Читать книгу Moonlight and Magick - Isobael Liu - Страница 6


Chapter 2

Lilian slept little. Going through the motions of starting her morning, she was anxious and jittery. After the umpteenth time of reminding herself to breathe and calm down, she plopped herself onto the floor and sat cross-legged. She cupped her hands together and brought them to chest level, as though holding a book. Looking into her palms, she mentally focused on the issues at hand.

The Custodes Secreti agents were a problem.

She’d have to go away again. If they found her here, they wouldn’t leave her alone until she disappeared or joined them.

Ever since her first experience with them, Lilian had managed to keep her abilities reined in and under strict control. She didn’t want to alert anyone sensitive enough to pick up on psychic vibrations, nor did she want to alert CS agents of her whereabouts. Her gift to sense when someone nearby used their abilities was another reason why CS wanted her on their side.

What about Stephan? His re-entry into her life was definitely under the heading of “not a good thing”. She was certain the sudden appearance of the CS agents and Stephan was no coincidence. How did he get her phone number, anyway? However much as she hated speaking to the local law enforcement, she knew she’d better do it soon, before things escalated.

Lilian stood and stretched; her mind more organized than earlier. She still had to address the nightmare and what it meant, but she’d need the library.

* * * *

Armed with notebook, pencil, and a stack of books on dreams, Lilian tackled the project like a defensive lineman on a quarterback.

Her first entry was the white stag. She looked it up and found the stag symbolized male sexuality, virility, grace, agility, regeneration, and growth. She scribbled the info into her notebook.

The next entry was forest. She went over the notes and tried to put them into perspective. It could mean she wanted to escape to a simpler life, which made sense considering the agents and Stephan were after her.


However, when she looked up the entry for woods, Lilian found it signified a return to an aspect of oneself which was innocent and spiritual. Hounds, in dreams, indicated something or someone may be “hounding” her and being unable to run away from it until the issue or person is confronted.

Hmm. This most assuredly fits my life right now.

To hear howling referred to loneliness or solitude. Ahh. Now that was interesting.

Lilian sighed and sat back in her chair. So, what did it mean? What was it supposed to mean?

* * * *

Matthias was waiting for her at the diner when Lilian arrived for her shift. Anticipation fluttered through her at the sight of him, but she nixed it. She wasn’t here to date, nor was she looking for any attachments.

He met her at the entrance, still wearing his sunglasses and dressed in black jeans and a t-shirt.

She saw his lips tighten as she chose to ignore him, walking past him to the door of the diner. He reached out and touched her arm.

“Lilian,” he said, “what’s wrong?”

Well, gee, where to start? “I’m going to be late for work.”

“We need to talk about what happened last night.”

“Look, thank you for helping me out—” she started.

“But?” he interrupted.

“But I like my life the way it is, peaceful and without…” She tried to find the right words.

He drew back a bit. She didn’t need to see his eyes to detect the surprise that came over his face. Lilian turned and reached for the door, but he grabbed her hand and turned her around to face him.

“Those men, what do you know about them?”

The blood rushed from her face and her heart stuttered. “Why?”

“Oh, no, you don’t. You’re going to answer my question.”

She tensed and narrowed her eyes on him. “I don’t have to answer any question you ask me, Matthias. Now, either release me, or I’ll start screaming. You can deal with the police.”

A black eyebrow quirked up over the rim of his sunglasses at her outburst and his lips tilted in a smile. She couldn’t help but glance at his lips, just like she couldn’t help the little tingle of awareness which shot through her when she did.

“I don’t know why that amused you.” Lilian tried to pull her arm from his grip. “Let go of me!”

“Answer my question.”

She pressed her lips together and fell still, glaring up at him. She could see in the reflection of his sunglasses how her eyes darkened to stormy gray. As her anger grew, she watched her eyes darken even more, until they were almost black. She closed her eyes, and dragged ragged breaths in to try and calm herself.

Must not lose control.

“You have to let me go,” she whispered. “Please.”

His grip loosened and she backed away until she hit the diner’s wall. She leaned back, laying her hands flat against the wall so her palms were pressed against the bricks. She concentrated on the tactile sensations, of the rough edged clay blocks, the coarse mortar which held them together, the overall warmth from the sun’s rays.

When Lilian opened her eyes once more, she was much calmer. Matthias stood nearby. He must have watched her the whole time because she could read the suspicion on his face.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“Yeah.” A weak smile followed her reply.

“You don’t look it.”


“You aren’t human.” He studied her eyes.

“I am too!” She stood up from the wall.

Before she could try to get to the door, Matthias used his body to pen her, crowding her until she was pressed back against the wall once more. While he didn’t pin her to the wall, Lilian couldn’t escape either.

“You’re not human,” he reiterated.

“Don’t be an idiot. What else would I be?” She cringed at the sound of her breathless voice.

“Those two men are after you for a reason. You’re something more than human.”

He really is rather handsome, in a nosy, pain in the ass sort of way. She couldn’t stop herself from watching his lips move as he talked.

“Stop that,” he growled under his breath.

Lilian jerked her eyes up from his lips to his concealed eyes. “What?”

“You’re staring at my mouth.”

She was aware of the sudden warmth in her face and knew she was blushing.

“If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was say so.”

Lilian pushed at him. “You’re a jerk. Move.”

He leaned his head down toward hers but she jerked back, only to crack her head against the wall.


Matthias pulled back from her to stand upright and reached for her head, his fingers delving through her hair to feel the back of her head. His touch was incredibly gentle, and, damn it, she liked it.

“Want me to kiss it and make it better?” he asked.

“Stop it. I’m going to be late for work and you’re not helping.”

He chuckled. “I’ll pick you up after your shift.”

“No need.”

“You think those men are finished with you?”

“Did your gang kill them?” she asked.


Not that it mattered. The organization would send others.

Matthias must have read something in her face because his fingers tightened in her hair, holding her in place.

“You know more than you’re letting on.”

Damn, damn, damn!

“Lilian, you have to let me help you. Those men weren’t just human. How do you fit in with it all?”

Lilian sighed. “This isn’t the place to talk about it—”

Matthias suddenly kissed her. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in a soft gasp. His hands tilted her head a bit. His lips moved over hers and her eyes fluttered closed as she gave in to the gentle demand. Her hands moved up of their own accord, her fingers slid through his hair to his ponytail, pulling it free from the binding. One hand remained holding him by the hair, the other came up and pulled his sunglasses up and off. He growled then, and used his body to pin her to the wall. Fire exploded in her veins and she moaned as he deepened the kiss, his tongue delving into her mouth to caress her tongue.

Matthias tasted wild, reminding her of pine forests and the earth. Lilian loved the taste of his mouth, his kisses. She squirmed against him, and he pulled her closer so that his arousal pressed against her.

This time, when he growled, she not only heard it, but it reverberated through her. In her mind, she heard the howl of a wolf.

“Hey, get a room, will ya?”

Ice water couldn’t have been more effective than hearing the amused tone in Maria’s voice.

Lilian jerked her mouth from Matthias’s, her eyes flying up to his. Gold! His eyes were a molten gold color, heated with passion and possessiveness.

“Lily, come on! You’re gonna be late!”

Lilian released his hair, and tried to push him back, but he was an unmovable force.

“Please,” she whimpered.

He laid his face against the crook of her neck and with a languid inhalation, dragged in a breath through his nose. He exhaled and stepped back.

“I’ll be waiting for you after your shift.” He gave her a pointed look.

Lilian nodded and rushed toward the diner door where Maria waited.

* * * *

Lilian wasn’t sure if her shift took forever to end, or went by way too quickly. Either way, she was very aware of Matthias’s presence—watching her. He took a seat in the outside dining area and positioned himself so he could watch her, as well as their surroundings.

When her shift did end, she wanted to crawl into a dark corner and breathe. The butterflies in her stomach didn’t just flutter; they staged an all-out air raid. So much so, breathing became difficult, made even harder whenever he looked at her. Even with his sunglasses on, she knew when his eyes fell on her. It made her edgy and nervous. Her tray would shake, the ice in the pitchers rattled, and he’d smile.

Those were the times she imagined his reaction if she dumped the ice water over his head. The image made her smile and put her back on track.

But, all good things must come to an end, she told herself.

Wait, this wasn’t good. Matthias was waiting for her.

She sighed and clocked out. Maria, still in the kitchen, grinned whenever she looked at her, but said nothing. Of course, Maria didn’t have to say anything. Her expression said plenty. Lilian blushed and looked away.

Matthias met her at the back door to the diner, and she tried to ignore the way her breath caught in a soft gasp at seeing him there, but wasn’t very successful.

“Ready?” he asked.

Lilian nodded and looked around the little lot. After the previous evening, she was a bit leery of the agents returning.

“Your place?”

She looked at him in surprise. Her place? No way. She wouldn’t be able to handle her emotions with him being in her home.

“I don’t think that’d be very…”

“Safe?” He gave her a knowing grin.

In so many more ways than you think.

“Someplace more neutral,” she said.

He pondered a moment and then nodded. “All right.” He took her by the arm, walked with her out of the lot and around the corner where a rather large motorcycle was parked.

Lilian dug her heels in and balked. “No way.”

Matthias looked at her. “What?”

“There’s no way I’m getting on that death trap with you.”

He shook his head. “It’s not a death trap.”

“Yes, it is. I’ve seen the news. There’s not enough metal around me and there’s only two wheels.”

“Scared?” he asked.

Lilian narrowed her eyes. “Of your motorcycle? You betcha.”

He laughed and before she could even think about darting away, he had her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, strolling toward his bike.

Lilian shrieked and started to struggle. “You jerk! Put me down!”

Matthias swatted her on the butt, and leaned down to deposit her on the seat with a threat. “If you move, I’ll kiss you again.”

She froze to ponder his words, and wondered what the downside was. He chuckled, rearranged her legs so he could swing onto his motorcycle, and straightened the bike up. Her heart dropped out of her chest. She wrapped her arms around him, and held on for dear life.

“Lilian, you need to relax a little.”

She heard the amusement in his voice.

“We could just walk to the park, you know,” she suggested in a hopeful tone.

“I have a place in mind.” He put the key into the ignition and pressed the starter button.

The motorcycle roared to life and he revved the engine. Lilian buried her face against his back.

She had no idea where he was taking her and knew she ought to be wary, but all thoughts went out of her brain as she inhaled his scent. A heady aroma, it reminded her of the forest on a summer evening, warm and earthy, alive. She closed her eyes as she breathed in and out, taking in his scent. It calmed her, made her almost forget she sat on a moving death trap with a man she barely knew but had made out with, going who knew where. When Lilian did remember, she jerked upright, causing the motorcycle to wobble a little. She shrieked in alarm and threw herself back against Matthias. He chuckled, patting her hands as if to reassure her.

Like that was going to happen.

After what seemed like an eternity, he slowed and turned off the main road. The uneven feel and crunching sound made her think it was a gravel drive of some sort. She wasn’t entirely sure, since she refused to look up. When they finally came to a stop, Matthias killed the engine.

“You can let go, sweetheart,” he said.

There was definitely some amusement in his tone as she released him.

“Stop laughing at me!”

Lilian sat upright, looked around, and gaped as she realized he’d brought her home.

She scrambled off the motorcycle and spun around to face him, furious. “I told you no. How do you know where I live, anyway?”

“I asked around, found your mailbox when I drove by, and figured this was your place. Anyway, we’re not in your home and I see no reason why we can’t talk out here.” He shrugged and smiled.

“Oh! You insufferable jerk!”

He swung himself off the bike and stood. She refused to take a step back, even if he was just a bit intimidating.

“Tell me about the men, Lilian.”


He lifted a brow. “No?”

Lilian looked around as she mentally went over her options. Could she run to her house and get inside before he caught up to her? No. Feasibly, she could fight him, but did she want to hurt him? No. Would it hurt to tell him, considering he was now involved? No.

Lilian realized she didn’t have much of a choice now and her shoulders drooped in resignation. “Fine. They’re from an organization called Custodes Secreti. They’re…a secret group that gathers information and beings more enhanced than the normal human.”

He removed his sunglasses and stared at her. “And they’re after you, why?”

Lilian backed away a couple of steps. “Look, Matthias, I really don’t want to get into this with you. I don’t know you, and I’m not sure I trust you.”

Not entirely true. Intuition told her to trust him. She could just read his mind to find out more, but with the agents so close, she didn’t want to give herself away by using her abilities.

“You’re just going to have to,” he said.

Okay, so maybe she trusted him, but she sure as hell didn’t like him. She’d just ignore the fact his mere presence made her tremble and his eyes made her feel like melting.

Lilian glanced away from him, and looked around until her gaze fell on her house. It wasn’t very large, just two bedrooms and one bath. It could be considered more a cottage. It needed new paint, she noticed in a distant manner. The white paint was peeling off the siding and the trim faded. Still, it was her home and she didn’t want to have to sell it in order to move again.

“Lilian,” he said.

She looked back at him. “We better go inside. It’s going to take a while to talk about.”

Lilian turned and walked away. Fishing her keys out of her pocket, she stepped onto the little porch. Her hand trembled as she put the key in the lock.

Lilian hated telling anyone about herself. She had been so careful about keeping her secrets, but she should have known her past would catch up with her, and someday it would all come out.

She turned the key, expecting to hear the usual click of the door unlocking. When it didn’t happen, she frowned and withdrew the key.

“What’s wrong?” Matthias asked.

“My door’s unlocked.”

Matthias moved her behind him. “Stay back.”

His tone was calm, but she heard the thread of steel behind it. Turning the knob with care, he opened the door at a snail’s pace, and his head tilted as though listening to the sound of it opening. When the door opened a crack, he paused and looked over his shoulder at her.

“Maybe you should go stand by my bike.”

Lilian shook her head. “No way.”

Matthias appeared as though about to argue. Instead, he looked back through the open door. His body blocked her view, and she knew he did it on purpose. She poked him in the back to remind him of her presence.

“Move. I need to see.”

“No, you don’t.” He lifted an arm to block the doorway, like a gate.

Before he could stop her, Lilian ducked beneath his arm and hurried into the house. She needed to see what he was trying to keep from her. This was her safe haven, and if something had happened to it, she needed to know. Plus, she wasn’t about to let him, a veritable stranger, dictate to her what she could and could not do on her own property.

Her eyes widened in horror as she took in the sight of what had been once an ordered and comfortable living room. Her furniture was broken, tossed about like trash. Tears rose up in her eyes and she had to blink them back, forcing herself to look around. Her pillows and cushions had been slashed, the stuffing spilling out. She switched on the lights, and the damage to her home became abruptly clear. As did the message on the wall, written in red.

Remember the pain, kitten.

As though in a stupor, she made her way closer to the wall, her mind not taking in the message as much as the red liquid used to write it.

Paint? Please, let it be paint.

She reached out with a shaky hand to touch the ink but Matthias grabbed her hand, pulled her away.

“No, Lilian. We have to call the police.”

She looked away from the wall and glanced around yet again at the destruction. It was then she saw the dead cat. If it hadn’t been for the blood, she would have thought it to be a stuffed animal, but in the bright light, the blood was a brilliant crimson.

Lilian stood rigidly. She could hear Matthias call her name, but couldn’t make herself move. She could only stare at the carcass of the poor cat, slaughtered for the message on her wall. Even when he threw her over his shoulder and carried her outside, she could not react, could not protest. When he set her down, her knees gave out and she fell to the ground, with a faint sob. He crouched over her.

“Look at me,” he said.

Lilian shook her head, refusing, and instead drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around her legs. She rocked back and forth, still sobbing.

“Lilian,” he snapped.

She looked at him, startled, expecting to see a raised hand to strike her, or an angry expression on his face. There were neither. “I’m going to call the police,” he said in a calm tone. “This has to be reported.”

Lilian nodded and he pulled out his cellphone. He kept his eyes on her even as he dialed 9-1-1.

“Yes, we need the police. There’s been a break in and vandalism at…”

His voice faded from her hearing as the reality set in. Someone had broken into her home and destroyed her sense of safety.

Run! Get away!

Lilian burst into motion, scrambled to her feet and ran into the woods as fast as she could, away from her home, and Matthias. She didn’t know why, where the feeling of urgency came from, she only knew she had to get away. Heart pounding, ragged breaths, mind foggy and unable to think clearly, she just ran.

“Lilian!” Matthias yelled.

She didn’t stop. Away from the road, deeper into the shadowy depths of the pine forest surrounding her home, she ran.

Her right palm began to burn, but she continued to run, not stopping to see what it was. Matthias caught up to her, wrapped his arms around her and jerked her to a stop. She screamed and fought him, struggling against his hold, but he refused to let her go and pulled her close to him. She had little leverage to struggle, to fight. Lilian fell into him and cried. She dragged deep, broken breaths as she sobbed. He held her close, rubbing her back.

After some time, when her sobs had died down and she could breathe without the ragged tearing of air into her lungs, Matthias leaned back a bit and tilted her chin up so he could look at her.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She took mental stock of herself before she nodded. “I’m fine now.” Lilian lifted her right hand and rubbed at her burning palm.

Matthias took hold of her hand and turned it over. There, in the center was a mark, a symbol of some sort with four circles, overlapping in a way to create a four petaled flower in the center.

“How did I get that?” she asked.

“You didn’t know you had it?”

“I’ve never seen it before.”

Matthias studied the symbol, tracing it with a finger. “It’s familiar. I’m not sure why though.”

He pulled her close to him again and held her as she leaned against him, taking comfort. Neither said anything for some time until they heard the faint sounds of sirens in the distance.

“We need to get back,” he said.

* * * *

The next couple of hours went by in a hazy blur. If it hadn’t been for Matthias, she doubted she’d have made it through the questioning.

She was very careful about not mentioning the CS agents. However, she did give Stephan’s name to the police as a potential suspect.

After what seemed like forever, Lilian just couldn’t handle it anymore.

“Look, I’m tired, I’m scared, and I’m done with the questions. You know where to find me if you want to interrogate me further, but right now, I want to find someplace safe, curl up into a ball and cry. So, if you gentlemen will excuse me…” She turned and walked away.

Matthias rattled off his number to the officers where they could reach him, jogged after her until he caught up, and walked her toward his motorcycle.

“Do you need a place to stay?” he asked.

“I’ll get a room at the motel.”

“I have more than enough room at my place.”

Lilian glanced at him. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“You’re afraid of me.”

She spun around to face him, furious. Her hands clenched into fists and a surge of adrenaline hit her. “Why, yes, I am! Of course, I am! I don’t know you and now you’re constantly around me. Why shouldn’t I be suspicious of you?”

“Because I’m not here to hurt you. I might be the only person you can trust.”

“It’s not that easy,” she said, walking once more.

Her heart raced in her chest. She closed her eyes and took a ragged breath.

“I know, but you aren’t willing to even try,” he said.

“By staying at your place? Of course, it makes perfect sense. My house was broken into and vandalized. I have men after me, an ex-boyfriend stalker after me, and now I have a stranger who thinks it’s perfectly fine for me to go to his house, despite everything going on, so he can prove he can be trusted.”

He lifted a brow. “Don’t forget we kissed.”

Lilian felt her face heat. “You’re a jerk.”

“I can help you.”

“I don’t need your help. I’m going to have to leave town anyway.”

“Running isn’t the solution.”

“Thank you. Why didn’t I think of that?” she asked in a biting tone.

“You still owe me some answers,” he pointed out.

“I’m still not going to your place.”

Matthias sighed. “Fine. Have it your way. However, we can’t walk all the way into town.”

“It’s not very far,” she said. “I walk it every day.”

“Get on the bike.”

Lilian wanted to argue with him. The motorcycle, while sexy and conjured images of rebels and freedom, still felt unsafe to her. However, between his stony expression and her emotional exhaustion, she opted to give in without a protest and climbed onto the back of the bike.

“It’d serve you right if the cops ticketed you for no helmets,” she sniped.

Matthias laughed as he started the bike. Before she could poke him for laughing, he took off. Lilian grabbed onto him and buried her face into his back, nixing any other witty retorts she might have come up with.

* * * *

After checking her into the motel, they walked over to the diner. She had refused to get back onto the motorcycle, and she refused to allow him into her motel room. He had grinned at her, and she glared back, but neither said anything.

Finding a booth in the back corner, they each ordered a meal and drank iced tea as they waited. An awkward silence enveloped them. Watching him fidget with the salt and pepper, she sighed.

“All right, already. We better talk,” she said.

He nodded.

“Where to start?”

“You could start with why those men are after you.”

Lilian nodded and went silent, trying to put her words into some semblance of order.

“Like I said before, they’re members of a secret organization called Custodes Secreti. They’re an off-branch of what used to be the Knights Templar. When the Knights were declared heretics and rounded up for extermination, escaping members took Templar treasures for safekeeping.”

She took a shaky breath. She knew the next part would be a little strange to the uninitiated.

“A small group ended up with paranormal items. Books, scrolls, magical items, those sorts of things. When they discovered what they had, they began to study the possibility of magic and supernatural beings.” Lilian took a sip of her iced tea, giving her time to think about her next words.

Matthias, much to her gratitude, stayed silent and just listened, letting her speak at her own pace. She watched his facial reactions to gauge how much to tell him. So far, he was open and receptive to her explanation.


“When I was ten years old, my stepfather murdered my mother in front of me. He beat her to death. I killed him.”

Matthias looked surprised. Before he could say anything, she hurried to continue.

“At least, I think I killed him. The coroner said he died of a massive heart attack brought on by his stress and his overexertion when he beat my mama to death. I never told them that as he was dying of the heart attack, things were flying around the room and pelting him. After he died, I ran and hid in the attic. It took two days for them to find me.”

Matthias reached over the table and took her by the hand, holding it tight enough to be reassuring, but not confining. She studied his face expecting disgust or at the very least, disbelief, but there was neither.

“I spent a couple of weeks in a mental hospital. I had stopped talking, withdrawn into myself. When I did manage to come out again, I started developing odd abilities. I knew what the attendants were thinking. I could make things move with my mind and I could communicate with others without speaking.

“When word got out what I could do, they isolated me away from the other children. They started running tests. Soon, I was being sent to other hospitals for more tests. After a few months of this, everything changed. I had new handlers, and they took me to a different location. I found out the group was called the Custodes Secreti. They apparently paid a hefty amount for me.” Lilian couldn’t help the bitter note to her voice.

“Between the ages of eleven and eighteen, I became their guinea pig. They ran several examinations, both medical and psychological. I learned to control my abilities, use it at will, or when they wanted me to. I was given an education as well as physical training, combat training, and encouraging me to use my telekinesis to aid in combat.”

Matthias frowned. “You were being trained to be an enhanced soldier.”

Lilian gave a faint smile. “Yes. Project Knight.”

“Project Knight?”

Lilian paused when their orders were delivered. She smiled at her co-worker, Peggy, who gave her a pointed look, flicked her eyes toward Matthias, and looked back at Lilian with a wink and a smile.

Needless to say, everyone would hear about it. She knew there would be an interrogation about the biker gang leader she “dated”.

Matthias released her hand as the plates were set down. He smiled at Peggy, thanked her, and picked up the ketchup to add to his fries.

Once Peggy had refilled their drinks and left them alone, Lilian continued.

“I said the CS was a branch of the Knights Templar. Actually, I’m not entirely sure the Knights Templar is aware of them. They came from the original Templar, so while they shared their roots, I doubt they’re affiliated with one another now. Anyway, Project Knight, spelled with a K, is a branch of the CS specifically for the training of agents and knights, specialized for the retrieval of either rogue agents or the acquisition of new members.”

Matthias paused in eating a fry, a brow arched in question.

“Yes, acquisition, as in willing or not.” She sipped her drink as she watched him eat.

The man was a veritable bottomless pit, or starving, from the way he scarfed down his burger and fries. Was he even chewing his food? She slid her plate over to him, not hungry. Matthias glanced at her in question, but she shook her head in amusement.

“Anyway, I escaped with a few others. I think I was eighteen or close to it. Once we were off the compound property, we scattered and I have no idea if any of them made it. I lived on the streets for a while before I decided I wanted a life, like those I had read about in books. I looked for work, but no one was willing to hire me. I had no identification, no proof of citizenship, no address, nothing.”

Matthias slid the plate back toward her. “Eat.”

Lilian shook her head and picked up a fry, using it to wave at him as she spoke. “You are not my father, so you can’t tell me what to do.” She nibbled on the fry, taking her time before speaking again. “And then I met Stephan.”

Matthias studied her with the mention of Stephan’s name.

“Tell me about him,” he said.

Moonlight and Magick

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