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All of us want to make a difference, but then think why bother, I am only one person and what difference can I make.

We can all make a difference individually and when we put our efforts together we can bring about real change.

The important thing is to start in your community, neighbourhood, city or country. Once you have momentum you may then want to spread your wings and help causes and people in other countries.

With the internet, the ways we can make a difference are endless and even those of us who don’t want to leave our comfort zone or do something physical can get involved.

One such cause is Kiva http://www.kiva.org/ This is a cause I am committed to as I believe they make a difference. My team on Kiva is called Helping Hands International http://www.kiva.org/team/helping_hands_international. It seeks to help people despite color, language or religion. Feel free to explore and join us.

Remember ideas not coupled with action become no bigger than the brain cells they once occupied and small initiatives that you and I take can make a huge difference in people’s lives.

I hope you benefit from 101 Selected Quotes on Making a Difference as much as I have in putting it together.

Irfan Alli

101 Selected Quotes on Making a Difference

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