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A Sign of Gratitude

In a dusty, dim antique shop in a semi-shuttered upstate town, a jutting corner of red caught my eye. I slid out the stained wooden sign from behind the eyesore table lamp. “YAD-OT.” It pleased me immensely instantly, this smooth, hand-crafted piece, even before I got what it said. And then it pleased me even more.

The old salt at the desk told me it dates from the ‘20s or ‘30s. He got it from a printshop on Varick in Manhattan which created signs for movie theatres. Indeed, there was another sign that said “yadrutaS stratS” but this was the one for me. After all, how often is its subject advertised?

The other day, our handyman hung it in the kitchen above our pantry door, where we can see it daily. But later, when I shut the door with some vigor, the sign jumped off the wall, narrowly missing my head. “A fitting end,” I thought with a smile.

Yet I have been granted another and yet another “YAD-OT,” and I am full of gratitude for the gifts each brings. The sign dove off the wall so I would remember to share it with you. (It now hangs securely in a quieter place.) May you be filled with joy and multiple signs of gratitude. And may you enjoy each and every “YAD-OT.”

Glad to Be Human

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