Читать книгу Guidance to happy death - Irina Bjørnø - Страница 4

1. Meaning of death


A person went to the doctor to have a regular blood test. The doctor takes the results of the electronic test and is silence for 10 second. The patient starts to feel uneasy. “What’s wrong, doc?” “I think you have a serious problem. Deadly serious.” “How much time do I have?” “I do not know exactly, but not more than several months”. The person goes home in choking mood. Underway he starts to realised that his life is about over. It is not necessary to buy a new house, to be angry with crazy neighbours, to call the travel agency, to negotiate about a new bank loan. It is not important any more. No time for such small things. The person starts to think about what is important for him just now? He has forgotten what he wants in his life, what was his dreams, what life is all about. The next day the doc calls at 7 am and apologized; he looked at the wrong results. It was not his results. He has only diabetes 2, high blood pressure and high cholesterol – such a relief! He is happy again and starts to call neighbours claiming of noise in the evening, calling the bank and to his chief. Life is going on. Dreams can wait. He is full of energy investing his life to small unnecessary but time demanded tasks.

Can you recognise this situation? Life is a chain of small “necessary” actions, which create the illusion of daily activities. But who demands these actions? Society? You? Culture? Religion? That is why I would like to present to you the first concept about the truth of life. If someone tries to convince you to do something, simply ask 2 questions:

1. Who will benefit if you (a dying person) do/buy/invest your time in ….

2. Will you benefit as a “dying” person if you do/buy/invest your time in ….


Only people know that they will die one day. Animals, trees, and minerals have no consciousness about death. Human beings from the age of 3—4, especially people from the modern part of the world, know that death is part of existence – but they are so arrogant they ignore this fact. No subjects in school educate about proper death.

Aborigines and primitive society have a more “easy” attitude towards death as a natural process. Some of them even celebrate death as a funny and joyful event. Some groups of people in Indonesia have a laughter party for the celebration of death and during the funeral they even manage to “lose” the dead body – they just thrown it in the ground and laugh together under way to funeral place – so called “funeral forest”.

Modern medicine knows a lot about the reason for death but no one knows what death really is. One day you will experience your own death. We think that death is happening to others, not with us. The biggest mystery of death is that it has clear meaning: death is necessary for the everlasting creation chain. Death is part of the creation process. Without death the new creative process will suffer.

Everything has their own circle of death: things, trees, molecules, atoms, societies, planets, and living creatures. We know a lot about it. And still we try to avoid the threat of death. We would like to live, even when a person’s life is difficult and meaningless. Why? Because we have deep in us the natural instinct of survival and making a new generation – that is what nature needs. But you? What do you need?

When people in some, as we call, “developed” societies struggle for life survival they are not thinking about why they are doing this. They do it more by instinct. But, when a developed modern democratic society starts to give basic survival kits for everybody, the question of death’s meaning starts to be hidden. Daily modern TV is full of reports of bloody events – real and fictional ones (movies) – still it is not the way to know the depth of death experience.

Death is an everyday partner of our existence. We need to kill the life of plants, trees, animals to support our existence therefore life is very aggressive. You will kill the life of something to support your own survival no matter if you are a vegetarian or not. And the things that you produce (urine, faeces and sweat) are far from being useful for other creatures apart from bacterial and some fungus.

It is not critic – it is truth. Most important is that your life existence has a clear meaning: for you, for your society/family, for our planet. Why are you here? Who will benefit from your cannibal existence?

And, in fact, do you know the art of dying well? The next part of the book will help you to clarify some sides of this art.

Guidance to happy death

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