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– Yes! But at the same time, after this confrontation is over, I will become mortal again!

At this point, John still used his power and destroyed the demon Gasion! Sarah was able to collect all the pieces of the sword!


«What should I do?»


«Leave it here!»

John began to call on the Greek God named Hephaestus, only he had the power to bind this sword.

Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera, the God of fire and blacksmithing. As it was known, he was born on the bright hill of Olympus, but there was one feature of the child that he was lame and weak. The story goes that when Hera saw her son so weak, she abruptly grabbed him and threw him on the Ground to the people!

But he fell into the sea, nevertheless, he was saved by two Goddesses of the sea, Eurynome and Thetis, daughters of Nereus. Thus they carried him deep into the sea, and brought him up themselves. The very close his deal this was blacksmithing, he could forge from any metal, gold silver, and to do the most not ordinary magic things.

Hephaestus has one peculiarity left, that he remained lame. Hephaestus appeared right in front of them!

Three Sisters and one Queen of Hell

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