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Dear Reader,

I was eight years old when I fell in love with the dashing spies in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. That summer, I transformed our back porch into my own top-secret spy headquarters using cardboard, old curtains and plenty of imagination…but instead of an international terrorist, I only caught the milkman. My hopes of a career in espionage ended, yet I’m still a die-hard fan of every action hero, from James Bond to Dirk Pitt. I enjoy writing novels of romantic suspense, so naturally I was thrilled when Silhouette invited me to participate in Intimate Moments’ twelve-book series, A YEAR OF LOVING DANGEROUSLY.

When I began to write Maggie and Del’s story in Cinderella’s Secret Agent, I discovered an unexpected side of the danger and excitement of cloak-and-dagger work. Fantasizing about falling in love with a secret agent is one thing, but just imagine the difficulties it would bring in reality. How on earth could a man who deals in deadly skullduggery hope to fit into the life of an ordinary woman? What happens when their two very different worlds collide?

I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading Cinderella’s Secret Agent as much as I enjoyed writing it!

All the best,

Cinderella's Secret Agent

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