and Mr. Alfiansyah from the Syari'ah Compliance Division and the Risk Management Division of Bank Muamalat Indonesia. The discussions we've had with them contribute to a maturing understanding over the application of risk management in Islamic banking. We also express our gratitude to our teachers and colleagues, Mr. Irwan Adi Eka Putra, Mr. Adi Zakaria Afif, Mr. Musthafa Edwin Nasution, Mr. Jossy Prananta Moeis, Mr. Ruslan Prijadi, Mr. Zaafry A. Husodo, and Mr. Buddi Wibowo.
May we always receive the blessing and pleasure of Allah Ta'ala over every process of our search for knowledge, its practice, and the teaching of that knowledge, both in class as well as in the community. Finally, we do not forget to thank our assistants, Rizky Nugrahani and Nur Dhani, who had helped us in the construction of this book, as well as our comrade-in-arms in the Syari'ah Economics and Business Centre – Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Yusuf Wibisono, Banu M. Haidir, Rahmatina A. Kasri, Miranti Kartika Dewi, Muhammad S. Nur Zaman, Tika Arundina, and Wisam Rohilina.
Imam Wahyudi
Fenny Rosmanita
Muhammad Budi Prasetyo
Niken Iwani Surya Putri